
Hi guys. I haven't been very active recently, sorry for that . I have exams coming up and I decided to write something quick, sorry it's bad.
?trigger warning?
You wake up suddenly
You sit up in your bed, a thin sheet of sweat covering your body as you struggle to take breaths deep enough to not suffocate
You grab your phone
The screen flashes with the time
3:25 am
You push the covers off of your legs
Which quiver at the cold night air
You manage to get yourself up,
Only enough for a couple of seconds before you collapse into a puddle of nothing on your bedroom floor
Taking a deep breath you try again
And this time you gather up enough strength to walk to the bathroom.
Shutting the door silently behind yourself,
You turn on the light and look in the mirror
A stranger looks back at you
Someone who the old you swore to never become
Her eyes are sunken and her cheeks are tear-stained
The shadows underneath her baby blue eyes acting as evidence to the sleepless nights
The old you believed in that little rhyme that we all knew
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will.never hurt me.
Your mother used to recite these words to you back in grade one when your friend called you a meanie
But what the old you didn't know is that there are words that are way worse
The old you wasn't prepared for words like "worthless" and "ugly" to be thrown at her,
Day after day
And even when that started happening,
The old you refused to let that bring her down
Replaying the rhyme in your head over and over like a broken record until one day
It stopped.
That's how the new you was born
The new you flinches at every careless breath that gets thrown her way
She hopes that she goes unnoticed as she stumbles through the crowded halls
The new you wants to disappear
To be invisible
But is that really you?
You take yet another deep breath
You splash water onto your face, letting it cleanse away your tears
Is this stranger with the careless hair really you?
You're troubled
Your hands reach for the blade that has so many times cut through your skin
You wish that you could cut yourself away
So that there isn't anymore of you left
You reach for the container of pills that,
With one swift swallow
Could take away your life
But you stop.
Because this stranger isn't you
This stranger believes that she's worthless
That she's ugly
She thinks that the world would be a better place without her
But she's wrong
Because there are so many people who rely on her
Because she's unbelievably beautifulĀ
And because she's not worthless,
She's priceless

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