your happiness

Think of all the times That you've come across a sea of struggles so big
That it seemed to
swallow you whole
Remember those times When it seemed like it would have been easier to just press quit
Than to keep going
Think back to when you thought that you can never be happy again.
When everything 'good' in your life seemed to melt away into puddles of 'why me?' and your whole definition of 'life' just fell apart into pieces of unbearable negativity right in front of you
I'm sure we've all been there.
Where it seemed "not worth it."
But now think about all the times that you've been genuinely happy.
The times you've spent with the people you love
Maybe you stayed the night at your bestfriend's house
And almost burnt the place down trying to make cookies at 2 am
Or maybe you were in the car with a family member,
Singing so loud that your throat stung and a slight ringing started to become evident in your ears
Maybe you just got accepted into the school you wanted to go to so bad.
Or maybe you just found out that you're in the same class as your bestfriend
The things that make us happy vary from one person to another
But the feeling of true happiness is extremely underrated
When it seems like there is nothing in the whole world that could mess things up
And you feel like everything really will be okay
And you're right,
It will.
Things will get better and you will be okay.
But you have to keep going.
My point is,
Life won't be smooth.
At times it will be a steep rocky mountain of unfulfilled wishes and broken promises;
And sometimes the wind will pick up to a speed so high that it might seem like you can't hold on anymore
And yes, at times it could feel like the whole world is a great shark trying to swallow you whole
Or you might realize that you're not Moana of Motunui and the sea of unkind words doesn't call you,
But pushes you around and makes you weaker
But all the tough times that you pull through are worth it.
Don't press quit
Don't give up
Don't let the negative thoughts that race through your mind like an old train, over and over polluting your brain with phrases such as "its not worth it" stop you
Because it is worth it
And not only for the memories
Not just for the people you love
But more so, for your own happiness.
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An excellent and truly delightful piece! Healing in its entirety.
Thank youuu
Great first write Anna!
Welcome to the cosmo family \ (•◡•) /
Thank youu?
A lovely readable piece with a great narrative. I love how it swings from sadness to joy effortlesly yet always with a strong positive undercurrent- A delightful first write Anna I am sure there will be many many more..welcome! xxx
Thank you so much ??