Promise Me - Inspired by Gwen
Honorably Mentioned Poetry (Facebook)

I got no motivation to write,
All I see is shapes and figures and outlines,
I promised you, promised you and did I deliver?
Too hard on myself and it`s fine.
I got no motivation to write,
But how can you really when the world`s on fire?
Ashtrays, parking bays, I hoped it`d be different…
To damp, to spark and ignite.
My scarf still smells like the campfire
Where ran and we played, through the bush.
On those summer nights
Where my arms were around you, I tried
To promise you, I was saving you, dearly
Bide, my time.
Nothing is the same without you.
Sat on the trunk, under the gum leaves with “you”
I wish I could live in a surreal daydream
Fantasyland, holding my hand,
Hearing your voice from your lips and not my screen
I got no motivation to write.
But what`s the point when you’re by my side?
Promise me, promise me, can`t you tell that I`m missing
You, all the time.
Take me back, Two thousand and three.
Where the flame, made you sparkle
Still, It’s hard to believe.
It doesn’t seem
Real anymore.
Promise me.
Inspired by Gwen, thank you for giving me the confidence to post this one.Â
Dedicated to my Girlfriend Luma~

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cool write Max! promise me you will continue to share even when you're not motivated to write! I would despise missing out on your perspective!...........Jim
Thanks so much, Jim, I will always aim to! Most of the time, it's more if I have the confidence to share, rather than the words. I`m trying to diversify as a poet at the moment. Your kind words mean so much to me
Oh Max...bless you. I feel the loniness and disconnection in this.Â
Sometimes I think we bleed ourselves dry...but it shouldn't be an just need to refill with other stuff for a while. Once a writer..always a writer my friend ..hugs ❤Â
Thank you so much, Marion. Actually, this was a big issue a few months ago. I`m the kind of writer that can only share after the fact. Otherwise, it's just too bloody painful. But thank you for having faith in me my friend. Your comments mean the world to me~
I could almost feel the heat of that campfire Max .. and I do believe it was your pen did that sir .. and tho your muse may be fickle, she's a long way from gone .............. my guess is she's just watching from the sidelines in camo waiting to see if you can fly on ya own ............... N :)
Wow, gosh, thanks so much, Neville. I think we all have those dry periods of poetry, where we are unable to come up with new content using our traditional or favourite styles. I try to use it to my advantage and take steps into the unknown. Thank you, however, its comments on my teething poems really push me to grow as a poet. I hope you are keeping well, your friend, Max
I am fine, thank you Max .. and my pleasure entirely sir .. N :)
Hello Max,Â
I was reading through poems and just now noticed this with my name against it. Thank you my friend, wow I can see why you felt my poem "The Death of Me" spoke to you. I feel it reflected in this write perfectly. I have had moments where I am so numb in life that I just can't write. It has in annoyed me but there is a sensation of feeling dead inside. Your words resonated with me perfectly. I tell myself these days that "It's okay to not be okay" I think living in a society that forces us to live unnaturally, and not in keeping with the natural flow of the planet, means we will undoubtedly have moments when we just don't feel we fit in, and the numbness sets in. People will come and go, some will leave scars, but we learn and take stock. And as you say, once the event is over, you will write and muse on it. Its like in the moment you can't focus clearly, so you wait for the aftershock and then write. Which is fine. Write when you feel you can/want to. I never like to force my writingÂ
Anyway I waffle, I will leave by saying thank you again and I do hope Luma enjoys the dedication :) It is good to know you have an ally in life my friendÂ
Take care and I will always look forward to your poemsÂ
Your friendÂ
Gwen :)
Hi Gwen, thanks so much for your kind comment, really I doubt that I would have ever posted this one if it wasn't for your poem "The Death of Me". I do enjoy your rambles, hell I don't think they are rambles at all~ But I did want to say in general, thank you for being so accepting of me as a poet and a person. I feel as if us poets, are very introspective and sometimes, very hard on ourselves. Without a community like Cosmos, we`d have no place to be strong together. Thank you for making me feel strong. To be honest, what I have learnt most, is that one shouldn't dwell on the feelings of ones thoughts, but rather find the source of those thoughts and make a motivated change to fix them. Untill we idenifty the issues within, we have no ability to relive our feelings. I know I have gone on a bit of tangent. Seems like a bit of a rainy day on this side of the fence. But thank you again for your kind support. Your words always mean so much. Sincerly, Max~
Max you inspire and help others with your poetry and comments. Your tangents make sense to me my friend. Never stop being youÂ
Gwen :)Â
Awww thanks so much Gwen! Your words mean so much.
Wow!! So glad you posted this Max! This is one beautiful poem. What a gorgeous thing it is. Hope Luma loves it. You have shown her havent you? If you havent then run along and show her now...a girl needs to know these things. And if she has seen it then I bet she loves it x
Hi Tina! Thanks so much for your comment, it nearly didn`t make its mark on Cosmos...Luma has read it, she did love it! She`s on Cosmos as well if you look hard enough~ But thank you kindly once again, my friend, really your words made me smile. I hope you are safe and well~ Sincerely, Max
Amazing and brave honesty. The French would say: "Chapeau" and I could notÂ
​​​​agree any less. To me that is what poetry is about: stare beastie in the eye (without a warmer sporran) - Jethro Tull's BroadswordÂ
Thanks so much John! Indeed, I had no clue of how this poem would be received by the Cosmos... but Gwen gave me the courage through her write "The Death of Me". Thank you for your supportive words! I look forward to diversifying as a poet in the future. But right not, it's COMMENTING TIME!!!!! haha. Lol. Hope you are well mate. Your friend, Max
WOW MAX!!...for me its the STUNNING honesty that screams out from between the details of this near 'auto-biographical' and poetically endearing endeavor!!.....thank you for sharing this my's what the greats do.....share themselves with their readers......magical brother!!........PINNED for the poetic perfection that this represents!!......Bravo!!......a pleasure!!.......LOVE & ROCKETS!!.......T xo : )
Wow Tony, well I can say, that I sure wasn't expecting that! I feel so honoured for your comment, let alone your electrifying words. It is true, this write felt a lot more personal than most. I`m really glad you enjoyed it my kind and inspiring friend. Your words mean so much~ Sincerely, Max
Inspiration is given by lovely supportive people. And you are one.Â
Thanks so much Liliana! Very true, glad you enjoyed this one my friendÂ
Stoic and fearless when opening up and sharing matters of one's heart and a catharsis for all the right reasons.
And the right reasons being Gwen's The Death Of Me to inspire and be the catalyst to drive you onwards.
And what's wrong with that my friend, for there is no shame in bearing one's soul, for it's quite the polar opposite and Gwen was your lightening rod to do so and feel better and perhaps relieved if one is honest with oneself, to motivate oneself than find that elusive inner solace, capture it, absorb it take strength from it and move forwards.
Even if your momentum is slow, at least you're moving and in the right positive direction.
And Max I won't pin this one for it seems too personal in a way, to do so.
Become yourself Max, find your feet, venture on, for you're the best person to be who you really want to be.
Your friend, Shaun.
Awarded Honourable Mention
Facebook Group "The Passion of Poetry"
Theme: Love Letters
Date: 10/15/21