Raymond H. Geist Out Listed Schindler

You have seen the movie Schindler’s List and know who Oscar Schindler is, the Nazi German Industrialist who saved the lives of 1,200 Jewish lives. Have you heard of Raymond H. Geist?
Raymond H. Geist (1885-1955) served as the First Secretary of the U.S. Embassy in Berlin from 1929-1939. My family comes from Cristof Geist, Raymond being from Ohio is probably a descendent of Gunther Geist.
Raymond H. was given the Commander’s Cross by Germany in 1954 for saving the lives of 77,751 Jews by granting them visas to the U.S. in the time of the Nazi Holocaust.
Albert Einstein was originally denied a Visa by Geist since Edgar Hoover of the F.B.I, thought him to be a Communist. Also President F.D.R. did not always stand up for the Jewish immigration into the U.S., and U.S. Embassy Secretary Raymond H. Geist denied 106,774 Jews a visa into the U.S.
Rafael Mendez of the David Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies wants to make the point that Geist gave visas to 42% of Jews applied, he turned away 58%. My question is, is that fully on Geist, or is it mostly upon President Franklin Roosevelt? How many did F.B.I. Director Edgar Hoover have denied?
Genocidal killings: Ukranian-7.5 mill; Cambodian-3 mill; Kazakh-1.75 mill; Armenian- 1 mill; Rwandan- 1 mill; Zunghar-600k; Serbian- 600k; Bangladesh- 3 mill; Greek – 750k; Assyrian – 750k; Albigensian-1 mill; Porajmos Romani – 500k; Dafur- 500k; East Timor- 200k; Hutus & Tutsis-210k; Libyan- 125k; Isaaq Somalia- 200k; Kurdish-210k; Guatemalan- 165k; Namaqua-110k; Latvian- 16.5k.
Non-genocidal mass killings: Thirty Years War (7.5 mill.); Japanese war crimes (3-14 mill); Atrocities in Congo (3-13 mill); Russian Great Purge (20 mill); Chinese Great Leap Forward (15-55 mill).
Does a person get credit for saving lives if you also have killed lives. Is it like the Egyptian Goddess Ammit, part lion, hippopotamus and crocodile, who weighed people’s hearts with the feather of truth to determine if they could pass into their immortality journey or suffered having a restless soul for eternity?
German Scientist Fritz Haber won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1918 for his invention that put nitrogen into soil in the form of fertilizer. Millions in Europe on the verge of starvation survived as a result. Fritz Haber also was the “father of chemical warfare” for creating poisonous gas for World War I trench warfare. Would the Goddess Ammit have eaten his heart, or let Fritz move on in his underworld journey?
What about the doctor who saves the life of a person but turns out to be a serial killer and kills dozens?
What about Jewish Holocaust Museums that only focus on the deaths of 6 million Jews. Where not 6 million non-Jews also killed?
Does “Never Again,” only apply to Jews?
Ann Frank said, “If God lets me live…I will make my voice heard. I will work in the world for ALL MANKIND.” The Talmud teaches, “when you save one life, you save the world.”
Based on the Talmud definition of saving lives, Raymond H. Geist is to be commended. Based on the Talmud, he has saved “many thousands of worlds.” When is the movie going to be made of Raymond H. Geist in the saving of 77,751 Jewish lives?
In Washington DC, the Holocaust Museum host the Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide. I commend the Museum in Washington D.C.!
Why do not all Jewish Holocaust Museums do so? While I support the right for Israel to have their own nation, I also a world citizen, as Albert Einstein and Ann Frank were.
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Thank you my friend! Very nice.