The Secret in the Guf

All souls created are kept in the Guf.
The treasury of His work
A master piece each unique
Full of light and pure
Waiting till He has ordered it's time to sail
Protected by a heart and sheltered by a body
Given free will and a brain
Together they should all function in harmony
Limbs and arms, nerves and tissue all work in sync, perfect timing and coordinated to the last millisecond when needed.Â
Left us free to wonder in delight and fill our time with new experiences to discover.
Eyes to capture each moment, store and recall at will for our private viewing pleasure.
Ears to pick up all sounds that are heavenly bound feeding back in sync with sight to the soul.
A mouth to spread the word of His many wonders and tales of discovery to communicate and rejoice in His name.
Yet that wasn't all. He the Master Plan Builder still has a lot more in store, Just one part of many amazing things.
There is a secret that each soul was told. Archangel Michael then placed a finger on the lips and kept us to our word for no one to re-tell.
As a reminder we still have the indent of his finger on our top lip as symbol of the promise reminder.
But I wonder and this is my view
I believe that we made as a whole, placed in the Guf then split in two before we put in this world to learn more than just about ourselves.
If we stayed complete as one whole we wouldn't need anything more and would not discover the splendour of His beauty He had made.
All for us, who He created in His image, The Universe, Earth,  Light, Vegetation,  Dry land, Sun, Moon, Stars, and with the final piece for last was Man in just 6 days. Blessed to roam on the plains we will call homeÂ
One whole was split not by accident but with intention. To Experience, learn and grow, to double and increase our worth we were one divided in two. When we will reunite there will be an abundance of even more than we would share if we were kept as one and had everything and never needed more.
If we lucky and reached our fill it will be now that we would reunite as one. If you have not yet found your half, don't despair for He is all knowing and gives you what you need, what you can handle at the right time. Everything and Anything more leave to Him.
It will take time and be trying. Stop the worrying and know He has a plan. Your half will be searching as you do to. Maybe you've met. Spent time and now have regret. The time wasn't right and it ended and they are gone.
Just believe and the one will be by your side when the time is right. They will return as you were one whole in the Guf before you were split in two and put in this world.
He is the Organiser and Master Plan Builder.
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