Journey of Lessons Beauty

I can feel it trying to push out to the surface. Nothing to stand in its way
The more I try to resist it the more it fights to claim its existence. So up I rise and follow on led by its persistence. Off I go on another adventure that awaits from the urge of this travel bug inside.
Open road, clear skies, slight breeze, perfect recipe for going where the road will lead. No destination in mind and no end line in sight. Pedal to the metal and feeling this shaped steel with a roar of combustion take flight. Tunes to stir the soul and pump the blood. Its a bonding of man, machine, and gravel.
Passing town after town, open land and winding roads. The scorching sun at my side guiding me. I reach a vast open space and take to rest. The sun, My companion too has reached his limit and decides to touch ground. Splashed blends of orange, violet, blues and pinks flame up the sky like a canvas on a gallery wall to be adored by all.
The Hills darken and create a backdrop in the distance with open land as far as the eyes can see. On the hood I go with drink in hand and waiting for the magic to start.
Pin prick holes of light start to fill up the sky. Twinkling to an unheard rhythm all in sync.
A moment leaves me lost for words, feeling more connected, linked, part of everything. Makes my mind wonder with all the magic up above and below. Takes my soul on a journey and clears all fear.
Beauty all around created by nature. With purpose or as a bi product it's final result is splendour and breathtaking.
The shape of a hill or a river defined by wind and rain. Both have their moments of being calm or fierce.
They beat down on the earth or gently urge growth. With this in mind they carve out rocks and rivers. What's seems as a beauty of nature for most is a stage of a transformation happening for years. Carving it, moulding it, breaking off chunks lashed and reworked by the heavens. Sometimes a long enduring process other times within a flash. Like watching a caterpillar turn into a butterfly.
The result is beauty unlike anything else. Perfect for its moment in time and yet will still under go more lessons from wind and rain in the process. It continues to grow and alter it's shape and purpose. Nature can create beauty with love, care and even devastation. Breaks things that are whole and use the pieces that shatter for something new.
So this I say. Why do we that make mistakes and under go change always seem to be remembered for the us before?
Change does have a reaction which is mostly pain and hurt. The end result should be worth the process of forgiveness, faith, hope and love.
Like writing sentences. Mistakes and errors are picked up and corrected. Does the writer look back and see the mistakes or the expressions the new order of words reveal for the reader to feel?
I am the rock and the river. Been Lashed and beaten by the rain of tears, guilt of my mistakes and wind of disappointments . I've been moulded and altered. See me as I now am and not what I have been before.
I am your sentence, the sentence edited and corrected and wish you to now read.
The magical moment of my clarity leaves that sentiment and back I head in my car to be on the road with no destination in mind and no end line in sight.
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Hi Cherie
Thank you for always taking the time to read my banter and leaving a comment.
A fellow traveller to calm the thoughts.. love it.
It's been a roller coaster of a wakeup call for me this last few months. Regret the lesson I had to learn was at the cost of the one who opened my eyes.
Thank you again for the comments.