she's drunk again

Been a problem from the start
But I was thinking with my Dick and not my heart
Well at least not yet
The verbal abuse I pushed to side
That's one my one regret
The sex is great is wat I said in my mind
but over time,
Her drunken episodes soon began to draaaag
She can't even put her make up right
Got told by my friends
She's been with this boy or that lad.
Then She began screaming at me every night
Confronted her with this horrible truth
She turned around mad at me said u dont know wat happened to me in my youth...
U don't get it Lee
Lee I'm in pain
Lee I feel loss.
So I'll get drunk as I like
I don't care the cost.
But u must love me lee
Just love me
please lee
Can u just love me
Promise me
I'm sorry lee
Ok ?
But Can u fuck me
Fuck me lee
NO lee your wrong
I'm not I'm not too drunk
why don't u fuck me
Im sorry lee
fuck me
Nobody loves me
U don't love me
Your my soul mate lee
u understand me
No one else cares about me
I know u love me
You know wat lee
Your not man enough
Argh shit I fucking love her
And she knows it
She told me her past from the start
Child abuse
Her child dying of cot death
Aborting a child we might have had.. yeah I know that's bad.
still i stayed
nah I wasn't afraid
She only remembers that i love her when she's sober and coming down off a 3 day binge.
I look after her still. Even tho
Ive felt the heat of her rage. Eyebrows singed.
I'm a brow beaten hubby.
Like a volcano she erupts.
Spitting foul air ruining anything that she touch.
Binge ends and she's an angel again
no lie Runs me a bath makes sure its not too hot.
Tells me Lie down in bed lee let me suck ur ....
I'm such a shmuck
Fall for it nearly every time. We go two steps forward then three steps behind
She vexes me
cos I'm fool
and I know I should leave.
her drunk antics.
My friends and fam find it hard to believe
Can't complain to them no more
they tell me lee shut the fuck up .
I'll tell nah nah nah its cool things are like really changing she's behaving
she changed she ain't the same.
Later that night.
She's drunk again

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