
Poem -

Till Death Us Part

Till Death Us Part

I recall the years gone by,
Married young—such hopeful eyes.
Counting days since that July,...



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Poem -

What are We?

Between Friends and Something More.

What are We?

We’ve been friends for so long, but something feels strange,
A bond that I can’t quite explain, a...

Poem -

Casual Ties

As casual
as all those loose ties seemed
at first ..
It was the loose associations...

Poem -

What If

I play the what if games in head constantly, they just appear
What if I had been better, what if I...

Poem -

The Hurting Game

just look around you .. I bet you see it all the time .. maybe...

I cannot hurt, harm or humiliate
you any more than I already have ..
I love you, far too...

Poem -

Same Name - Same Cuts

Same Name - Same Cuts

The Chancellor has the same name as me, no relative,
with all this pension hassle, I'm short of a...

Poem -

The Last Wish

The Last Wish

Diamond shine, back-to-black; carbon shadows her beauty within,
Diamond's edge cuts deep, beauty...

Poem -

Reminders of Me

Reminders of Me

You’ll watch her when she cries,
Be attentive to her pleas,
You’ll wipe a thousand of her...

Poem -

I Think I Like You But ..

She said boy,
I think
I like you but ..
Are you
interactable ..
I said...

Poem -

RELATIVITY . . . . . .

RELATIVITY . . . . . .

All things are relative, someone once said to his pet,
but now you can get nearly anything on the...

Poem -

it snows in the desert

When scorching sands doth kiss the sun's hot flame,
And cacti stand as guards in silent rows,...