Thank You Robert Frost

Thank you Robert Frost poetry
for all you tried to do
And please answer me
Just one question?
About the two roads you spoke on
But before you do
Listen to my twisted love story
I once loved a girl
who lived in your words
We found each other
somewhere in the woods
But I made the big mistake
And I broke her heart
So you're saying
there's nothing I can do now?
I can't go back to the beginning
And take a different path?
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Hey Mamma Jamma!!.....always loved that poem.........circa 1920's (I think) your write you pose the question........"I can't go back to the beginning and take a different path?"........but in his poem he says that he decided to take the road less travelled........AND THAT (choice)......made all the difference (which he left open ended of course).......because I always took from that poem that what he meant was that he took the less travelled road to learn that which not many could speak to........and later there would be many to help him understand the road that most had YES you can go back to the beginning and take a different path..........this time armed with the advice and experiences of those less bold or brave than yourself..............and also with the experience of the few~ to help guide I leave it to Robert Frost a Bad Ass or what?.........I LOVE your stuff bro......and yes maybe my comment to you is untrue because opinions are fraught with human remains my opinion does my opinion of your most capable and effortless abilities as a communicator and you my friend...........T xo
I don't want to say to you T, 'you made my day with your comment' sounds too cliche' but wtf! you did. Frost is so much my favourite poet, it's actually not even close....yes that poem The Road not Taken can be endlessly debated and remains timeless, Stopping by Woods on A Snowy Evening is another; and by far is my favourite poem of all time; I actually read it everyday; which is quite weird I know....I never want to understand a poem completely T, I think each should have at least a dozen meanings; okay at least 3, lol...when I figure something out it becomes boring and sadly I lose interest. I've not heard your version of the meaning of that poem before, it's interesting T, a bit of a philosophical spin....hey man we will get together and talk about Mr. Frost...personally I find Stopping by Woods on A Snowy Evening to be way more profound than the Road Less Taken....T you're simply the best....cheers
The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost)
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Mirela, thank you for your encouragement....I don't really enjoy writing poetry as I once did, reading them is a true pleasure for me, but wow I'll write just for your compliments, very nice of you to give me a pat on the back like that; makes me smile and I thank you very much my friend.
Ok Sir Christopher!.......I never do this but I will take this a step further........for it is in the heart of your words that I find respect.........."Stopping by woods on a Snowy Evening" though brilliant in it's aspect........has but one saving grace in my most humble opinion............for I a poet........that the moment was most original in it's occurrence.........but exceptional in it's documenting.........the fact that he used Iambic Tetrameter as a voice for his metering is what I find BRILLIANT.......for I truly believe, that it was in the moment that the words were first inspired.......... where his words were touched by God....but it was in the re-writing that the halls of poetry sat up and gave praise.........for I am of the FAITH.........that truly brilliant poetry is of the moment..........and this poem became brilliant in it's re-writing.............the fact that he employed Tetrameter gives scholars a reason to discern DEATH as it's heartbeat.........but somehow in my minds eye I can see him on his horse actually writing down words of the most pure birth.........the silence found in the snow falling and the quiet of the frozen lake seems like God-given motivation to stop and take out your write down what it was your heart was giving you at the moment.............and the tranquility found in being a poet..........the marriage that ONLY poets find in moments of inspiration..........the place where your pen guides you for completely unselfish purpose in conveying that which God has allowed you to become instantaneously smitten by..............perhaps I am a fool........but I agree that this is a better poem than the road less taken..........but I think Mr. frost would not agree about the scholarly dissection of his write.........for......."To be a poet is a condition, Not a profession".........just my opinion friend..........T xo
Running at you with a high five, Cherie....What can you say about Robert Frost? utterly brilliant, 4 Pulitzer prises; 4! who does that? I always ask myself the question if I'm doing the right thing by hero worshipping someone, and to be honest I don't hero worship him, I just don't know how someone can be so profound with such little effort. The Road Not Taken is a superb poem, but the bible raised that point many times over; like you implied, and Frost did say in the poem that he was sorry that he couldn't take both roads and be one traveller; such an interesting choice; when both roads look relatively be honest I've not given this poem enough thought to understand fully the poet's intent, but from just reading it, honestly I don't see it as a terrible complicated poem, it seems straight forward; he had no choice but to be content with his choice of roads, and the choice suited his instincts character; and the dominos fell after that choice; kind of like The Butterfly Effect, he chose to be content with the choice he made,initially or go mad with looking back and second guessing himself; he was a practical man I fell.
Lol, you see how I've removed myself from this write, Cherie? Told you I was overly private, lol. Kidding, I always take note of your great wisdom. Cheers sis, thanks for comment and advice as well.
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
Amen Mr. T....I completely agree with you, that moment of inspiration has to be God given; it moves the poet when the words come; yes the metering calls out, but I know that poetry is a matter of taste....I've spoken to lots of people who find the poem dull, for some reason I connect to it, alas the power of poetry; I'm not a big fan of Sylvia Plath or Anne Sexton, they are beloved poets
The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
'and miles to go before I sleep
and miles to go before I sleep'
You're right also about the scholarly dissection of this write; it is unfortunate; kills poetry for me when it is treated this way... not sure how Robert Frost felt about that kind of thing, but why would he like having his words rip apart; the pleasure of not having to think too much is to me the magic of poetry; how it can transport; not all writes have that effect on me; this one does, not sure why; maybe that's why I like it so much
Well Chris!!! I gotta hand it to you once again my man. You are so gifted at sharing those deep hidden emotions.
So you're saying
there's nothing I can do now?
I can't go back to the beginning
And take a different path?
Don't we all wish that my friend, and you know just how well I can relate to this once again beautiful and mystique form of art, you have just created here. Yes Cherie he is, overly private. Keeps like 99.9 % of everything to himself. Unless its to give me advice LOL. Joke :) It is amazing though how something as simple as Robert Frost Poetry can create wither something so beautiful, or something that in the end turns out heart crushing. He had chosen he right thing to just to simply be content with the decision he made, because well sad but true, after a decision is made there is no turning back for another path like your poem finishes in questioning for. I will be honest Chris I was excited to see a poem by you up on the board, I absolutely love your work, (as if you don't already know that). Keep up the great work 5 stars underneath my wall of fame LOL (fave) and cheers pal xox
Melissa <3
Melissa thanks, yes I'm good at giving advice and not taking my own advice; so what do you call someone like me; I know; a dumbass, lol.... so now I feel that I've contributed my quota for the month, lol....I can relax, not feel like a freeloader and just read and appreciate all the great poetry on this site, including yours....thank you again, looking forward
Nah nah, u know man that you are far from a dumbass, to me.... You are like a Poetic Brother of mine :) Loosen up friend and smile :)
Nicely penned bro ❤ xoxo
Very interesting write Christopher, I have to reread that poem to gather my own opinion. Robert Frost has always been a favorite of mine too I like fire and ice
That's a good one as im sure you know.
hey Devon thanks for comment bro. yeah I like Robert Frost, and Fire and Ice is very good poem, my favourite from him is a walk in the woods on a snowy evening....the road not taken is good and probably more famous, but I like that one a lot more....glad you liked my write though; there is a story behind it, message me if you want to hear it....cheers
Lily Mae, 'the woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep' Robert are we clear? D hugz
amazing write Chris