That thingamajig 🤣

Theres a thingamajig I yearn for tho I do not know its name
A doodad doohickey is what I am after, that looks the very same
A widget, a gadget, a gizmo, Eeh what is it called?
You know what I am on about? You connect it to a computer and its software gets installed..
The thing I am after is actually quite small
Dam and blast, whatchamacallit? Its driving me up the wall
Is it a jigger? Or maybes a gimcrack?
The tiny end of it is silver and the rest of it is black!!
It would help me with my storage when I am working on my PC
If only I had my one of these paraphernalia’s, well this would mean the world to me
So if you can work out what I am on about, please can you tell me what it is?
Coz crikey Moses I am losing sleep at nights trying to think of this little handy device, and getting in an awful tizziewhizz…
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That’s funny the dooHickey
wonderful poem good
night jill I hope you read my new poem
Aww I will do now luv 🌹🌹🌹
Hahaha.... something like a memory stick? This poem did make me laugh. How brilliant you are with words 🤣🤣 x
Yes my love haha was a friggin’ memory stick thingamabob 🤣❤️💕🤣