Poem -

The Cheeky Monkey?

The Cheeky Monkey?

The Bender Monkey

Betwixt a country footpath on the edge of a dusty verge
Between North & South
Where two dwelling steads did 
There was a small holding
It was a thirsty man’s hole
Ne’er a woman innit 
Only the wanderin’ soul

Legend lies from folklore & bygone tales
The Black Bull housed a little primate whom was very fond of ales
Well this minute monkey he was a handsome chap
Donned out in his gentry finery
With his little sailors cap

Highwaymen & their worthy steed
Traversed near & far
E’er to espy the Black Bull monkey
Who clambered on the bar
This tiny fellow had an attitude as such
Pinching all the customer’s coins
Without a buy, or leave, or touch

He got away with this action
For many a long year
Whilst he clambered up to the rooftop
& laughed down on the men with cheer

But one fine day, was the month of May
the evening sunset was almost nigh
A sophisticated esquire he came riding by
He chanced upon the Black Bull
his stallion was dry

So as he learned about the fate of the customer’s needy change
He put a plan in motion
That the devilish monkey thought was strange
Dropping the coins, gold & silver into a copper pot, Amidst an open fire
Waiting till all the coins was hot

Can you just picture the cheeky monkey as soon as the coins were on the bar, he did alight
They do say he learned his lesson
Tho it served him darn well right 

This old tale is genuine
I can assure you it is true
The Black Bull was ruins when
In the rafters out of the blue
A stone was unearthed up in the corner of a disused room
There stood the monkey skeleton, he had wilted to his doom

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