The Fall Of 63

Fifty-five short years ago, in “The Fall Of 63”;
I had the World by its tail, I was young and empowered be!
I was buying and selling rare coins, a Numismatist well-known;
I had girls dying to date me, “Please take the number of my phone”!
I was flying very high then, making money hand over fist;
The market was really booming, many babes on my call list!
I had one in Philadelphia, that I visited regularly;
And a sweetheart in my city, that when home, I’d always see!
There were others that I took out, but the connection was not there;
The only ones that pleased me, had to have beautiful long hair!
On top of that, they could not be smokers, a habit I found so gross;
And their bodies could not be zaftig, lean and mean, I cared for most!
I look back to that frenzied season, of unbridled breasts and love;
I was searching for my Soulmate, to be sent down by stars above!
I never dreamt it would take three decades, to finally find my mate;
When at last, we were united, we pledged our love on our fourth date!
I was young at heart
Look for love in wrong places
Thirty years till found

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