Poem -

The Simple Things In Life

For Cheryl and Mike.

The Simple Things In Life

It's the simple things in life,
That make the world go round.
Like recalling a lost thought,
For a story that will astound.

The falling of an autumn leaf,
That so slowly spirals down.
Or your first taste of ice-cream,
The one called chocolate brown.

The bright colours of a rainbow,
That arc across the land.
Or completing a majestic castle,
On sunny seaside sand.

The viewing of a raindrop as it,
Runs down your window pane.
Quickly chased by many others,
On and on and forever again.

Feeling so overjoyed for finding,
That lucky four-leaf clover.
Being entranced at saucepan milk,
Rise up and then spill over.

For to view life's simple things,
There lies a simple choice.
We can choose to ignore them,
Or enjoy and give them voice.

Dedicated to Cheryl and Mike.
See you soon.
I know you are fans of the seasons and especially Spring.
Hope you enjoy the following...

Spring's Breath, Voice and Touch.

The Breath of Spring is over the land,
With myriad seedlings deep in earth.
Now alert and all a tip-toe stand,
Eager to share their glad new birth.

The Voice of Spring is in the lane,
As countless birds with swelling throats.
Freed from grim winters silent chain,
Pour forth their joy in liquid notes.

The Touch of Spring has stirred my heart,
To dream of more brighter greener days.
As nature paints rainbow's gleams like art,
With mists that rise to reveal life's ways.



Day by day the heat persists,
Don't know how I can exist.
Every day the blazing sun,
Awful lot of damage done.

Fall asleep no matter where,
From the hot and humid air.
Every day so close and fine,
For a refreshing swim I pine.

Dash right home and into shorts,
Give no thought to outdoor sports.
Grab a cooling drink and book,
Softly settle in a shady nook.

Seeking refuge in the shade,
In any deep woodland glade.
Enjoy a godsend of leafy trees,
And the balm of a brisk breeze.

Thinking and the writing wait,
Until another later date.
Toss and turn through the night,
Waking up feeling like a fright.

Hot I am and hot I'll be,
Until some remedy rain I see.
Summer's here and here it stays,
A summer sun and its golden rays.



On appealing Autumn days,
No other thought have I.
Just to don my hiking boots,
And walk beneath God's sky.

I wander over hill and vale,
And banish every worry.
No frown can linger on my brow,
For I'm never in a hurry.

All the greens, golds and browns.
Are dancing with the breeze,
For God just had His paintbrush out,
And touched up all the trees.

From sparkling gems to firelights glow,
He chose each tint with care.
And mixed them up with gentle rains,
To paint the scene shown there.

Some people have more money, yes.
But as long as I can see,
The riches growing all around,
I'll humbly thankful be.


The Winter King.

A cold wind is calling me,
Falling snows whisper my name.
For I'm the spirit of Winter,
One that man can never tame.

I live throughout this frozen time,
Powerfully controlling everything.
So bleak so harsh so desolate,
This season of which I'm King.

I will not yield my throne,
For a quarter of a year.
As maiden Spring comes calling,
For her I am sincere.

My reign is up my time at hand,
I once again now leave this land.
I shall return of that no doubt,
Another Winter to cruelly draw out.


Spring Awakens.

I wander down the quiet paths,
With happy thoughts of Spring.
And peek into each dusky nook,
Where tiny flowers now cling.

In this season jack in the pulpit,
Dons his frock of brown and green.
And tells his band of wood folk,
How to live a life serene.

The clear white petals of bloodroot,
Shine from its green-land bower.
Clever people used to make perfume,
FromΒ  roots of this perfect flower.

And the violet, shy and retiring,
Lifts its dainty little head.
On the banks of a sparkling pool,
In a lovely scented bed.

The frail white petals of anemone,
Do their best to catch my eye.
Since they're dressed so modestly,
One could easily pass them by.

As hepatica, with its new Spring dress,
In sweet lavenders delicate hue.
Displays with understandable pride,
The work Mother Nature can do.

For the wonder of the great outdoors,
Brings peace and calm and rest.
And we who are close to quiet woods,
Are so surely greatly blessed.


Also dedicated to Alisha, Ella and Calum.
Three intrepid explorers I met today 09/05/2022 at 16.15 P.M.
At The Enchanted Poetry Bench at The Enchanted Museum.
Thank you for listening and hoped you liked them.
And for being so stoic to venture along The Haunted Woodlands Path,
for not many return.
May God Bless and Keep you all and simply enjoy life and all the good things
it can happily bestow.

Also dedicated to Chloe.
Hope you enjoy reading them.

And dedicated to The Forsters whom I met at 15.50 P.M
At the Enchanted Museum on The Haunted Woodlands Path.
Thank you for visiting and for being so brave to walk on it. For not many return.
May God Bless and Keep you all and enjoy all the good things that life can bestow.
Take care one and all.


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Shaun Cronick

Lisa many thanks for your kind comment and for a few friends I hope to see tomorrow.

Jim "The Lad" ....

Shaun! chocolate is my favorite! you seemed to describe the summer in Texas where I live perfectly! the last four lines in your "Spring Awakens" bring me "peace and calm rest" any time I'm in the "quiet woods" and reading poems by Shaun Cronick! I am blessed!.......................your admiring friend!............Jim.....PS........I love those simple things in life!

Shaun Cronick

If I had the money I'd buy you Cadbury's Jim, but I haven't!!!
Will you settle for a Mars bar instead...kingsize!!
Thanks again Jim for all your support and encouragement and glad to be back on here and I hope this summer in Texas is not too unforgiving for you.
And you mention peace and calm and rest in quiet woods for we all need a certain solitude away from life from time to time.
That little bit of calm that works wonders for ones spirit.
Peace be upon you Jim and those around you also my friend.
Back later tomorrow night to read more of yours and other members also. And it's funny how things work out in life and idea's for poems arise from said solitude and total calm to sooth ones soul.

Jim "The Lad" ....

Mars and BabyRuth! I am a diabetic so no worries mate! I don't need any sugar! lol! YES the quiet places so we can hear the "Still Small Voice" I hope you will read the more important words you now have! all the best!..PS..Great writes!!!!.........Jim

Shaun Cronick

Than you kindly for visiting here Linda and your most kind comment.
Hope all is well with your good self.
Shaun. x.

Shaun Cronick

Greg, what can I say but thank you most kindly good sir.
And will be making inroads again to your poemsΒ  both new and old this Sunday night.
And thank you for your The Secret Language of Angels poem.
A unique theme mirrored by your unique words.
One of those poems that reaches out and touches people, for it did for me my friend.
Your friend, Shaun.Β 
Β Β 

Tony Taylor

WOW!! WOW!! Sir SHAUN!!....this is quite the Epic Poem!!.....it is so perfectly well written that it seems to melt on the tongue when spoken aloud.....absolutely STUNNING work my friend......and the truism found etched into the phrasing brings the splendor of the seasons to life in the minds eye of the reader!!........PINNED!!....a truly magnificent piece of poetic song!!.......Bravo dear poet brother....Bravo!!.....LOVE & ROCKETS!!.....T xoΒ  : )

Shaun Cronick

Oh Tony you can visit again good sir!!
Great to hear from you and wonderful to hear from a poet I admire.
Please forgive this late reply had time away recently to write something else.
Back this Sunday night to catch up on your latest offerings and this so so poet thanks you for your kind and generous words.
Take care my friend and pleased you enjoyed it.


Beautiful, beautiful words! The peaceful feelings gained from being outdoors have been captured and portrayed so vividly.Β 

Shaun Cronick

Paul, thank you for your uplifting words and words such as yours lift my spirits.
Thank you again for stopping by and also for having enjoyed reading it.
By the way, Spring with it's birth, renewal and colour is my favourite

Being Me

Hi Shaun ... I thought I'd check out your page yo see what I've missed and joy of joys I found these beautiful poems! How clever! you are to write such beautiful words. These poems are delightful!

The enchanted museum sounds wonderful. You must surely be the resident poet at the enchanted poetry bench! x

Shaun Cronick

Hey Tina! Thanks for visiting and glad you enjoyed reading them.
I'll be back from tomorrow night for duty calls tomorrow and will visit your latest offerings then.
I can promise you that.
And just for the record that Enchanted Poetry Bench is a godsend in these sunny days offeringΒ  shaded solace and peace and quietude to a point, off the Enchanted Museum's beaten track.
There is a friendly furry critter, a robin, I simply call Buddy, that will land on your hand and eat what is offered, the kids love it while parents take photo's.
Then I growl at them in Welsh and shoo them away quickly demanding peace and quiet so I can write some really, really bad poetry.
And how the hell did they find this secluded place...it's notΒ  even on the museum map!!!
See and read you tomorrow night Tina and thanks for moral support.

Being Me

The poetry bench sounds like a perfect place. Enchanted, indeed! I have a fondness for little Robbins ❀ xx

Shaun Cronick

Tina it is and you're a Robin fan, what more could one ask for and you are most welcome to visit and view.
And you have read a glutch of my recent offerings with a generous comment on each glutch and I will reply to them as this weeks' evenings progresses.
Thanks Tina for the moral support and for being the person you are.
I wish you well my friend. x


Shaun, you always post epic poetry. Never disappointing those who visit your page. I enjoyed this collection greatly.Β 

β€œThe Voice of Spring is in the lane,
As countless birds with swelling throats.
Freed from grim winters silent chain,
Pour forth their joy in liquid notes”

This was stunning to read out loud. Your gift for rhyme and succulent word choice is always displayed perfectly in all your works

Thanks for always sharing with us my friend. I hope life is treating you wellΒ 

Gwen x Β 

Shaun Cronick

Gwen, thanking you so much for your kind comment and wonderful words of inspiration and been busy lately away from here, but I haven't forgotten to pick up where I left off and catch up on your latest poems.
For, I remember what I said.
Just got back from work and back on here later to view yours and others.
And life is good and my work hours are demanding, but, we get some incredible people through our museum gates.
Who like good poetry lessen and even dispel any beast of burden.
See you later this evening and thank you once again.Β 

Liliana of the ...

Light and joy to all involved and your self also .
thinking of you.Β 
And hopefully your enjoying the lovely things you talk so beautifully about .Β 

Shaun Cronick

Liliana and light and joy to you too my friend and thanks for thinking of me.
And now the idea hits me for a poem for you if you want it , that is, this coming Halloween night, for I know like me, you enjoy a dark one.
I can rustle something up in the secluded poetry woodshed on the stroke of midnight.
Hubble, bubble. toil and trouble and all that.
And I have enjoyedΒ  this recent Spring but not a fan of Summer especially the heat (read above on that blistering issue!!)
Take care Liliana and let me know on that rustled up issue



Shaun...an absolutely stunning collection. There is heart and soul in every write. You are a very talented special man who cares deeply for others. I love how you dedicate to people you meet. Keep being you Shaun...the world needs as many 'you's' as it can get...hugs xx

Shaun Cronick

Marion this so so fellow welsh poet says a humbled Diolch to your good self.
And I'll let you into a secret why I do what I do, for my late parents taught me at an early age to share and good will arise from it.
You know, play it forward
It is so easy to be self-centered these days, just look around in society.
So I choose to honour and respect my parents lessons in life whenever possible.
And my respect and honour to you too my empathetic and good friend.Β Β 
They are all good people, the ones I meet and know.
And I'm glad it's that way.
Hugs, x.


Dominic Windram

Very nice poem Shaun...brimming with vibrant imagery. It was a pleasure to read...great stuff!

Shaun Cronick

Hey Dominic ! And thanks for your kind words man.
Glad you enjoyed it and hope to see you soon.
And reading you also.
In the meantime I wish you well and thanks again.

Alice Schipper

What a truly wonderful human you are! Such a perfect collaboration of so many simple but wonderful things we have to appreciate in life. I love this πŸ₯°

Shaun Cronick

Alice, if I may call you Alice. Welcome to Cosmo!Β  (I'm a tad late saying that by the looks of your joining date)
Thank you for your kind generous words and they are most appreciated.
And you are right, it is those simple things all around us to value and admire.
You know those tiny details that can so easily be passed by.
They help people hopefully when noticed in a moment of quietude get through that demanding day.
Thanks again and glad you enjoyed reading ;)


I couldn't leave here without just saying you nailed it mate not only the simple things in life, but each of our seasons too and all in one hit .. N :)

Shaun Cronick

My humble apologies for this lamentable reply my good sir, but suffice to say thank you for your inspiring words and a realΒ  tonic for any poet.
Thanks again Nev :)


Don't be daft .. my very pleasure entirely mate .. NevilleΒ 

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