Treasure Indeed

Sweet summer sunlight
Flooding in like children
To a reunion of well loved pirates
That have stashed treasure on islands
Long ago left awash in my world
So cast adrift am I
The plank would no longer suffice
A flask of rum and a bonfire
Might revive the lost lust for life
IF I could only find me
A Captain Jack indeed

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Hey VIOLET!!….I LOVE's clever and VERY charming in its succinctly delivered fashion!! ~
~ "If I could only find me
A Captain JACK indeed...."
VERY cool!!…….ALL STARS!!…...I just really like the world of pirates and Ill-gotten booty!! (smiles)…'ve painted a fun and compelling scene from those days where Captain Jack thrived!!…….LOVE & ROCKETS!!…...T xo : )
Ps. enjoyed those films too with Johnny Depp!! : )
You put so much energy into your comments.! They are a highlight..
all comments are magical and wonderful... do not get me wrong..
But I must confess yours do extend my smile a bit longer.. than every day
Thank you for putting all that into your words... it is appreciated.
I can relate to x
In "modern" society we have lost our lust for life... We are discouraged
when growing up, to pursue our passions. But rather be practical and
looking at life in terms of the long haul. The safe bet, the reliable job,
the education that is not your passion but one that will lead to employment. You pursue the one you are supposed to, you acquire what you believe will make you happy. You have debt, and probably a divorcec if not two. Child support and health insurance. But by the time of retirement you are either not able to afford the things you desire OR you are not healthy enough to pursue it. There is the pickle. Spending your precious life time doing what
is safe... and finding that it is not safe at all. That it doesnt even make you content That you spend your days in fear of dying because you know you arent really living..
I totally get what you are saying! And I agree. They say that if you get a job that you love, then you will never have to 'work' again. I followed my passion and became a horse riding instructor when I left school many years ago. I loved my job and although the hours were extremely long and the work very physical it never felt like having to go to work. Sadly it is low paid and now, many many years later I am still broke lol. But at least I got to do what I loved x
Making a living with horses.. that is wonderful.. there was a time I
would have loved that one too. I went into nursing and that required
alot of physical energy and mental energy... and with a family .. but
I also love to write and to sing and to do artwork. So I am broke as broke can be.. but I have found time and energy to do something I love. Yes I get absolutely absorbed in writing or in reading something and lose complete track of time.