Life's Unwritten Poetry

Deep down in the depths of human heart.
There is found a fountain of pure and feverous feeling.
From which at times swell up a tide of emotions,
Which words are powerless to express.
Which the soul alone can appreciate.
Filling many hearts to overflowing with,
Sublime thoughts and grand imaginings.
A need for every poet's pen to hold,
Enraptured hearts in it's spell.
The thoughts that breathe are there,
But not the words that burn.
Nature's own inspiration fills the heart,
With emotions too deep for utterance.
And the poetry of the heart lies forever,
Concealed in it's own mysterious shrine.
Unwritten Poetry.
Is stamped upon the broad blue sky.
It twinkles in every shining star.
It mingles in the ocean's surge.
It glitters in every morning dew-drop.
Is the Hope that is eternal.
And it is a living dream bestowed by angels,
That will never fade or be forgotten.
It glows in the gorgeous colours of sunset,
At the decline of day.
And it rests in the blackened crest,
Of the gathering storm-cloud.
It is on the mountain's height,
And in a silver waterfall's roar.
It's in the towering oak,
And every tiny flower.
Where all can express poetic thought,
And where true poetic beauty,
Finds it's dwelling place.

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