Poem -

a vets rights

My  husband wrote this and i asked him  if i could   put it up  here  i thoght it was good  it comes  from his heart .

    From VIETNAM to ANGOLA and home again I see it every where so many with this phoney I care attitude,    If you cared   we would not want for care , a job , or a roof over our heads .  We came home with limbs missing our bodies scared and most of with scares you can not see. 

We fought to keep you free safe and comfy in your home   we slept in the mud   and walked thought the blood of our friends and brothers,   we fought to keep others from the reaches of terror and oppression  that did not  want any thing but to live free from it ..  

I came home full of pride for a job well done and I see the ones that say thank-you for your service  stomping on my flag .  Burning my flag just because it is some new trend from some welfare consuming druggie fool   they preach about some other way of life    But they sure love our milk and honey .  

and people wonder when I say   I don’t care any more    Why I say it because I fought to keep you safe and free, and protected your right , but what about us didn’t we earn the right to   say hell no   you can’t do that to my flag , I guess we didn’t    As I see my brothers and sisters arrested and harassed when we get mad and protect our flag   all because you think it is your right to do what you want to it   it is freedom of speech you say , I say bullshit   you didn’t earn that right it was given to you   by myself   and my brothers and sisters in arms   you see freedom comes at a cost most will never understand .

So when I see a fellow vet and I say thank-you if comes from my heart because I been there  
so don’t say thank-you if you think it the thing to do. take your political correctness and stick where the sun   don’t shine.   I don’t want to hear it if you can look at the flag   when the national anthem is played and not tear up . If you can do that   then guess what I don’t give a dam and you need to step away .  Because we earned the right   to shed a tear for this country we hold so dear .    

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I come from a long line of family members who have served...

Yes I have always felt that they certainly were not treated fairly when they came home...

Unfortunately, All I can do is say Thank You...

And I do look at the flag and...


Thank You for sharing...


Wendy Cheng

thank you   he wrote it long hand   he is not good  with a computer     but  i love what it says  and i hope others  do also 

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