You're Not The Father!

You last made love to your wife two years ago and you and she have a ten month old baby.
When I say that you're not the father, I don't mean maybe.
You get upset every time I tell you that your wife slept with another man.
You can't possibly be the father, why is that so difficult for you to understand?
You say that if I don't shut up about your wife, I will suffer your wrath.
But you would see that you're not the father if you would do the math.
When your wife got knocked up, another man provided the seed.
You've started punching me and I'm bruised and starting to bleed.
You haven't made love to her in two years, that is absolute proof.
And now you're kicking my ass because I'm telling you the truth.
You are without doubt the dumbest man I have ever seen.
You're even dumber than Jim Carrey in Me, Myself and Irene.
I'm through trying to convince you and I'm going to wipe the blood off my face.
And when it comes to the inside of your head, you have plenty of empty space.

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