
Give me a second please
let me inhale and breathe
I'll find a way to appeaseĀ
The confirmation of my existence that you need
Just when I'm about to finally let the words tumble outĀ
They get stuck mid wayĀ
So shut me up and call me zippermouthĀ
Cuz look: I do have teeth but they're just a fashion accessory they don't help me speakĀ
it's a good place to hide behind this enclosureĀ
People see me as a freak and don't come any closerĀ
The only way you'll ever see the thoughts I can never speakĀ
Is if you unzip me completelyĀ
Make me bare naked thoughts seen esileyĀ
And unzip the zipper tied to my face to see what's behindĀ
To look deep into my mindĀ
But the only way in is to pull it open and get stuck insideĀ
That's my warningĀ
If you don't want to see the unchained prisoner no longer tied to the metal chair Ā
Who's actually just my free spirit roaming, that was decided to be shoved in thereĀ
Then go now and leaveĀ
But don't pretend that you can't see all the other zipperheads along the streetĀ
Thousands that you always meetĀ
Except they use super glue and find ways to have there zipper removedĀ
They don't like it being accessible to thieves who are up to no goodĀ
The secret however is; you need one to surviveĀ
Because with a zipper at least there's something precious you have there to hideĀ
Don't stare at me like that don't gasp at me like thatĀ
I already feel like a freak don't make me feel like I'm under attackĀ
If you have nothing else to say then pick up your pride and leave me beĀ
But if not thenĀ
Look in your reflection and shut up and zip up because your just like meĀ
You're... just like me
And there's nothing wrong with thatĀ
You've stayed for my storyĀ
So stand backĀ
Pull me open now
my defense is downĀ
Take one more look at this distiute townĀ
Because one journey inside of me...
And you'll never be the sameĀ
Call me creativity-
that's my real name.Ā

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