A sorry tale

When you look back on the cold hard facts. When you reflect on the tragically short years. It was almost an inevitable end . Born to rich parents with an unstable and unsuitable lifestyle . Never out of the media spotlight . How could she ever live a grounded life ?
Too young to be wise . Too inexperienced to live the crazy life . Estranged from elders who maybe could have guided . It is all so sad . A waste indeed.
Mother cast a long shadow , was her death ever grieved ? Completely gotten over or ever believed ? Mother had her addictions and demons , Father no longer a constant in her life . Falling into company who never had her interests at heart . All directions simply led down the wrong path .
A lost girl who was a woman on the outside . Social media projections diverted all from the complexities and emptiness ,She carried inside . Too rich , Too young , The wrong kind of fun . No surprise .
Incredible sadness .
Finishing with a heart breaking reunion . Mother and daughter buried side by side . Is Mother chastising her in heaven ? "You saw me , why did you not learn ? You lived through my pain and now its returned".
There is no moral to this story . More tears in heaven and a sorry tale. We never learn , That is what makes us human.That is what makes us frail .