A very good deed

I felt good , I had won a lot of money courtesy of 6 numbers . I was now rich beyond my dreams . I felt I had to donate some to people in need .
Racking my brains , what could I do ? How could unexpected help come to lots of people out of the blue?
I already gave to charity , Family had monies in their trough . There was still a desire , To do an incredible one off .
My best ideas , Inspirations (or impulses) usually come when I drive . The car is my box in which I can cocoon myself alone with thoughts . In the course of the journey , I spotted the library , A classic solid brick building . Somewhere I had spent many happy hours .
Stopping and parking the car , a check in the wallet . I still had my library card . It was a short walk but no one knew me , Despite my big win I am still anonymous and dress the same as when I was poor (I am the same person you know) .
Entering a library is a great feeling not enough people know . All those vast arrays of books on show . Still the time honored silence , A rule on the whole obeyed . There are still mobile phones , But social media tends to be ignored .
Wandering with no aim along the rows , My feet normally know where to go . My interests to read are still the same as before the life change , If I cut myself I would bleed no different .
Then the idea hit me . How I could create an impact and do a good deed . I went to the librarian's desk and after some bewilderment , They agreed . When I left that library , There was no one with books overdue , In deficit .