Abaddon & Nahum

She sat quietly overlooking the tranquil water. The sky the darkest shades of grey that she had ever seen. As the thunder roared, a single lightning bolt struck down onto the dry bare ground shaking the earth under the quaint little home. The wind began to howl viciously as she wrapped herself tightly in her purple wrap her ebony hair flying into her face. With deep brown eyes they gazed as the waves began to lap over the rocky shoreline. They grew larger with each gust of wind, now white capped.
The combination of the clapping thunder and the waves baring down over each other vigorously abusing the rocks, she could no longer hear herself think. She rose quickly, a gust almost catching her off balance, steadying her steps she walked in to the infant childs beautifully decorated nursery. Pulling her hair back, she reached for the small lamp beside the crib. Her eyes flashed in horror, gasping sharply, the infant was not breathing, her pink skin was grey, she placed her hand on the child's belly; she was dead. Her attempts to resuscitate the child were futile... Panic stricken, she covered the angelic infant back up, feeling the anger begin to build deep in the pit of her stomach she ran from the nursery returning to the enclosed outdoor porch.
The wind had calmed down and the water had stilled. Untying her long hair, the wrap falling to the floor her eyes opened wide as she stared out at the water. She inhaled deep and sharply, releasing the harshest scream.
In her mind she spoke to herself as she growled
-I did not do this! This child was alive when her parents left.
This infant was my last hope.-
Her anger grew, her blood boiled. Her beautiful deep brown eyes darkened black, as black as a starless sky. Clenching her hands tight into fists she struck the banister and screamed. In an instant as though the entire universe stopped, the calmed water retreated itself to the center of the lake, up towards the sky and deafeningly plunged back to the lake bed. The skies opened a blinding bolt of white lightning struck with such force inches from the covered porch throwing her back against the wall. Stunned, she closed her eyes blinded as she sat. Wiping her eyes she began to open them, shaking her head in disbelief. Cautiously she began to stand, her sore body hands reaching around to her shoulders, tilting her head slightly something caught her eye.
It stood stygian, a sinister shadow hidden in the corner. It was gargantuan, monstrous. It did not move. Now standing she cautiously approached this apparition, her voice... her voice, gripping her throat with her slender hand, it was gone. She could not speak. Stepping a few steps back, this large being stepped forward.
His eyes shone a deep blood red, raven colored hair covered his face. He seemed to have been clothed in a black cape as he continued to walk toward her. Her deep brown eyes turned a vivid shade of blue, they narrowed at his sight.
His eyes narrowed as hers had.
-What are you doing here? You have no business to be here! - she inquired telepathically.
A deep harsh laugh escaped his slim parted lips as he hissed at her.
"T'is not I that does not belong here. You.... YOU have an ulterior motive. This baby, this innocent.... You wished to claim as your own" he stated with gritted teeth. "Your frail attempt to take over what is not yours to begin with will be punished." He continued his hands now sliding from what seemed to be a cape.
Her eyes fell to his hands as she watched through the slits of her eyelids. Her blood boiling, she frantically raised her own hands and thrust them forward. He did not move , he laughed his head rising. Eyes meeting each others. She inhaled deeply then exhaled, the wind seemed to have filled her lungs as the trees were pulled toward where they stood motionless. She expelled hurricane like winds from her open mouth. Again he did not move except for one feather on his 'cape'.
His deep laughter echoed as the waters and winds stilled. Everything frozen in time. The birds were stuck in mid air.Ants crawling on the porch floor no longer continued their journey to their nest. Everything stopped!
Parting his large arms, he stood upright towering over her. He was a mountain, she, a mole hill.
His cape opened widely to reveal his enormous wings. Her eyes.... she gasped and tried to run but she like the creatures around, was frozen.
His long stride to her caused a deep fear within her very core, 'he doesn't know who or what I am. He thinks I am a mortal female' she thought to herself. His wicked grin widened as he stopped. 'The question is: Do you know who I am?'.. gasping for air she was able to shake her head slightly her deep blue eyes not breaking his glare. 'Yes, I could hear your thoughts you pathetic ' he stopped his thought opening his wings wide.
" You are not a mere mortal female", he laughed again. "Nahum, you will not be returning to the fires of hell to scamper and hide, you have no chance of pleading for Mercy from myself or Lucifer, your existence stops here". Her eyes narrowed, his wings at full expanse, he closed them around his being ferociously whilst closing his eyes.
Screams attempted as the dwelling crashed around them. He released her. "Your beauty destroyed, your reality deployed. Once long ebony hair, no longer there. Deep piercing brown eyes. Slits left only for you to see. Olive colored flawless skin cracked and scaled as a crocodile", he hissed. Disbelieving his word she raised her hand to her face, her head..... she fell to her knees looking for anything that may provide a reflection. Within the destruction she found a shard of mirror: lips like a serpent slim.. she tries to scream but her voice was lost. She crawled to his feet, begging.... His dark hand reached for hers as he helped her back to her shaking feet.
Raising one single eyebrow, he stared into her slits. Biting his bottom lip he whispered " to answer you, I am Abaddon the destroyer. The king of destruction and death. You are but a lowly demon who attempted to delve in to this infant child thus with your limited powers, you knew she was pure. That infant was made from a single strand of hair given from Ariel. You wanted to possess her and have all of her angelic powers. Your plan was thwarted," shaking his head answering her other question. "No not from the choir of archangels. Nor from God himself." She looked confused as she tilted her head slightly not understanding what he was saying.
A deafening loud boom exploded near where they stood. She quickly released his hand and ran to the explosion. Abaddon blew a little breath and to ashes she turned.
Taking a deep inhale he smiled. "Nahum is no more, no longer to explore. To come from hell and earth again. This was it's final end. I serve not heaven nor hell but I will say and will tell. The innocence created by Ariel, shall never be taken, by possession or spell".
With one more strong flick of his beautiful dark wings, the dwelling resurrected, he walked in toward the nursery and surprised, the infant was breathing, her flawless skin, pink. The infant turned her head and looked at Abaddon, her eyes... her beautiful angelic blond hair and eyes as blue as the sky. This was a beauty he could not destroy.
Slowly and quietly he stepped out of her room returning to the enclosed porch. All had returned to normal. The calm water stilled, the sun shone brilliantly and natures sounds added to the serenity of this scene.
As Abaddon looked to the sky, he noticed a single feather fall from the heavens and next to him stood Ariel.
" I know who you are and I know what you have done Abaddon and for this I and Heaven thank you". Ariel smiled her beauty was blinding.
With a single nod, he was gone.
The door to this quaint little home opened. The infants parents had returned with no inclination to what had taken place. Her mom checked on the infant girl then turned toward the porch where Ariel stood overlooking the nature. "It is a beautiful place isn't it?" Ariel asked.
Surprised, the mother looked at her. She had the same color hair and same skin tone. " excuse me?" She said quietly clearing her throat. As Archangels do, Ariel turned to face her with a heavenly smile - I am Ariel, I am of your child. You have been given the most heavenly gift. A baby born of Angel blood. Your child is destined for greatness. You as her mother are destined aswell. You and your husband Azri have a special place at our table. This I guarantee you. Angeline for ever you will smile. And thank you for naming her Ariel, although I know it's because of the little mermaid you adore-. Archangel Ariel vanished.
Angelines' face lit up, she exhaled returning to her daughters room. She had no memory of who she just spoke to.
Angels are everywhere!
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I don't know what to say. This is scary. I really enjoyed this story. Right down my line of thinking.
Thank you for writing this.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for the awesome review Shylo
No most of my stories were of masters and slaves. Torture and death.... I have a very big problem, fictional stories,I become one of the main characters heart mind body and soul. I live it breathe it...... I am it. So I stopped writing the BDSM style stories because I was literally making myself physically ill.
However this style, yes my first time.
The other two stories posted are not fictional
You are right my friend, this story is right up my ally… For this story, this version of Abaddon does not serve heaven nor hell, which is very interesting, as Abaddon is referenced as a ruler of dead, chaos and destruction, as well as over many demons throughout history. This would make a very interesting back story of this version of Abaddon’s origin. As well as for Nahum, who has appeared to some having bone wings, and is a master of chaos and connecting the spiritual with the physical. I was a little surprised how Ariel thanked Abaddon though, for herself and on heavens behalf. It appears the baby is a Nephilim however, surprising turn there… I have added this to my favorites, as it is an excellent write. Very well done here, very well done: wolf
Thank you so much Wolf. I figured it would be down your alley.
I may be called peaceful. This is crazy good.