
She sat on the cool stone floor as the fireplace roared. Lost in thought, slowly pulling her knees to her chest, her slender finger entwining together. It had been several hours since he had left. She turned her head to look out the big picture window, the willow trees dancing in the cool evening breeze. Her gaze fixated on the beautiful sky. The sun was going setting lighting the sky ablaze, hues of deep reds, vermilion, oranges, gold dancing as the soft white clouds drifted by. He'd been gone since early dawn. 'Where can He be?', she wondered to herself. She knew to wait. She knew not to call. 'Will He know if I move...?' Her belly grumbled as she began to rock trying to think of anything else but food.
Her mind slowly started to move away from where she currently was, feeling the heat from the fire, her eyes gradually closed.
-Long yellow wheat grass swayed as the scents of lavender and wild flowers entoxicated her. The calming trickle of the gentle stream eased her mind. She had found her place. The bright sun warmed her, as the song birds sang love songs to her she rested her head on the ground. As she took a deep breath she began to realize this was home.... her place of peace and serenity amongst the hustle and bustle of- Quickly she opened her eyes, with steadfast speed she lifted herself from the stone floor and rested upon her heels. Running her hands through her long curly red hair, she swiftly tucked it neatly behind her ears. Frantically her mind raced, she heard the front door slam shut. 'NO NO HE'S ANGRY!' her mind seeking for an answer a word..... anything.
She recalled her training, placing her small delicate hands upon her bare thighs palms up, pressing her legs together as a proper girl would do.
Her belly growled loudly echoing through the room above the cracking noises of the fire. He entered the great room abruptly as she was placing her hands on her belly pressing hard to quiet it somehow.
His voice low and husky often sent shivers down her spine. " GIRL" His voice resonated an immediate reaction, quickly placing her hands back onto her thighs. Her voice shaking she tried to muster an answer but only a slight whisper pushed through her parted lips " Yy-yyes S-ssssir?" she stuttered. With a steady stride he moved to where she knelt and calmly pet her hair. 'Not again' she thought, her need for food making itself known. A rye grin adorned his face. " Have you not eaten today? " he asked dryly. She delayed her response lowering her warm hazel eyes and head towards the floor. His large hands grasped her hair tightly thrusting her face upward to look at Him. " Answer" he commanded. With a harsh gasp and deep swallow she shook her head no. His eyes narrowed looking at her. Swallowing, her eyes traced his gloriously sculpted face, broad jaw line, his lips..... OH his lips. Parting her lips slightly, she exhaled. His eyes.. his wonderful eyes, crystal blue as the ocean, she often got lost in them, perfectly shaped shoulders, his dark complexion, his skin... this Man, this - A sharp and painful pull brought her back to reality. Clearing her throat she answered him coldly " No Sir I have not eaten". He glared at her in distain. " A mouth like that is used for one thing and one thing only" He retorted. Nodding her head slightly "Yeah, for eating. You have been gone since before dawn, with orders that I do not move from this very spot. You did NOT -she enphasized on the NOT- say I was allowed to eat. I know how you are!" She lifted her hands from her thighs waving them around the room. " You have cameras everywhere. You watch everything. If I were to dis..." His free hand lifted slapping her viciously across the face. She did not break his stare, rubbing her cheek with one hand. Before she had removed it, he swang again this time harder splitting her lip a small bead of blood was forming. -Oh hell no, OH HELL NO- her eyes narrowed a low menacing growl rattled, her breathing now deep and forced, she could feel the heat radiate from inside her being.
Clenching her jaw a low growl escaped between her gritted teeth, " remove your hand at once before I am forced to remove it!" she ordered. His grip grew even tighter, as he looked on at what belonged to him. His property.... He owned this girl. He laughed loudly, his eyes not leaving her face. " I will provide you with ONE LAST warning. You will remove your hand before I remove it for you." Her hands now clamped tightly around his. Slowly and methodically she tightened her grip, her eyes darkened, her hair now the color of a ravens plumage. Searching her face taken aback a moment, her nails grew longer and pointier, with ease she began to dig into his flesh. " WHAT ARE YOU?" He scowled at her, releasing her hair. Cocking get head slightly her eyes began to soften, her hair reverting back to its human color. Her tongue danced along her swollen lip tasting the blood she smiled at him. " I am Yours", she whispered. " I am Your toy, I am Your what ever You want me to be Sir" her voice flowed sweetly.
His eyes opened wide " no, NO, this is impossible", he said his voice seemingly shaky.
"Do I not resemble the girl You purchased Sir? Do I not smell like her?" Slowly she began to stand, her bare skin, skillfully sliding one finger between her legs, she was wet, heated. His lips parted, dutifully, she slid her finger along his lips. " Do I not taste like her Sir? His tongue played upon his lips. His eyes closed as a low moan escaped him.
He hadn't ever had a girl with such skill. Inquisitively he shook his head forrowing his brow. Calmly he asked " what are you?" as he lowered himself to the stone floor before her.
"My name Sir is Naimi!" she exclaimed. " I know this" he through right back at her. "It is I when the full moon rises, that howls you to sleep Sir. I am a werewolf. I have the fantastic ability to change at will Sir." His mouth dropped a sharp intake of air " HOLY FUCK THAT'S HOT!" he exclaimed helping her off her knees and easing her gently to the floor. " You must tell me more " he ordered " BUT FIRST". He leaned forward and reached for the wolf pelt that lay on the sofa pausing a moment as he looked at her. " This probably isn't a good idea" he smiled letting it go. Laying her down carefully on the stone floor, he pulled her closer to him. His lips, she closed her eyes as he placed a soft kiss upon hers, her breath now smelled wild and invigorating. Forcing her hands above her head, with one hand he held her in position. Undoing his pants with his free hand, she instinctively lifted her feet and slid them down his muscular legs. Her body ached as her heat rose, feeling is hardness against her inner thigh.
" What are you"? He whispered against her lips. " I am Your toy. I belong to you Sir" she whispered with bated breath. With one swift thrust he penetrated her. She was slick, warm as her muscles tightened around him. Over and over he forced himself deeper inside of her, her screams excited him even more. " HOLD IT" he ordered, her back arched as she matched his rhythm tightening her muscles around him. "BEG..... BEG FOR RELEASE". Her body beaded with sweat the words came all to naturally to her " MAY THIS GIRL CUM MASTER, PLEASE" biting his lip hard breaking the skin. Lifting her up onto him he allowed, she exploded around him, her wetness streaming through her and lavishly around his softening member. His liked his lip tasting his blood as she did the same.
Her eyes opened wide as she jumped off him forcefully grabbing his face, the light was dim. She hissed as the flame in the fireplace blazed bright illuminating the entire great Hall.
Her heart sunk as she searched his face. Shaking her head, his lip was still bleeding. " No...." "NOOO" her color escaping her face. 'What have I done- Her mind seeking the answer. He looked at her with confusion, his eyes narrowed. " YOU MUST LAY DOWN" she shouted. Shaking his head he answered no. She growled again pushing him to the floor. " This is going to hurt" she whispered, teats filled her eyes. Her puzzled reaction caused much concern.
She lay next to him holding him down. His voice had escaped him, his breath and heart were rapid. Hie body contorted in many different ways. He screamed repeatedly as the change began to take place. As she released her grip, he turned to his stomach arms outstretched before him. Dark fur becoming visible, his hands. He gaged his hands, more screams echoed through the entire house.
He stood still a moment, the most vivid aqua eyes she had ever seen. His fur thick and lush and glistened in the glow of the fire. He took one look at her and growled, snarling his teeth visible. She knelt once more before him. "You know who I am and what I am, you will not bite". As she placed her hand along his muzzle. He gently nuzzled her prompting her. She knew he needed to hunt. Naimi placed her hands before her and began her change, her fur a dark red, her eyes shone a beautiful yellow. -What have I done? And how the hell are we going to hunt if we are locked in here?-she thought to herself. -He laughed, I can hear your thoughts.- Growling playfully she forced her paw to change back to a hand to open the door.
-Now we hunt, no humans, only animal- she ordered.
His long furry head nodded in understanding.
The moon was full and instinctively they both howled. Excitedly they run through the forestland that surrounded the old house.
Often this forest is full of dear and moose. But this night, there was no scent. There was a russling in the grass, a large hare quickly scampered, he ran like the wind and pounced. A large hare between his teeth the blood dripping to the ground. The smell of death excited them both as the tore this animal in two.
Finding a warm piece of grass under a large willow tree they curled up muzzle to muzzle licking the blood from each others face. The warm night air softlyblowing trough their fur. One last howl as they fell asleep in wolf form.
Holy heck.
Some funny parts too. I like wolves.
This is pretty cool
Lol not sure if that is the reaction I was going for. Then again maybe I was.
Thank you for your comment
Hahaha, 5 likes, over 100 views, four 5 star ratings, and thus far, only person had the balls to comment on this hehehe, that is a mark of a serious writer, one not afraid to shake things up out of the majorities comfort zone, an scare the hell out o' establishments, makin readers not sure how to comment, or if they even should hehehe... I like this my friend, in fact, it gave me some dark fantasies and hot erotic dreams last night layin myself down after readin it... A couple in fact, an woke up feelin good and energized, an ready to pounce on it hard *pun intended*... One thing did make me sad though, why no huntin of humans, they have some of the sweetest meat, and succulent blood... It is in our nature, Tis hard for us to kick against the prick...