Adrift in daydreams upon the banks of the Nile

Soon after mine eyes shut tight, thence a deep sleep-induced reverie evoked the following imaginative vision.
“Neilos” (that longest river in the world i.e. The Nile, constituted the bedrock of countless civilizations since time immemorial) beckoned with Nike inducing joyous seduction as sleep quickly enveloped this traveler.
Music plucked by angelic minstrels ordained a heavenly sojourn, whence this miner for rich sun kissed tapestry became woven within the warp and woof of an illuminating unforgettable lifelike vision harbored to spill forth sans this flash flooded fiction pertaining to water and travel.
This weather-beaten well taut master ship builder relinquished his foray and fate into the wiry muscled young gendarme, who soundlessly plunked the knifed edge chafed hand upon the well worn smoothed gripped handle.
Bowsprit intricately finessed carved from ancient trees, where broadsided boded berth bade farewell the shores of Timbuktu, where Nike guided the prowess manned dhow, a skilled heir of a boatswain villager.
He adroitly plied the oarlocks while time seemed to stand still, while this scrivener rapt quietly, plentifully ordained, nestling most languidly kneading jubilantly inexorable heavenly goodness.
Analogous to being swaddled, ensconced and cocooned in this surreal make believe imaginary vision quest, this fictitious foray carried me along an idyllic serpentine course all the while aimlessly bumping calmly down thee eminence grise fabled major waterway seemingly fawning, expressing and doting anthropomorphically like upon my person.
The diatribe of lapping muddy waters bristles thistledown, which estuarine biota releases a soundless cloud of pearl jam feathery fluff became admixed with an entrenched profound state of rest.
A visage of military might extant from when bipedal hominids inhabited this lush land knocked jocosely inside head grimacing faces eschewed disrupting comatose benumbed anatomy.
While submerged within the bowels of an enchanting flight of fancy vis a vis whet dreams made, the luminous grandeur fueling empires danced chimerically below awareness.
Aside from a silent movie spanning millennia (extolling the virtues and vices of magnificent peoples incumbent with storied histories), an immediate raft of details pronounced themselves upon me mind.
How about I share some details somatically gleaned? Okay.
An average of 2,830 cubic meters per second of rich silt forms an alluvial plain that spreads outward in a fan shape from sedimentary deposit whereby ancient Egyptian civilizations got built.
Like a skein of swiftly tailored harried styled Chantilly laced raiment of the finest couture wove from the weft of finest webbing, geographical splendour adorned arid topography imbuing invaluable ingredients loosely dangling, and like the aorta pumping blood at the nape of the neck, yet in this analogous context engendered engineering feats without guilt.
A panoply of regal queenly pageants paraded behind closed eyelids, where I bore witnessed within spelling binding near hallucinated uber visage cleft the nooks and crannies comprising cerebral hemispheres, whereby artisans, craftsmen, early geographers illustrated in frieze and drape frozen timeless statuary exhibiting the phenomenal abilities to the hilt
Associated from mainspring within the Fertile Crescent swollen like a plump grape which longest river often overflows the banks whereby coveted materiel gets spilt.
Buzzards hard feeding the rift valley and allowing, enabling and providing peoples to dominate flooding the history of mankind with accomplishments that marvel even today epitomized by innovations - alphabets, wheelwrights, pyramids, etc lives did create.
Lo how ingenious complex edifices punctuated the cerulean sky. Albeit slave labor cost many lives, one could not inhale with awe at incredulous architecture.
Huge blocks of stone weighing many a ton heaved with the heft and might of strapping youths formerly baffled historians (including myself – an amateur anthropologist and polymath to boot), the daunting mystery of unsung forced laborers, whose imprimatur lived on with signature mortise and tenon.
The whipped wide workers intricately laid jumbo pieces of a jigsaw puzzle a perfect fit with near geometric exactitude that rank as wonders of the world.
Faint hints of daily trials and tribulations recorded for posterity in clay.
or shards of broken pottery pieced together coupling revelations a mosaic plate, which functional artifacts provided dietary staples from god’s populace did pray.
Translucent lustrous holographs superimposed (as one might experience Virtual Reality) overlaid sans palimpsest fashion concomitant with the ebb and flow of the most mighty mellifluous Magi.
Upon awakening from a supreme stupor (treasuring the stipend of mental submergence encompassing grandeur inculcating mankind), exuberance abounded to revisit sacred ex spans sieve sands of time.
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