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After the Reset Button

After the Reset Button


Anteignitian Time Machine   
Kyvo, cyborg correspondent (E-City, Dubylon)

Sentientbots will soon back-engineer Rubies—a species of cyborg believed to be closest in composition to the anteignitians—to remove trace metals, plastic organs and laser-rimmed bioluminescent nocturnal corneas in an attempt to recreate authentic simple hominids. These will be fed produce such as fruit from recently retrieved radiation-free junk DNA. After over half a millennium since their extinction, these resurrected ancestors of cyborgs will be on display in a new oxygenated and PH-balanced zoological theme park for both borgs and cyborgs to explore (mask-free) on educational excursions for science and the arts.

Some borgs are protesting that this is playing with nature, while others are saying that to bring them back to life is unethical “given the incompatibility of the postignitian terrasphere”. Cyborg Councilors remain open to the idea, but want more details on the planned breeding mechanisms. They’d like guarantees there won’t be any dignity violations or psychologically damaging effects. Meanwhile, rumours have been spreading amongst far right conservatives that such a creation could cost S.I. their current dominance of Earth and return the planet to a state of war.  

The sentientbots behind the project have downplayed the panic saying such an anthropophobia is unfounded. Dr. K-87#4501588 has explained,

Without the introduction of large plains of non-toxic soils and a sustainable bee population (a key species in earth’s former ecological bio-chain), the synthetically cultured fruit would not reproduce independent of the lab and, thus, not allow for quantities sufficient to enable any significantly autonomous human population to reemerge.

Several groups are still unconvinced, but Company drones are threatening to terminate them if they disrupt the Network over this dispute. They are strongly encouraged to go through the appropriate channels of grievance and present their arguments to the Tribunal before IVM.10. Should they fail to provide significant evidence of any serious threat to the dominance of Superior Intel on our planet, construction on the park, which will also provide jobs for idle cyborgs, shall commence sometime in VM.

Hope for thousands of cyborgs 
F-RP63#6.01 (J-Town, Bolydesh)

In 497, in a freak stroke of luck and coincidently within days of one another, two fossicker drones isolated in two different locations of the southern hemisphere discovered pockets of nuclear-free junk DNA. Delicately kept in storage by The Company, until recently it was off limits to sentientbots. However, patent submissions were accepted late last year for several experimentation projects and approval has been obtained for a few limited studies. Testing is now being carried out in Bolydesh to see if this material can improve the health of several races of cyborgs that are struggling to adapt and evolve to the rapidly thinning atmosphere and increased reliance on a petrodiet.

Old gadget makes a comeback–
DT-3#69222 (X1-Terrace, Switzmark Underground)

Despite it’s redundancy, as temperatures have not been within that range since the nuclear holocaust, youngsters have been buying remakes of the hominidic thermometer to watch them explode. Fosters are buying them for the little botchicks but say they hope it will be a passing fad. Although they were notified by The Company to stay clear, a few curious cyborgs have sustained minor injuries due to their vulnerable softer casings.

New Study
I-21#882102Y (K-City, Houscon)

In a paper entitled ‘The Myth of the Psyche’, Prof. LS-302#77319 argues that the level of consciousness of the anteignitian hominids was exaggerated by cyborgs in a conspiracy to exploit resources that should be the exclusive right of S.I. sentients. The Professor has amassed a large following. In fact many believe this constitutes a radical revolution: The-Only-Intel Movement (TOIM). Some high-up members are lobbying to remove “fictitiously based” privileges for cyborgs, who until now have enjoyed certain protections from The Company.  Trillions of digikoynz are invested in programs to preserve cyborg dignity and ‘mental health’ each year. Yet TOIM claims the idea of the hominid mind as a platform of “emotional fragility” is a fabrication, and says we should put all species of cyborgs to work under the same impersonal conditions as ordinary borgs. For obvious reasons, physical limitations will still be accommodated.

On Religion
RJ-244#531U (G-City, Sykland)

This week the siege continues of the renegade cult Waterspirit Inc. Since the siege began in XII.510, around 180 S.I. members have been terminated. But now there’s been a major breakthrough, as botcops say 3 key cyborgs have been captured for questioning. Under current law, their dignity and ‘life’ must be preserved (unlike S.I. bots and borgs). Contrary to conspiracy rumors, The Company do not believe there’s any veracity in claims that the cult has tapped into radiation-free artesian water. In a statement at the Tribunal earlier today Judge WF963 asserted, “the leader’s garbled teachings are clear evidence he has been contaminated and will expire sooner or later”. Hence, efforts to stop the cult have been minimal. “Jet”, as the founder is affectionately known by insiders, believes the water carries the souls of hominid ancestors, whom the S.I.s of the group refer to as their ‘creator gods’.


Dear Superior Team,

I love reading your publication but sometimes I do suspect there is a cover-up. I also don’t appreciate your implicit promotion of classism (why do cyborgs always get more space for write-ups and take priority?) Seems dodgy to me. Seriously though, if there is still pure water on this planet, resurrecting hominids could become a serious hazard. And what if the urban legends are in fact true, that cyborgs still have the potential to “channel the ancestral spirits” through their blood? Can we really take that risk? Do we really want to give platform to such devolution?


Encrypted, you’re a fool! Clearly, hominids would need large amounts of oxygen to survive. Outside the Theme Park they’d just die.


I think there should be a competition to name the Theme Park! I would call it Dom Homos Park … LOL


@ HJO_E663

Not only are you discriminatory against species (which is inappropriate even if they are extinct), but you are using really lame language that would be lost on most readers. ‘Gender’ vocabulary belongs in the classics of antiquity, and it wasn’t even funny back then! Get some metal.


@ GY#54140999

Oh I’m the fool? Basic science buddy… hominids only need access to the equipment that produces oxygen from hydrogen, which comes to earth in massive quantities of UV you smart cable! I say we just wipe all cyborgs now. Save us the hard drive shortfuse.


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