Alone Time--A story with a twist --from Jude Kyrie

Alone Time
A Story with a Twist
From Jude Kyrie
Alone Time
Gary was not really burnt out he just took things a bit too much to heart.
OK I will admit to compulsive.
You know everything has a place and
there's a place for everything kind of guy.
They had sent him on sabbatical at the College
where he taught advanced mathematics in the engineering dept.
Take three months they said you need a vacation.
He went to the psychologist every Wednesday morning
the college employee plan paid for it thank God.
Two fifty an hour to look up her skirt at those crossed legs.
But all she came up with was
too much work, not enough fun.
So she said he needed a hobby with no electronics
no computers and plenty of fresh air.
He spoke to Janie his wife
and to Katie his six-year-old daughter.
She wanted him to build a spaceship
and take them to the Moon
Like Wallace and Gromit.
But Janie had a better idea.
Why don't you take up photography
you have most of the equipment
that your dad left to you.
Nature photography
go into the woods and lakes up in the Catskills
and shoot pictures of bears and foxes flowers and plants
spend time in the quiet
it will do you the world of good
and the fresh air won't hurt.
It was a good idea he decided
after taking a few lessons
to learn picture composing and camera technique.
He was ready.
So every single Sunday
he drove off early to the Catskills
Miles from the dirty old city.
Even more miles from the damned stress
he felt was choking him.
He got up at six am
Katie made up his sandwich
it was peanut butter raspberry jelly and a lettuce leaf
on two rounds of sliced bread.
She gave him two small mini bars
from her Halloween stash and a can of OJ.That the best
That the best lunch, I have ever seen Katie
Thank you honey.
I can make another one if you take me with you, Daddy.
No honey I have to be
alone to get peace and quiet
the doctor said to me.
OK dad but bring me a present back for my collection.
I will sweetie I will.
The early autumn fog sent the country roads white and gray
it was ghostlike but the city was behind him.
He got to Nashworld Lake and the forest
wildlife center at seven-thirty
And he was surprised to see another truck parked
in the clearing that he used
It was odd he had never seen another car there
all the time he was coming here.
He picked up his camera equipment
and set off onto the pathway
walking into the dense woodland.
The man was stood on a rock at the edge of the lake
Casting his lures.
Gary said Morning --Have you had any luck?
The man looked at him
he was a typical country redneck type
hunting fishing
ridding the woods of the vicious deer.
He had met many of these assholes before
the man ignored Gary and cast his line once more.
Gary shrugged his shoulders
ignore the prick he said to himself.
And took off further down the lake
He came upon a lunch box. it was open
it must belong to the redneck asshole he thought
Not knowing why
perhaps because it was untidy inside
he straightened out the contents neatly.
A folded newspaper page
was inside at the bottom of the box.
Gary felt his fingers pick it up
and started to unfold it
The paper was from the small town near the lake.
it's headlines were unnerving.
The eighth body found in the woodlands at Nashworld Lake.
It had been carved up pretty good
the local police were unable to solve it
it was put down as a serial killer
and the FBI were taking over the next week.
There was a noise behind him
a twig breaking under a heavy boot.
Gary spun around
OMG he shouted I'm so sorry.
what are you doing in my lunch pail
he asked not too sweetly.
I did not see it and kicked it over
said Gary making up a plausible story.
So I straightened it back neatly for you.
I am a bit of a neat freak he rambled.
Oh that's ok the man said
I am sorry for not answering you before.
I thought you might be the slasher man in the woods.
Me heck no
I am a math teacher Gary laughed.
They sat down drank coffee and ate their lunches.
He was not a bad guy.after all, Gary thought
Which way is the rock beach asked Gary?
The man looked at his wrist
On it was a combination
compass timepiece and stopwatch.
It was beautiful .
He said I will take you it's about a mile
They set off and the beach with huge rocks on it appeared
the scene on the lake was stunning
I must catch the light, said Gary
He ran onto the large rock
it was slick with moss
and he came crashing down
lay hurt on the beach holding his leg.
I could have told you the rocks were slick but you just ran.
His voice seemed colder to Gary.
He was coming to down to Gary
and he grabbed him by his shoulder
I don't think you broke anything he said
but Gary looked at him closely
The man never noticed
how like ice Gary's blue eyes were.
He also did not notice
the flash of morning sunlight
breaking through the mist glinting
on the blade of a razor sharp hunting knife
in Gary’s hand, it cut his throat from ear to ear
as Gary tore the body apart.
The rage left his body
His mind felt crystal clear for once.
That fucking Psychologist was right
He sure did need his hobby.
He got home at six pm
ready for dinner
Janie kissed him warmly
and said did you get any good pictures?
yes, it was a great day love a great day.
After dinner
Katie asked him,
Daddy, did you bring me a present for my collection?
He smiled I sure did honey it's a nice one.
What is it daddy?
he took it out the small oak handmade collection box
he kept all Katie's Sunday gifts in.
OH! It's a watch daddy
yes but it's also a compass
and stopwatch as well.
its beautiful daddy
Thank you so much.
Your welcome kitten
Anything for you.
Anything at all.
The End
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