My lancashire lass a short 1950s love story

I was nineteen, almost twenty
back then. In the fifties.
The small after war mill town
in Lancashire
held dark hope for the future.
Smoke stacks and coal stained
buildings left from the remnants
of the industrial revolution.
Now all I felt in my heart was anger.
No jobs poor wages if you could get one.
But I had my looks and burning passion
to get somewhere in this damned World.
My dad got me a job in the offices
At the coal mine where he was a miner.
it was on the
bottom rung of the ladder
I hated it, but it was a job.
That's where I met her, my boss.
The eldest daughter of the mine owner.
She was pretty and spoiled.
Well educated
at rich daddy's expense I guessed.
But used to her own way.
Nepotism was rife in those days.
She was thirty four but she kept
looking at me almost inspecting me.
Like her next toy I thought
But I was nineteen.
I had never been with a woman
And she was well built and pretty.
She spoke to me gently and respectfully.
Like a teacher does to a pupil.
And as I listened all I could notice
Were her beautiful breast
and the impressive cleavage
In her blouse.
Every morning is he smiled at me
and wished me good day.
What she did not know she had starred
In my erotic dream last night and in it
Her expensive clothes lay carelessly
On the floor next to the bed,
That we were sharing.
She spent time with me
and a lot
about the business.
Her family owned half the town.
I had to work the weekend
the auditors were coming in
on monday morning early.
At seven o'clock on Saturday evening
we finished our preparations.
Thank you so much she said softly.
You must be famished I am.
She took me into town
in her MG sports car.
We ate at nice pub I had
three glasses of red wine.
I liked it I had never drank wine before.
She said do you have a girl.
I blushed no miss.
Why not, you are very nice looking.
Have you not found one lady
that you would like to ask out.
Yes miss I.mumbled there's one.
She looked at me I thought
I saw a tiny bit of jealousy.
But it could be the wine.
Who is she?
tell me about her it was half an order.
I called upon the glow
of my new found wine friend and said.
She's beautiful miss.
Very very stylish.
Lovely figure
and perfect gray eyes.
I don't think I have ever seen
a woman as lovely as her.
She sounds lovely she said.
But I noticed she was a bit miffed.
Why don't you ask her out.?
Because I don't think
she would accept miss.
Look she said out of the office
You may call me Elisabeth all right.
I said yes miss….er... Elizabeth.
Who is this lady you talk of anyway?
It's …..its you miss.
She went silent.
Looking at me intently.
Have I lost my job miss I asked.
No you haven't its alright.
I am much older than you.
It would not be appropriate.
Men go with ladies
much younger than they are miss.
Yes I know they do.
She took me back to the small
flat she kept in the city.
For nights that
she may be out on the town.
It was cosy and comfortable.
She poured more wine.
Why have you never married? I asked.
She smiled.
Because all those
that asked I didn't love,
all those I loved did not ask
she quipped.
I took my jacket off
it was warm with the wine.
And the closeness to her.
My small pocket novel sided girlie
magazine fell out of the inside pocket.
I grabbed it quickly.
but she saw it.
Let me see it she said.
I passed it to her blushing.
She looked at the pictures
of the large breasted naked ladies.
They are lovely she said.
They are not as lovely as you are miss.
Have you ever been with a lady.
She asked.
I blushed no not yet,.
She said its time you did.
Taking my hand
she led me to her bedroom.
I am not sure what to do I whispered.
Hush hush now come to me,
She took me slowly and patiently.
I felt my childhood leave my body
Irrevocably rushing into her as my
manhood appeared in its place.
I slept in her arms and
when I woke in the night.
she took me again
and held my head
onto her beautiful breast
as I slept like a child.
After that she took me to her place
after work almost every day,
She took me to her bed
and we made love.
After few months I came into work
she called me into her office.
She looked troubled.
I thought I was getting fired.
But she said I'm pregnant.
In those days abortions
were illegal and dangerous.
And out of wedlock babies poured
shame on lady and family.
She said I want this baby.
I told my mother
She broke it to daddy.
He's furious he wants to see you
in his office now.
I nearly collapsed
with fear and. confusion.
But I made my way to the
managing director's office.
He was a big man with a
moustache and silver hair.
Noted for his temper.
He said I make no bones about it.
You are not suitable
to a member of my family.
I had my lawyer draw up an agreement.
and termination package.
He brought out his checkbook.
He wrote a cheque payable to me
for thirty thousand pounds.
An enormous sum in those days.
Move on leave town
and never bother Elisabeth again.
He said strictly.
I do not know where
I got the courage from.
I looked at the cheque.
And thought of my
hundred and five pounds net worth.
And I tore it half.
Sir, You can fire me,
blacklist my name
in the north of England .
Make my life a living hell.
you have this power I know.
But I shall not leave Elisabeth
unless she tells me to go.
And even then
I do not want your money.
He stopped silently.
He always got his way,
No one ever talked back at him.
There was something about this boy
that reminded him of himself so long ago
when he had not two penny's
to rub together.
and truth be known,
he married his wife Maud
because she was pregnant.
Very well
we will call my errant daughter.
and she can tell you to go herself.
Elizabeth came in the room
Her pretty eyes.
Red from crying.
Tell him to go daughter
he commanded.
I offered him thirty
thousand pounds to go away.
But he tore up the cheque.
He wants to hear you
to tell him to leave.
And he will leave
without a penny.
She looked up into my face
She saw the love
in my eyes that I had for her.
Do you want me she asked.
I answered
yes I do
Do you want this baby
she asked firmly
Yes I do.
Do you want to marry me
she asked?
Yes I do .
Old Abel her father knew defeat
when it was inevitable.
Alright against my blessing
you get married next week in white.
No bride of my family
Will go to altar great with child.
Ten years later
Abel had retired
And became the doting grandfather
To our four children.
After the twins were born
then a year later his granddaughter
a year later his grandson.
he realised that his daughter
was the happiest women
in the north.of England.
.And his son in law
was good husband and father.
I ran the mine
and expanded his interest
into electronics manufacturing.
We sit together on the river bank
sometimes Elizabeth and me.
I say l love you honey.
You are still the most beautiful woman
i have ever been with.
She laughs
i am the only woman
you have been with
I corrupted you as a youth.
.I am so happy you never
asked me to leave
that day in his office.
She smiled.
I proposed to you instead,my love.
Why did you not accept the huge sum
of money he offered and run.
Of something you once said
about not being married
What's that then she questioned
All the ones you loved
did not ask you.
You were the one I loved
and you did ask me
I the darkest days a candle glows.