Another Damn letter to you because you'll never read them

I found myself thinking about you allot lately and I'm starting to lose sleep. I lied to you when I reached out to you..I wanted you to say," I love you" because I don't hear it that often and I wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I hate that your crossing my mind when I'm already in a crossroad.
But I'm the bad guy too. I'm writing about you while I still have someone in my phone with the same number for the past 3 years. I'm just as guilty as you when you texted me when you were with mother Mary.
You were the same person who broke me but yet the same person who was their for me when someone else decided to brake me too. But why? Its that stupid song that brought everything back..I swear I was fine. I feel like I'm lying to myself just because I cant say my thoughts out loud.. your my thoughts and I'm physically blocked. I waited for you like a dog on a leash hoping you'd come back..but you constantly made up excuses and found other people. I had to do the same because of you.
I'm not happy but I'm not sad, and I have no idea anymore whose going to love me the way I want to be loved. I dont hate you for choosing someone else ,and I know you feel the same. I'm just..... Now you're just a collection of unwritten poetry, and a short stack of letters, and every lyric to every break up song. Who knew that a heartache like that could last over a life time just for you?
Today I'm the bad guy and tomorrow you'll be the one who chose to
walk away.
Sincerely, My to my past
To: My Future, You
Aw such a fab lyrical emotive poem on an ex who has another yet still occupies your thoughts. A common issue with relationships well expressed. Kudos!
Plz do read and comment my newest poem too