April's fool

~~Once upon a time in Aprils fool day. I found out that your mama is so short, you could see her feet on her driver’s license. And your father don’t worry I also found out that his glasses are so thick he could see people waving on a map. You so ugly it seems like on the day you were born your mother was watching a horror movie.i asked a tswana speaking guy(that’s an African language)to go and buy me a mixed portion at a local pick and pay shop ,but when he got there instead of saying mixed portion he asked for a mixed proportion and I was like what the heck ?this guy must have been dreaming about mathematics. A lady from the hood was asked out on a formal private function by a suburbs guy , the lady came wearing a royal bright two-piece cloth , the lady asked the guy how she looked and the guy said “wow you look great, it’s colourful” the lady said colourful you make it sound like a box of crayons .l asked my first born son as a father to son question and said son ,he said daddy and I said what would you name your first born son and he said john(no offence). I was freaked out and still are today.
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