Story -

Clockwork - A Begining

Clockwork - A Begining

I have lived for 16 years, and in those 16 years, I’ve seen my father be scolded, praised, insulted, and worshipped.  I have received similar treatment, but unlike him, it has not altered me.
Now I stand outside by his storehouse, the storehouse I built from scratch using nothing but local wood and stone. It took me 3 days to build that house, if the villagers had built it would have taken 3 months with at least a dozen casualties.
My father got a bag of gold for his efforts, I got sent out to the farms to help with the harvest. He thinks that I am incapable of anything remotely humanoid other than appearance, that was true for quite some time.
It all changes soon though, I have found all the necessary parts to give myself working emotions, although basic they will give me the ability to interact with others seamlessly. Soon I will leave this village and sail to a new land and create a new life.



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