Scorching Summer Schoolday

The scorching sun sears through my thin jeans. My sweat-soaked skin has been stuck to the rubber backing of my chair since I sat down, preventing me from moving away from the offending rays. I grab my half-empty water bottle off the table, quickly swallowing a mouthful before my mouth can register the warmth of the water. It's disgusting, but it helps my throat feel a little less dry. 30 minutes until school is over, then a mad dash through falling fire and I will be home.
I try wiggling my butt around to unstick myself, but in doing so my leg touches the metal of the table. I expect my skin to sizzle and burn, but it merely makes my already red skin darken. I've been doing this strange chair dance for 10 minutes, but I have made no progress in becoming unstuck. The sun is unbearable, if I don't get out soon I fear the cafeteria may use me for tomorrow's stew. I try wiggling more vigorously, strange looks be damned, and manage to get my leg unstuck. ”I’m free!” I shout, only to be reminded by the teacher that ”there is still 15 minutes left, stop packing up!” I slump in my chair, but ignore the old man. I flick my pencil off the table so I have an excuse to continue my escape. The sun reflects off the tabletop and into my eyes as I bend over, I am blinded by the heat of it. I continue regardless, and as I finally, finally, make it out of what has been my cage for the last half an hour my heart drops. As I fall to the ground, so does the bottle of acid that was once an ingredient in my science project.
I take it all back, I’ve never known real heat before. This is what heat is, what it’s like to burn.