Conversations With the Old Man of Kenner

Well, let me start by telling you a little something about the old man of Kenner. He is a native of the deep south, down by the ole Mississippi River. You may see him on any given day walking or jogging on the levy or walking his big white dog Baxter. As time goes on and you see more conversations we have had, you will question, is he a little nuts or just got that sly sense of humor. Now I have known him for quite a spell so I know he has a goofy sense of humor. He treated his mom really good and he created stories to make her laugh and anyone else who was listening. Took care of her right until the end. You would have thought he was a trained nurse, yes you would. They used to go with the church and feed the hungry on Thursday down in N'Awlins. In his prime he could run those marathons as a pro and if he only had the money, could have run in the Boston Marathons. So ok, let's get on with it. Here is one of his tall tales he told me on the phone one day. It was around St. Patricks Day.
" I was listening to this preacher on TV who said put on the whole armour of God and fight off the devil. So I went out and got a bunch of coke cans and vegetable cans and made a suit of armour for me and Mr. dog Baxter and painted them green for St. Patrick's Day. We went out like that, but the people laughed at us. But I knew dat the people was under the influence of the ole devil. So we walked with our heads high. "
My response was, " I am really proud of you both."
So that is the conversation with the ole man of Kenner for today.
To be continued: #1 of 7
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Funny, look forward to hearing more.
I like the way you tell the stories. I love the way he thinks things out.