Cosmofunnel vs my writing gig ?

A couple of weeks ago i sat on the computer looking for a job that could be right for me. I don't have much experience but i do know what i love to do. I love ART, i write, sing, draw its what i do. They liked my work that i posted on cosmofunnel so when they sent me a topic to write?-It wasn't my cup of tea. I had to write about how i though the world would prosper in a globalizing way? I went to work but it took me awhile. If you read my work you know i dont write about those thing. I honestly didn't agree with the topic, i dont think the world would change for the better, how could it prosper? Maybe im wrong but the way im looking it i dont see it. I feel like maybe they didn't agree with me so they turned me down . We all have our opinions on the world i just wanted to give it a twist onto my prospective.
If were going to get paid to write, we might as well right what comes from the heart then to sale a shit pile of garbage. Im not going to lie just for something to sale, im truthful . On the Bright side of things- You can write on cosmofunnel for free and to write whatever your little heart desires and i cant complain for that.Thank you comsofunnel!
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