Deceive and Revenge

Deceive and Revenge
Greed for power
(After the fire and the explosion hit the company where I worked as a inventor for computer software,killing my co-worker and almost me,the building was a total wreck... I and a few others were very lucky to get out a live... everything that we were working on for years got destroyed,we were working on some very top secret inventions,some worked,some didn't that was 6 months back, one thing that we were working on was a two part small disc and a half moon flat split pin with two small spikes on each end,most knew about the first part but only myself,my co-worker and my boss knew of the second part. I was so distraught after the fire. I never went back even to the new place even known I could have been in a very hight security protected area and in charge of my own department too, But no, I went from one job to another ending on the street going from place to place working when I could,I became a street person,a run away if you wanted to call it that. came from somewhere and going nowhere, I didn't care I just want a new life that was 2 years ago.
I ran into him one night when trying to get away from a few thugs and ran right into him, he grab my arm but I twisted around and trying to hit him in the face but I only manage to him in the shoulder my judgement was way off, him being so tall, just then the 3 so called body guards running around the corner and stop dead. He had his gun already out ready to fire “she ours” one said “I don't think so,now you all have a choice,leave us or else”(they back off walking away pointing a finger at me) “we will see you again and you too Willy... you don't own all the streets here and you know Jacket he will see to that” "tell Jacket if he want to talk leave me a message,he knows where" ( he pulled me,i tried to pulled away but his grip on me was so tight)”come!!,we got to get away from here”(we walked across the road down into a long allay stopped and tapping on a steel door at the end of a building, the door open, pushing me inside,still holding my hand led me down to the basement and through another door into a underground of a old railway tunnel coming up to another steel door knock once again with two quick knocks. the big old steel door open,inside are street people, still pulling me along we came to the end of a long tunnel,tapping again on the door we walk into a old work shop of some kind,i could see a old bench where they cut and made up parts and lots and lots of spanners,shifters,screwdrivers,hoses,oxyacetylene tanks for welding, old train carriages where they were living in. up the end of the platform in a old office he push me in sitting me down on a wooden crate)”ok why are Jackets fuck heads after you”(i didn't say a word just looked at him then said)”Hi my name is Pint what yours”(pulling up another crate and sitting his big bulk down staring hard at me...I stared right back with a slight curve of my lips) “Willy and you are'' '' Pint”(I said putting out my hand for a shake,he took it) “ok Pint, I know you a picket,so where is it,I know you got what ever it is, otherwise those fuck heads wouldn't be after you”(looking at Willy,then reaching down to my old joggers,pulling one off, tuck in under the tongue on my left is a small round flat disc about the size of 10 cent piece,under the other one was a roll of money all $100 bills all fit in the tongue of my shoe like padding you wouldn't even known it was their ,handing the disc over over to Willy, the other one I keep hidden that is my ace in the hole card. looking hard at the disc,looking around called over Com and show it to him) “what do you make of this Com”(putting it in the man's hand) “where! in the hell did you get this”asked Com”(pointing to me)”this is Pint I save her arse from Jacket's fuck heads,she is a picker”(looking at me then Willy)"so who did you picket it from" "I don't know the big one,he looks like a boss'' "that could be computer"Com said "computer,is that his name"I said"Yes"said Willy “this is the new super disc," said Com... I only seen one of this kind and that was a prototype, and that was back in 2000 when I work for the company but the size was about 50 cents... it has codes for the world computers... to a hacker it's the holy grail it can hack into anywhere any time as long as they got the right computer to sit this little baby in,(I was looking at Com I through I seen him before now I know where and why did Computer man have it...Was Jacket men's protecting Computer man? And who is this Com how does he know so much about the disc who did he work for ??... pulling me back)..."this is really big and dangerous Willy,this is spies and government stuff”said Com(looking at me then Willy “can you access it”asked Willy “maybe,but I need to go to the old place and get some things"said Com “ok but be very careful,Jacket knows now that we mite have this and Pint, he will be after both,his arse is on the line now if he is working for the computer man and I know what he's like ”said Willy(pointing a finger at me) “it's look like you going to be a permanent guess here” ''why,I said'' ''because if they get to are dead''(and from that moment on Willy been their for me like a lover...train me for anything,using any type of gun, driving and fixing cars, bikes,trucks,fixing up motors anything diesel,petrol.
6 months passed I fell in love with Willy he was my everything then he got shot,I found him lying in his own puddle of blood near the entry door from a gun wound to the chest,my world stopped that day but I made a promise to Willy I will hunt who ever did this to him down and do the same to him regardless of what will happened to me,then I scream,cry the others heard me and came running,I don't know where Com came from but, picking me up and big arms came around me just holding me,)" I'm so sorry Pint we know you love him with all you could, we all did,"(they took his body away I didn't even seen his body even to give him a kiss good by that night we cremated Willy I took his ashes and scatter them over a small hill, over looking the river... he once told me that he love this place,played here with his brothers when they were kids,he said he loved me,we made love here,still crying I felt a slight breeze, I don't know how long I sat their,slowly getting up, walking back I saw Com walking up to me and taking me in wrapping his arms around me leading me back down the hill back to where our home the tunnels. I stayed for a few more days...writing a letter to explain to Com why I was night I just sneak out never looked back but did say I will come back one day when the job is done leaving the letter in the spot that we all know.(going from place to place getting jobs where and when I could, doing anything and finding out any information on Jacket that fucker)
Sitting down on the dirt in the Shadows of the under pass,taking out a small bottle of water from my pack, slipping a small amount, looking around, rubbish all around,fringe dwellers with there made shift homes out of boxes,tin,old tents,anything that they could get their hands on, even knowing that they had nothing, they had something over there heads,I had nothing...only my back pack and what I had inside, a coat,,panties a old sport bra ,old pair of jeans and a top,and pair of socks which has seen better days,but at least they keep my feet warm on cold night,Putting my bottle back in and swinging the pack over my shoulders I headed off under the pass and up to the other side,heading to wards a fast food place I had enough money to buy a cheese burger,it getting late above 9... I should make it before they close. walking up to the driveway order my burger and sitting down out the back on a old wooden box, my mouth is watering taking the first bit and slowly chewing tasting even little bit,... so yummy, when I heard it,sound like a car back firing, getting up and creeping to the corner of the building, saw one in the car and one running jumping in car, wheel spinning and heading straight for me jumping back, one that jumped in open the door and dragging me in across his lap I hit my head on the door handle and feel blood running down my face a hand came over my mouth I must have passed out,when I awoke my hands are tired behind my back. Groaning with pain trying to move my hands and sitting up) “the little one is awake” (one of the guys said still feeling a bit groggy I asked if I could have some water please, the one in the back seat next to me pulled out some water from my bag gave me a small sip,slowly turning my head and looking at him,) “what do you want with me” I said (he turned looked at the driver then back at me) said “you saw us so now you are a part of us,” (grinning,) “no way are you mad” (he leaned over and open my door the car is going about 65 slowly pushing me out,) “ok,ok I guess I'm working with you two” (pulling me back in and taking in a breath...then,the the one next to me push me forward and taking off the tiers that held my wrists rubbing them to get the circulation back)”what's your name” he said “ pack and that's all you going to get,what's your” I said “I'm Scar” (pointed to the Scar running down from his left eye to his jawline... pointed to the one in fount) “that's driver and that's all you going to get” he said (smiling) “so we're we going, “nowhere and everywhere” he said. (I lean up against the door my head is so sore drifting of to sleep,I awoke sometime later groaning) “have any of you go any painkillers,” “yep”( handing me a joint,)”thanks but no thanks maybe later,” (I needed to keep myself alert) “why did you pulled me in” “you saw us”(Scar laughing) “you got to be fucking kidding me,I don't want to get involved and if I did get away you could do the same to me and hunt me down so where are you taking me” ( looking at driver in the reviewing mirror looking back at me "will you shut the fuck up he said... you find out when we get there" (I turn away looking out the window... we are driving along a dirt road train yards on the left,thinking I just came off one of them a week ago. to the right a few old shabby houses in need of repairs, kids are playing on the road either soccer or cricker, saw us coming ,driver didn't stop they got out of the road as we drove past giving us the finger)"fucking brats" Scar said (I just glazed at him)"well they got no where else to play"I said" I told you to fucking shut up,didn't I" (given him the most evil look as if to say what are you going to do about it looking back at him... the next minute he hit the dash so hard he almost put a hole in it,I jump,)"shit! what your problem I said" (Scar jumping too looking at driver) “what the fuck!,Driver"(Driver just glazed ahead didn't say a word.. just thinking...fuck why did I get tangle up with Scar and why did he have to pull another one in,after last time...fuck we got enough shit on out plate, banning the wheel again we pulled into a old run down house at the end of the road,driver open the door) "get out"(I did as he said I didn't want to pissed him off any more and I didn't say a word, driver pointed to the back)"around their" (I slowly walked around the back of the house Driver dragging me by my arm squeezing it a bit hard)"hay that hurts" (pulling me along and standing next to me while he unlock the door pushing me inside pointing down the corridor) "shower down their go and have one you sinks!!" (Scar laughing) "fuck you!!"I said (raising my voice and giving him the finger as I walked off,picking up my pack on the way... going into the bathroom turning on the water getting it nice and hot, stripping off and throwing my clothes on the shower floor, stepping on top of them to wash,getting the soap,smelling it,nice washing all over,my hair felt so good and rubbing my feet over the clothes, picking up my panties giving them a good wash,did the same with the rest , rinsing under the shower turning off the water and grabbing a towel of the door nob wrapping it around me,just then the door open and their stood Driver,)"shit!fuck don't you know how to knock" "food ready" he said(looking me up and down,and staring at the pendent a small round disk with symbols hanging around my neck a unusual look cross his face as if he knows what it is and from somewhere in the past,I quickly got dress, running my fingers through my hair I didn't have a bush so this had to do,picking up my wet clothes ringing them out taking them with me to the kitchen) "can I hang these up out side" (Driver got up showed me where the line is chucking them on, going back inside Driver gave me a couple of sausages, and some chips squeezing tomato sauce on the plate, I was just about to say no, I didn't want tomato sauce but through better of it,picking up a sausage biting it and a few chips this is so good still not saying anything just keep on eating and looking down I could feel driver looking at me)"so where are you from"(looking up at driver I didn't say a word just keep on eating fuck him I through, I tell him when I'm good and ready the next minute I was on the floor driver slapping me right in the face)" when I asked you a question you will! answer me do you hear me" "fucking hell driver what's got into you"said Scare(I slowly got up and before Driver sat down I hit him back right in the jaw sending him back over the chair,spitting blood)" I will!answer you if and when I feel like it" I said(he got up rubbing his jawline lifting the chair up and sat down start eating still looking at me I did the same, Scare looked at me then Driver ) "I know you from somewhere" driver said" well I don't think so,I would never forget a fucking arse hole like you"(Scar bust out laughing, Driver slapped him) "shut the fuck up,Scar" (we all just sat, eating,I finished, getting up and put the paper plate in the bin,fulling up the jug and made a coffee sitting back down) "I'm from up north,no family, boyfriend is dead" "how did he die"asked Scar"(looking at him)"some fucker shot him in the chest a few years back"(Driver went white) "you ok Driver you gone all white"(said Scar)" "yeah I'm fine"(looking at me and pointing down towards the room)"you can sleep in the end room down there"(getting up and pulling his plate in the bin,going out side)"fuck I never seen Driver like this before I just don't know what going on with him some times" "have you still got any of that join left" I said "sure"(getting up and bringing me a stub)" not much sorry " " that's ok I only need a few puff it will help me to cram down,thanks " "sorry,pack I just don't know why he hit you like that"( I didn't say anything just thinking... I think I do... I think Driver is Jacket and he knows who I am and he scared... he knows I'm Pint that's why he's been staying at me trying to figure it out, when I mention about my boyfriend being shot then he knew who I really was and does he know about the pendent he was staring at it in the bathroom,taking the stub into the room, open the window slightly, light and taking in a small draw,I'm going to get this fucker,thinking playing innocent for the time been, let him make the first move if he scared now he will fuck up some more but he be more alert too and I have be on my guard as well I don't think he will try anything just yet.... it's going to be a cat and mouse game but who's the cat and who's the mouse)
(fuck! of all the fucking woman, Scar had to grab, it had to be her, Pint,I know she was in town but didn't know where and I don't want to know, I know she been hunting me for over two years, but does she knows that I'm Jacket and I didn't killed Willy we both were set-up(rubbing the scar along his rib... I got my suspicions and I think it was Com... I got to keep Scar in the dark,too the less he knows the better. The back door open and Scar came out)"hay Driver what gives, I never seen you like this" "Sorry Scar she remind me of a old girl friend but a bit older that's all man ok" "sure ok do you want me to take her out" "no we send her on her way tomorrow give her some money," "are you sure" "Yes,we just scare the shit out of her,she a runner way," "ok then, anyway she gone into the room I gave her the butt,it will put her to sleep,we could take her somewhere else and just dropped her off,maybe down where the fringe dwellers are and leave her there” “let's wait and see what tomorrow brings” “ok you're the boss I'm going to hit the sack I see you in the morning” “sure ok I'll be in soon.''( locking everything up,Still thinking about Pint and Willy I drop the butt of the cigarette and stamping it out, walking around the fount locking up the car turning around their sat Pint sitting on the window ledge looking back at me,walking up just a few feet from her,rubbing the back of my neck) "sorry about to night you remind me of someone years ago,"(turning away ready to walk back around the back)"who?"(looking back at her,)"just someone I really like from a far and she was very special,to someone I loved" who did you love " " my brother and we both got screwed from our other brother," (thinking I said too much)" you can leave in the morning and don't worry we won't hunt you down ”(I turn back around and went down to wards the back of the house, making sure that the gate was lock,coming back up the path, their stood pack, ready to hit out)"you are lying Driver,stop playing games with me,you fucker,you know who I am,crying" (he slowly walking towards me both hands out) ( backing up a step or two)"what make you think I am lying"(standing right in front of me now slowly reaching down and touch my face,)"still so beautiful, you are ,it's time you know the truth "(taking me by the arm, we walked back in side,I was just numb I could not believe this or I don't want to, I know Willy had a few secrets,Driver push me in the chair and pulling up one and sat in-between my legs)"when Scar pulled you into the car,I had no idea ...I don't know it was you ok... so let's get that straight first...when I first thought it was you was tonight when you were talking about your man, my brother(I went white shaking my head) and the most important thing is... I don't killed!! my brother, Willy... and Com is my half brother same father...we had a falling out over territory and Com...Willy took Com side and I got kicked out ...I know he tried to write the letter and it looks like a J, but I don't think he got to finish it.. it could have be a C...and before you asked how I know... I was told by someone in the group,said that Con was in with someone and trying to take over,I didn't get the chance to fine out" (looking surprised and eyes wide open ...thinking back,yes it could have been a C,)''that night when you caught me you were spying,but on who'' ''Com I said'' ''so you don't trust him,too'' ''I let you know, if I,I'm right "so do I call you Drive or Jacket with a sarcastic tone" (with a slight smile) "Drive will be fine and what about you,Pack or Pint" "Pack will be fine still with the sarcastic tone" (after filling me in up to the point when Willy got shot,tears whelm up again) "I'm sorry Pack, it still hurts me too,we were supposed to meet computer man,I didn't know what he look like but Willy did we waited for about 10 minutes...I told Willy I had to leave as I was meeting a few others groups I just got around the corner and double back and watch when I heard the shot when I got back, you were screaming and crying... then out of no where Com came,and the door open,I wanted to come back but I was not welcome I was banned from the group... me and Willy had a falling out over a few issues the way things were running and with Com,he been the youngest, Willy took his side... he could not do anything worn in Willy eyes,I did told Willy that Com would be his down fall one day...and I still do believe it to this day that Com shot Willy" "why didn't you go back and face Com"I said " one, I can't get to him,he has bodyguard now and two, I got no evidence, only my gut,getting up and grabbing two beers from the fridge, Driver open, gave one to me,and taking a big gulp of his,I did the same he look at me)" I know you didn't give all the parts to Willy, why not?” "what do you mean I don't give all the parts, that's all I had" "fucking bullshit Pack,I know you got the other part ...I was told that their was two parts one was the disc and the other... "(reaching up and pulling the necklace breaking the chain,cutting the back of my neck with force,I yelled out with pain) "fuck you Driver"(trying to grab it from the grip of his fist) "give it back it belongs to me, he gave it to me and it's the only thing I have left” “bullshit" (standing up so I couldn't get it,looking at it,I stood too,trying to grab it, his arm came around me forcing my arms back holding on with one hand while he look at the pendant it was a round circle with letter, numbers and symbols on the outside a small inter circle inside where a coin can be insert it had to be inserted in the right way otherwise it would have not fitted in the pendant)" this is the other part isn't it... that's why Com could never work out how the disc did work... you had the final piece... very clever indeed,no wonder Com was pissed off when you left,he know you still had a part,but what I don't understand, why didn't you give it all to Willy,why keep this"(looking up into Driver's eyes)"I didn't know who to trust,I know that their was someone in the group at work who was a trader... getting information could destroy the computer network...I wanted to fine out who it was... I thought and still do think it is you driver unless you can prove me i'm wrong... there is too many red Herrings” “ok I can understand that, but what makes you think you could have trust Willy" "he didn't know what it was but when he called over Com and I remember him seen him with computer man I know he had the disc and I had the other one I was going to destroy both of them I don't know how Com or computer man know about the pendent but I think the computer man is my ex boss... so now, that you have the second part what are you planning to do ,you still don't have the disc and if you are right about Com,then why did Com,killed Willy and not me"because Com through Willy had all of it,when Willy gave Com the disk,but not the pendent Com through Willy was holding out,and Com had to get the pendant back one way or another." (letting me go, I rub my arm)"so what's now, you got one half and Com got the other,are you going to give it to him I said" "fucking! hell! no!,this little beauty is my ticket to get back what that fucker step brother took from me... there is no love loss between me and Com,Pack he not full blood like Willy is,was" "do you know what will happen when the two piece are put together and insert into the mainstream, I said and take in the facts that this is the prototype and it's never been fully tested... if this works to the way it's suppose too..they will be the controller... who will control all computer world wide”I said(how do you know so much about this"he said(not looking at driver I sat back down,) “I was the one who help to developed the disc and the pendant,"what!! wait you developed it"( looking up at him)''yes!... when we first made the prototype it was too big to put into anything so we had come up with a small one, then we have to think of a way so it didn't look like a disk I was the one to come up with the idea was my job to design and built the pendant too,that's when I first saw Com,well I think it was him... he was working on something else but did know about the small disc... but didn't know about the pendant at the time only me,my co-worker and our boss... we didn't know who he was only the code,either a phone call or computer name,Boss man... when we were attacked my co worker got killed a metal rail fell on top of her, I put the pendant around my neck I didn't have time to put it back in the safe...this was 6 months before I came involved with Willy... I saw Com talking to this man, I don't know who anyway I keep on following Com I saw him talking to you a couple of times I through you were the computer man,when he did made contact with this other guy I followed him and pick him he didn't even know saw me walking away,feeling his pockets calling out to me to stop then then your dick heads nearly caught me it was just by luck that I ran into Willy that night... Willy knew I had the disk I think he saw me that night anyway he gave the disk to Com I through I seen him at the unit...I still don't know who the computer man is... but I think he could have been my Ex Boss,he is the only other that know about the pendent beside Com and I don't know each other I only seen Com once walking out of the building..we never did had face to face contact...Com could even been my Boss at the time....
"You know we have to go back",(Driver said)"what about Scar,we should tell him,we may need him,"(just then the door to the bedroom open and Scar came out)"tell me what"(driver looking at Scar,rub his hand over his face,beard, hair)"I got to go back, I got to get in and deal with Com once and for all Scar,I told you earlier that Pack remind me of someone" "Yes,you said that she looks like your old girl friend" (looking between the both)"I look like your old girl friend, hay"(with a smug) who!"(driver didn't answer me)" ok,what,now driver,do you want me to come with you," “yes, the both of you,I need both of your help,"(fulling Scar in of what happened two years ago and the death of his brother Willy and my involvement... as well and what he suspect of Com and who he is...Scar was quite for a while just thinking and finally said)"ok your the man Driver... if it wasn't for you helping me when you did I wouldn't be where I'm am now and I thank you for that,I'm here for you man always ok." (reaching out both men shook hands and man pack each other on the back)"ok" (with a bit of emotion in his voice Driver said)"we need a plan and suggestions"(going to the fridge and getting out 3 beers,sitting back down and looking from me to Scar)"well I got a bit of one but you mite not like it,"(both of them looking at me)"ok lay your cards on the table Pack and we talk it through" (said Driver) "well you know that when I left,I told Com that I wouldn't be back until I either kill you or bring you back.." " ok keep talking " " you got to take me in " "how am I going to bring you in pint'' ''simply you recognize me asked me out on a date and drug me''.. ''I recognise you" " yes''((smiling) "what do you want me to do"(said Scar)"have we got any paper and a pencil here"(driver got up getting the stuff I needed) "ok(I said drawing up the plains) this is the underground tunnels their is only one way in and out,pointing to the doors," "Yes I remember these,but you need a knock code"(said driver) "yes you do,but their is another one only me and Willy know about"(I said)that's how we could come and go"(,I pointed to a trapdoor at the end of a long tunnel)" this is where you going in Scar...this takes you to the main area where everyone is,you can hide in a small cut out ledge along here and looked down... this is where we will be brought into and Com head table is in very spot right in front of you,...Scar you have to be a mouse keeping low and quirt,you will have the best sport, if any thing goes haywire, you take out Com,"(looking from Scar to Driver)"once we inside we just have to play it by ear,he knows I want you dead,Driver, but I don't know what he wants from me'' '',maybe you still have something he wants'' ''yes the pendent,now you have it and now how are you going to get a message to said that you can't get near him right" "yeah, when I left he made it quite clear that if I return I would never come out a live" "how did you make contact before," call or text" " do you still have his number" " Yes,I think so,why!" " well Com thinks that I have the pendant, right... why don't you tell him that you have it and me and make a trade" " that's sounds ok,but what will I trade them for" "what about giving back your status and your area, that way you will have something to look forward too if that what you want"(driver thinking for some time)"I let you know,now we all need some sleep we talk some more in the morning" (I got up and went into the bedroom,laying on the bed trying to come up with other ideas, and he didn't get all of the pendant too, that's my ace looking at my bellybutton ring,if only they know what it really was. just a tiny very important piece .it,s the third part a half small moon Crest made out of pure gold this little piece keeps the other two piece together when the small disc is inserted into the the bigger round disc this litter moon shape clicks both together stops them from spinner out of control then the whole disc is then put into the special part of the computer if the computer has not got the special insert the whole disc won't fit so who ever got all the disc needs the computer as well and that what I think Com has got one made up or he has made up one him self so you driver needs to fine out what Com has got,I have to push him on that and I don't even know who built it but I bet Com does." anyway I'm tired," (getting up and going back to my room,stopping dead in my track,turning around looking at driver,)"I just realize something" "what " driver said" ''Com,as in computer he could be computer man,another thing, when willy gave him the disk he said he had to go back to the company to get parts, how would he get in and how would he know where all the parts are" (driver thinking this over)"that is a very good point, pack, how would he know,unless he knows where things are and just maybe the company is not completely destroyed, maybe their is another area" "yes driver you could be right maybe we should go their first" "no,let's contract Com first,and take it from their and see" " ok,well I'm to bed,need my sleep, see you all in the morning "(going to my room and collapsing on the bed no sooner did my head hit the pillow I was out,driver came in and wake me up early)" come on coffee ready,got some news"(getting up,going to the bathroom, walking out to the kitchen, smelling coffee) "great coffee" (sitting down,driver handing me a cup,taking in the aroma and having a sip)"ok"(looking at me)"I made contract with Com"(looking at him a bit of a surprise) "wow that was quick,what did he say" “he could not believe it,let alone I was calling,he heard that I was dead,that was a bit of a surprise to me,anyway yes he like the deal,you for my my area back,I told him that I got the pendent as well, then he paused told me when we get their to light the fire in the old fire place you know where and he will meet us their.) ( thinking all of this over) "what is he going to do with me" (still looking at him)"he want you to activate the disk,making sure it's the right part that I have got, before the deal is completed " " and then driver what happens to know they will killed me" " I don't know pack...,I really don't know" " well you better come up with a plain,other wise I'm dead,driver"(taking my coffee and going out the back,thinking,computer man think the disk works,we never really try it so what makes Com thinks it work,unless he's the boss known as the computer man who worked on it as well,or some one else but who...,rubbing my fingers across my eyes,trying to think back 2 years,did some one followed me when I left,maybe but when I got with willy they didn't have to fine me,they had me why didn't they make the move then,they couldn't, because they were building the computer, they still need me so the best way to keep tabs on me, was to keep me there that why Willy took me in... is what why willy took me under his care ,was willy who he say he was or my boss???.is that why Willy got shot because Com was going to duble cross him and when I sneak out that night that when all hell went to shit,...who was the big guy?? they said it was the computer man, who was their that night I don't think so now,I think he was the other techs I think he was trying to sell the disc to Com that why Driver men were their to protect him)"you ok pack"(driver asked,sitting down)"we will get through it" "driver,I don't know if the disk work,all I had to do is assemble it ..once it was,it went to the boss who was the one who program it only by Purity chance we got that fire that day and I put the pendent around my neck other wise it would have been in the safe,don't you see I don't know how to make it work all I know is how to put it together" “Com got one part, which is the round disk,you got the outer shell,but driver their is a third piece"(driver look up at me,with a surprise look,)"a third piece,what is it" " it look like a half moon ,flat very small with a hook on each end it holds both the disk and the shell together,if you put the whole thing into the slot it will just spin they need to lock together before going in the computer" " so where is it,that I'm not sure,it suppose to be in the safe at the company " " fuck pack why didn't you tell me this before I made the deal with Com" " well I was hoping once Com had the shell, I could leave,now your telling me I got to put it all together " fuck,fuck pack"(rubbing his hands over his face,thinking)"why just call Com and tell him about the third piece I think it in the safe at the company" "ok what about the code for the safe," "no code ,only the key and I don't have it only the boss did. when we lock up at night we had to give the key to his secretary,then she give it to the boss who would put that in another safe, and don't asked! me where,... i don't know,some where in his office, asked Com he mite know who the boss is" (driver got up and walked out I heard him talking on the phone)"you what,'' he said fuck you Com, are you trying to fuck me over,well guess what,Com, I got the pendent and pint,are you going to guarantee her and my safety if not the whole deal is off and you will never get the pendants"(coming back and sitting down looking at me)"he said he got the 3 piece had it all along,and yes got it from the boss,but would not say who the boss is"(I could not believe it I just sat their ,didn't say a word taking it all in)"what about our safety " "is he going to let us go,do you believe him" (thinking)"no!"said driver that's why we have scar if this goes to shit he Has to take out Com"(driver got up and went to fine scar fulling him in ...I know that this third piece won't work it didn't have the points on the ends,that one was the backup piece in case we stuff the first one,feeling the one in my bellybutton no one ,not even the boss knows about this and who is the boss anyway, out of everyone I got to fine out who he is. driver and scar came back out)" ok get you things ready pack,we taking off in 15 got a long way to go,Com wants us to be their in the morning, he told me where to go and light the fire in the old place,I know where it is.'' " ok"(I don't like this but going into the room getting my stuff,carrying my pack and heading out to the car getting in the back while driver and scar got in the fount,we headed out got a 600k trip,going back I didn't like this one bit,...somehow, somewhere, I got to get away, they don't need me now,but I still got to get to the tunnels I got to fine out,who is who ,going back over it in my head trying to remember... their was only me and my off sider and she got killed in the fire,now Com had all "when do you think we get their" " if we drive all night about 4,...I stop off a Wagger fuel up,you can grab a coffee then we only got about 50k left" " ok,that sounds good I can get some food as well,need money too smiling" ( pulling a $50)"here take this ,keep the change" " thanks driver"(curling up in the back seat I drifted off to sleep, I remember dreaming well sort of,like I was running someone was changing me,but no one was behind me I keep looking at my hand I had something in it and the chain was swaying then someone grab my shoulder and I jump hitting out)"wake up pack,wake up,it driver wake up, coffee time" "what,what time is it," "3.25 ,come on if you want your coffee it will help to stop dreaming" ( I stop and awake fully now)"how did you know I was dreaming " " because you were talking in your sleep,say no,no,no,you not going to get will destroy all of us"(slowly getting out of the car and stretching looking around see who and where we were and of cause the toilet, spotted them and headed off that way making sure I had my pack with me)"why are you taking your pack with you,"(putting the pack back on the seat,opening it and pulled out my panties and holding them up)" do you want to come and watch me change too"(going a bit red,driver walked away,shaking his head)" that's a good one laughing as scar walking away too" " shut up''( as driver looked at scar) said( I put my panties back in my pack and headed off to the toilet, change my clothes for the old black jeans and coat,putting on the Bernie, going out looking around to see where driver and scar was, still in the shop,good heading down the back and over the fence, I heard driver call out and swearing,)" come on scar she well gone,we still got to see Com in a couple of hours he's going to be really pissed off,and their nothing we can go about it"( I heard the doors slam and taking off I just lay their for awhile slowly getting up I made my way up the back to a small track keeping my self low to the grown and in the bush a bit I had a feeling that driver was just ahead somewhere getting to the main high way a few cars pass but did not stop about 20 minutes later a trucker' stop) "asked where "...".just up to the next town if that's not out of your way "I said''no that fine get in,so what are you doing ,being out this early" "had a fight with the boyfriend and took off going back home"( looking at me)" good for you don't take no shit from anyone, nobody needs that,we all need good shit,smiling at me,I grin back,)"thank mate I really need that pep talk"( mack drop me off at the first railway station)" you sure you fine miss" " yeah,I'm good, thanks again mack"(giving me a wave and headed off down the road,looking around saw the name of the station,good only 5k to go... going through the fence and walking along the tracks,going in between the old carriages, I waited as one, slowly went by,jumping up to grab the handle and the rail,pulling myself in, flopping down just inside, taken in a breath of air the train started to pick up speed I only had about 5 minutes I had to get ready to jump off the bridge on the other side and into the scrub I stood up watching as the train approach the bridge listing to the sounds as it passing over the rails,just up a head I saw the small clearing where I needed to jump,taking a step back just out of the corner of the clearing I saw driver, "fuck" backing up more into the semi dark of the carriage I had to wait till the second point where I could jump off,just around the bend was another clearing getting ready to jump. I ran taking a big leap and landed,rolling into the stub, laying their and thanking my lucky stars,slowly moving making sure I didn't brake any bones,I felt sore but otherwise ok getting up and dusting off I made my way through the under brush I had about a k to go but once I got onto the path I started to run I wanted to be their when Com came,coming up to where the old buildings are I duck into the bush,trying to keep as quite as I can,laying on my stomach,I pulled some of the bush apart looking to where the old fire place is good no fire I said to myself they not here yet thinking how in hell did I get here before they did,I didn't have Long to wait,I heard the sound of a car driven up,parking I saw driver and scar getting out,driver opening the boot and getting wood out and star to make the fire)" where do you think pack is said scar"(driver thinking said)"I don't know ,i think she knew that she wasn't needed any more and I think she knew that if she come she wouldn't come out alive"(driver didn't say any more after that..not long after driver light the fire Com came with bodyguards.
(driver and scar got up as Com got out of the car,with his bodyguards one went into the bush where I was the other went around the back of the fire pit 2 of them stand near the car with their hands on their guns,I didn't hear him come but something nudge me in the backside I turn over as he wave his hand for me to get up as I did he pointed the gun towards them,slowly walking out,the bodyguard said "now look what I found" ( they all turn their heads towards me)"pack"said drive " Com said "so nice to see you pint,come join us" (as I did and standing next to drive the back door of the car open and out step Willy,my heart jump to my throat, )"but you dead I saw you felt you die" " well I'm not as you can see and by the way pint the bullet was meant for you...,you see I'm your boss,yes pint I was the one who you talk to each day at work and ,I saw you picks that stupid idiot that night I was on my way for the meeting he was trying to blackmail me, of all people and when I saw you came running around the corner this was my lucky night and when you gave me the disk but not the pendent I just had to keep you around till I got it,now my brother has it "(turning to look at driver)"did you know" " no!pack but I had my suspicions " "brother! jacket or driver what ever your name now give me the pendent "(as he said it willy pulled the gun on driver,)" brother or no brother I want the pendent now!!."(Drive slowly reaching into his pocket pulling out the pendent, and throw at willy as he did scar pulled out his gun and shot 2 of the guards ,driver pulled out his gun and shot willy and Com... ducking down shot the third one while scar got the forth one it all happen so quickly the next thing I was laying on the grown blood leaking out from a bullet that hit my stomach in the right side trying to sit up,looking around saw both willy and Com laying on the grown,drive standing over willy and scar standard near Com"this is over now!! willy"(bending down and picking up the pendent, )"you know pack was right this does and will destroy us all,walking over to where the fire is,holding up the pendent, looking at it then throwing it into the fire,turning around saw me laying on the grown realizing I been shot)"pack!!came running over bending down)"don't you fucking die on me,I need you"(and with that all I remember I passed out,I slowly open my eyes and looking right at driver who was asleep in the chair and holding my hand I said something... the next thing driver was awake given me some water)"how long"( putting his finger to my lips to quite me)"about a week,you lost a lot of blood,lucky the bullet didn't do any damage but it going to be a while till your well enough so no more jumping of trains and you need someone to take care of you so I have volunteered for the job no debates"(laughing and I smile)"as for willy and Com both are under investigation for the fire,you will have to give a statement when you are feeling better also the club has reinstated me so now we have somewhere to live,that if you will have me"( looking up into driver's eyes)" yes I will have you driver"(a big release and a loving smile spread across his face,driver love me,wow who ever through of that.
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