Story -

The Room

The Room
Drama, Sex, Swearing
I never been to The Drop Inn Room, its the name of the new night club, every body talking about it all over town; so on the Friday night my best friend and I decided to go, just have a look around see what the place is like.
When we arrived I could not believe it, the line was so big.
"How are we going to get in. " saying to Sam " don't worry Jema, I got us passes " " when did you get them" " about a week back, one of the doormen here knows my brother and he got us the tickets. great hay, I knew my brother would come in handy, it not what you know, it's who you know." smiling at me and smiling back we are dress to kill, we did look really nice, Sam really tall, long black hair, skinny body, and beautiful long legs, and olive complexion, no wonder she is a model.
I met Sam on one of the photos sets, my job was an all rounder helping the girls in and out of their costumes.
any way about a year back, Sam had a meltdown, one of her bathing suits was not sitting right and getting frustrated, she snaps one of the straps off the top, I quickly mend it for her and wrapping a sarong over the top, she look beautiful and the photos turn out great, she got so much fame from that one shoot. she was about twenty years younger than me and she wanted me as her personal all rounder, and a room mate, I grab the offer, me being older and divorce and she said that she wanted a mature woman to live with her and look after her stuff when she was not there, We became so close, like sisters.

As for me, a plain Jane. I'm only 5 foot one and small all over got very short hair silver blond; you could say I'm more boy-ish in figure, but still look good I think for my age anyway.
As we were walking in, Sam saw a few people she wanted to catch up, so I headed to the bar, order us drinks and looking around.
Their are three main areas, bar and seating arrangements, dance floor and a band playing at the back.
off to the right, is another two areas, they are what you would call gaming areas, and the same to the left, each area has their own playing room and cost $800 per person to play, you can play all night, lived out your fantasies.
Trying to see over the top of all the people and boy was it crowded, first door on the right was like Dungeons, Dragons, Knights in shining armour, prince and princesses all that stuff, the second one was more on the space station, flying spaceships, fighting aliens, the 3th door to the left, was on witches, Demons, werewolves and vampires, Magic.
but the 4th door was on erotic behaviour D&S or any of your own erotic fantasy. wow I thought the line for that was unbelievable, not sure how many people can play the game at once, but they must be making a killing; they mite have to open up two more rooms on that one.
Sitting their, taking it all in when someone said " so which one are you interested in Jema. turning around and staring right into my boss eyes.'' Darren Canon'' taking a sip of my drink.
"All and none, I'm here with Sam and besides I can't afford $800." “well, you won't be-able to fine Sam until morning. " " O, why is that." he pointed towards the magic room I followed his point, and yes there was Sam with someone arms around her waist. "oh; no! Sam, well that's put a damper on things" I said " O well... I may as well finish off our drinks then a taxi home. Sam can call me in the morning. "
" so; if you did have the money; which one would you pick." (looking at me now with interest.) " I really don't know, they all looks great especially the erotic one, but then again; I sort of not into D&S, don't get me wrong, it sounds intriguing, but I just don't know; I know it can get very intense.” “ so, you know about the D&S” “ yes a little; but only what I have heard and been told about it.”
“so which one's would you pick. I said “ (Darren thinking)... said ” like you, all of them, but of course one at a time; what I would do is write them all down and draw one out then I would do one a month, see which one I would like and do it again." (laughing) " would you really I said " " looking over each of the rooms yes, why not; I think it would be great fun, my life now is boring, staff meetings, board meeting, I need some type of fun, or something to do, rather those fucking board meetings; the business is going great, got very good staff, time for me now, just for a little while anyway.

looking at me, thinking " how about I pay and we could do it together" I nearly choked on my drink" why Mr Canon, are you asking me out on a date to have fun in one of them waving my hands " '' yes, why not.'' I have seen Darren around on the sets a couple of times; now come to think about it, he seem to look at me a lot did talk to me when I wasn't busy, he wasn't rude or offensive just general conversation he didn't come across as sleaze ball but what do I know, he seems genuine, about 50 or so, tail about 5 ft 10 very good looking and build, must work out, greying at the temples brown eyes, I didn't know what to say and thinking about the proposition. I didn't think he was serious
''ok, which one do you suggest" taking 4 napkins he wrote down 4 names screwed them up into a glass "now, he said pick one" " me; no! it's your idea, you pick one" " ok, but no backing out, even if I pick the erotic one and you do know what that' mean; I be your D and you will be my S, I will tell you what and how to do, certain sexual things and you can't disobey me" thinking what have I got to lose and taking another big gulp of my drink,I really thought he was joking. he's looking at me now, smiling ''ok,why not have some fun'' looking surprise, but reaching in the glass, he pulled out one piece of paper, slowly unravelling it and lay it on the table, yep you guessed it the erotic Club. going about 10 different shades of red, bending down and whispering in my ear'' you are going to enjoy this, and I know, I certainly will '' going to get the tickets, while he was away I had another stiff drink, omg what have I agreed to.
I'm not a prude by a Long shot, and I have seen DVDs and role plays on D&S and how erotic they can be; got to talk to him about the rules, there is certain things I will and won't do.
I wonder how far is he willing to go, and what will he do, and what is he into.
I also know the codes, red for stop, yellow is for caution and green is a full go, coming back and sitting down
" ok all set " " how about now, we talk about the rules, their are certain things I will not do !! so I make that clear now " " ok, what are they " " 1: light whipping is ok but I prefer none and definitely not heavy, where it leave marks " ok that fine " " 2: definitely no anus sex, I am definitely not into that, that is a definitely no!!,3; some sex toys are ok but never tried nipples or clit clamps or some other ones; every thing else I'm ok with, I mean I will try them but if it gets too intense, I will call red and I hope you will stop" " so you do know about the D & S side" "not much, let's just say I'm more a vanilla virgin" he burst out laughing " you, my lovely are definitely not a virgin maybe a vanilla on the boarder side of things, but if i'm right, and if you were let out of the cage you be a wild cat " grinning back and still feeling my cheeks getting hotter,( thinking to myself I'm going with my boss, in a D&S situation, what the fuck. ''what would happen if this get out, what if someone see us going into the room and what about my job is it still stable and your business. "
"One, I don't care if people see us going into the any room, that's our business, and as far as I am concerned your job is very secure Jema, no one can dismissed you from your job unless they have a good reason to do so, and this is not one of them.
I'm not your boss tonight, this is outside of our work and has nothing to do with it, we are just friends talking.''
" ok then, when do we do this'' ''I have book it for Friday night, they are fully booked out until then, so in the mean time let's enjoy each other company, and get to know each other " " that's sounds like a very good idea feeling jittery now" " come on, bring your drink and we go and sit down over their " ordering 2 more drinks, we move to the other side where it's a lot more quite, taking our seat " ok Darren, before I tell you my life story, how about answering me a few first" with a smile " go a head, asked away."
''why me, you could have any woman " thinking and looking at me " you know are very beautiful and smart, me beautiful? yeah sure, me plain Jane ''ok, look around you, tell me what do you see " looking around, lots of beautiful woman and men out their " ok lots of Beautiful woman and men" " yeah, that's my point,he said, their is no natural women, like you...and the middle age men here, all they want is to get one of those and fuck them, they don't care about the Plastics" ..." what do you mean by Plastics" " they are fake, too many facelift, breast implants, bum implants, you name it... they had it done, there is nothing really true about them any more; they think, they are beautiful; all they want is to have a good fuck and a good time...and when you do fuck them, their is no tender touching, no feelings, you may as well use your hand, and jerk off," sitting back into the chair and really looking around at all the women...yes you can tell some of then are beautiful, but at what cost, what is under all that disguise ; yes you are right, I don't understand why some women will go through it all but at the same time I can understand why; they are afraid of growing old so they wants to keep their youth... I would only if I had to " " what do you mean, if you had too" " well if I was in a car accident, and need plastic surgery, maybe that would be the only time, but if the scars are on the inside of my body then no, no one would see them, so why should I worry about them, but if it on my face and how bad they are; then yes, I would. taken a drink " ok, so tell me a bit about yourself, then I tell you about mine."
" well, I'm divorce, have 3 grown children with families of their own, this job, I'm doing, it's the first one in a very long time and I don't want to stuff it up, I love what I'm doing and Sam is great to work for." '' what about you.''
“ well as for me, i'm divorce from my second wife, two grown children, boys with family too, one is in the up north, the other, don't know where, could be in prison, as for his wife and kids, don't know that as well ” '' Come on finish your drink and I buy you dinner, then back to my place for a night cap "..." well, i love to have have dinner, but the night cap at your place, I don't know about that one " " cause you do, you can see where I live" smiling now and me been the idiot I was, and out of touch with dating, I agreed.
We had a beautiful dinner, on the way back to his place, we just talk like we knew each other all our lives. we also had a lot in common, it was really good just to talk, I think Darren appreciated it too.
Darren's place is not what I expected; I thought he lived in a mansion but no, we ended up near the beach where he had a 2 bedroom unit " not what you expected was it" " no! I thought you lived in a big mansion, not a two bedroom unit " " I did at one time, after the divorce we sold up every thing and split, besides I hated that place. now this place, I love it's here, nice and cosy, I'm not one for the fancy big stuff she was, I'm more for a beach Cottage, a cabin in the mountains, camping, caravanning that's me. i also have a town house, but I prefer this place.''
" me 2, I love camping, sitting around the fire and doing some fishing but mostly, just listen to the sounds of the sea or nature bird sounds or the river running" (getting up Darren got us another drink, taking it from him, he sat down next to me, we just sat in silent; just taking it all in the waves rolling onto the beach, the sounds of sea gulls hovering over and squawking) " you are so lucky to live here, don't ever sell this place, Darren this is your little piece of heaven, your getaway place; your solitude." (looking at me now)
'' you know; you are the first person to say that and you know what, you are so fucking right, this is my get away place, not too many know about it and I'm intending to keep it that way, it the only place where I can truly relax and I love it" " I be back, don't go anywhere. "
(I had to go for a piss, looking in the mirror and talking to myself fuck Jema, why haven't I met you long ago, you are so down to earth, so easy to talk to, I can't do this bet; not with Jema, fuck what am I talking about, Jema not one of my girl Fridays, she too good for that, come on get your arse into gear and get back out there; got to get those sarongs where are they, finding them, I went back out) " come on, strip and wrap this around you, we are going for a walk along the beach" (giving me the sarong, as he starting to strip off.)
''you want me to strip off and wrap this around myself... why? " " so your clothing don't get wet and dirty from the sand. " (not even thinking, I took off my top, bra, jeans and wrap the sarong around me, I didn't even notice Darren coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck.) " Jema, I want you to stay here with me tonight, will you stay please."... " let's go for that walk first, and I see." (turning around I gave him a soft kiss, he pulled me in and gave me back a devouring one and could feel his hardness arousal within him.) " You do know; I'm a born again virgin, don't you." (he didn't know what to say, but burst out laughing.) " well, it's been a very long time, so you have to be gentle. " ( still laughing and trying to talk but instead, kissing me.) " Jema, I promise to be very slow and gentle with you still want that walk or we could; detour to the bedroom."

P2 " well before we do, let's sit out side just so, I can have a smoke " "but you don't smoke, do you?"... " not the tobacco" " what do you mean"..( then it dawned on him) "Yeah, I got a couple of rollies in my bag, Sam put their, so we could have one during the night, it puts us in a good, would you like to share, with me" (holding me, looking at me) "why not, I never really tried it" (I pulled away and reaching in the bag came out with the joint and lighter) " come on” (taking his hand, we went down and sat on the Beach, lighting the joint and taking in a good draw and passing it to him, watching him doing the same, with a little cough at the end.)" you ok.? " "Yep, wow, it just went down the wrong way.” (still cough a little, and taking a drink of his Jack's, sitting behind me with his arms around my waist, I lean back and just relax and taking it all in.)" how do you feel Darren. '' '' I'm really feeling good." (thinking) "tell you the truth Jema; fucking great, this has been the best night for me in a very long time, thank you for it "..." so; what do you want to talk about, I'm a good listener, I said." " well; how about we tell 2 secrets each." "ok; well you know one of mine now; I like to have a joint, smoking pot; not all the time, sometimes once a day, sometimes maybe 3 days a week, it all depends on my mood and how sore I get ; it also helps to make me relax and think, outside the box. 2: I like to write story's on anything, from erotic to murder to drama, sometimes; I pick a name and I write a story from that name; like for instance, I might write a story about the room, where we will be going on Friday night, and my experience through that room, how I felt; what it did to me, would I do it again. I put myself into a character it's sort of my fantasy; as if I had the guts to actually do any of them.'' (laughing now) ''and now; it you turn." " ok... 1; I like watching porn; between men and women; not on the same sex, not really into that; but basically, I just like to watch... seen a man put his prick into a woman's cunt and see them go down on each other. sometimes, I imagine I'm actually doing it too and jerk off. That's where we( the ex) had out problems... I like to try certain positions where the ex was not into it at all. she thought I was disgusting, so after a while; I started looking around, played out some of my fantasies ; but not all. 2: I am into D&S not so much into M, and not to the point where I could do it in front of a group of people; I would like to watch and maybe try some; but I would prefer to keep it in the bedroom one on one as the saying goes, if this got out I would be very embarrassed about it. you said before, it makes you think outside the box what do you mean, explain it to me please." " well, have you ever had a big conversation within yourself, have you ever tried to work out or understand something that you just can't get the grip of. well it's like that. I pick at it, turning it around so I can understand. when I do smoke it; it take all the unwanted stuff out and leave the most important stuff so I can understand it more clearly in my head; so I can make sense of it and if there's a problem; and it makes it easier to understand a particular situation." " I don't know what you done to me Jema, I never felt like this before, I can't explain it... but this, you and me it feels so right, I really do want to make love with you; and I like to see you again. not through the room, I can cancelled of that if you want me too, we can take things slowly, more dates, but I will promise you, when I'm on the set with you or others, I mite just come up to you, pull you into my arms and kiss you, while others drop theirs jaws and look in wonders, and asked, what's going on their; how would you feel about that, would you like me to do it or wait a little longer." " I would love for you to do that, but let's wait a little longer. see how things turn out, you only just meet me and besides, you mite fine someone else in the meantime." " I don't thinks so, you all I want, what I been looking for." (turning around to look at him) " Darren, please don't say that, you don't know me... well enough yet, let's take this one step at a time, and besides, it's the pot talking, you wake up in the morning thinking its all just a dream.” ( pushing me back, kissing me, my arms come up and around his neck, I could feel his hardness threw the sarong.) "come back to bed, I want you." ( and boy, did I want him too, but my gut is telling me to wait.) " Darren, I can't, not that I don't want too, I'm just not sure at the moment, I don't know why, we only just meet, and I'm not the sort of women whose jump into bed with any man. how about we go back inside, it's getting cold.” ( we went back in, Darren went to the loo, as I put the lighter back in my bag; I pause; saw a few papers unwinding them and spreading them out; they all have the same name, Darren came back saw the piece of papers, looking at me. looking up into his eyes and with a little hurt in mine.) " what's this Darren?; did you write the same name on all of them, why!" ( he didn't say a word) "so it's true then... the rumors; so, it was a bet then, with Rick, or did you just pick one person to see who could get fuck first. (not waiting for a answer, I pulled the sarong off, not not worried about being buck naked and throwing it at him, putting my clothes back on and walked out the door.) “Jema, wait it's not what your thinking” (I spun around to face him;) “Darren, I thought we had something good just for a little while, but then, realised who would be interested in me; certainly not the boss that's for sure. (crying now) “ even though we only just met, I do really like you, but I don't know what's going on; I'm not a part of your sick games and do you know how much this hurts me.; I mean really hurt and I told you my secrets. I suppose you will tell Rick now, and this place, you don't live here, it a place where you take your fucks for a one night stand. (turning back around walking out, not looking back.) " Jema !please; I can explain" (calling back over my shoulder saying) ''don't call me I'll call you. and fuck your bet, you lost." (calling a cab, I went home, made a coffee, sitting out on the deck, how stupid can I be, it's the worse possible mistake, I have made, but karma can be a bitch in all ways... the phone buzz, looking at the name, and their it is, Darren ...I press answer.) " yes, what do you want Darren " " Jema, look I'm really sorry, yes I did make a bet with Rick and yes, this is not my place, it belong to Rick." " well good for Rick, I hope he enjoys every fuck he gets there. " " Jema, can we start over again please." " I think about it Darren, I let you know in a day or too, but right now, I'm so hurt, did you really think I was easy or what, look; I'm sorry, but I really don't want to talk to you right now, I will stay a way from you and Rick while you both are on the set. (I close the call, not giving him a chance to respond back.) P 3 (I awoke with a shocking headache and feeling drained; I must have been crying in my sleep, the phone was buzzing, is that a alarm or is someone calling, not sure I pick up and push answers.) "Hello who is this" " good morning to you too Jema; did you have a good night." " what, what are you talking about. " taking the phone from my ear and looking at the display, Rick was on the other end " morning Mr Cover, you do know it's Sunday and people like me likes to sleep in, and no, I did not have a good night, see Mr Canon he will tell you all about it i'm sure, and you win the bet." (closing the phone, I just lay their, the phone rang again ;open it.) ''saying it's Sunday, call back to night" ..." Jema please; don't hang up... how about I buy you coffee, I really need to talk to you; please it's about Darren.'' " what! he's not hurt is he? " " no! he fine, I just...I just want to put things straight... how all of this started, now it all got out of proportion, please come for a coffee. " " all right; where and give me half an hour, I got a fucking big headache and I'm not in a good mood" " sure thing, ok just around the corner from you at Zoe" " ok " (Darren and Rick are partners in the photo/modelling shop, doing great as I know, I don't know Rick much, only talk to him when he's been on the set, more or less asked for my opinion on certain things. like Darren, he seem quite nice, never heard a nasty word from him towards staff at all. " getting myself organise, going in for a quick shower, dressing, put my dark sunglasses on, grab my bag and heading out the door, entering Zoe; looking around when I saw him waving me over, sitting down taking of my glasses, my head still hurts.)" you ok, you don't look too well, here; have this" (giving me the coffee and taking a slip. " so, what do you want Rick; what do you want to talk about. " " Darren called me early this morning, he said, the bet is off he couldn't go through with it, said that you were too nice of a women and you didn't deserve what he was planning to do. " (taking another slip of coffee, looked into Rick eyes) " and what was that, what did he have plan to do." " seduced you and win the bet." " and how would you know; if he did or didn't seduce me." " when your asleep, he was going to take some photos and send them to me." " what type of photos. " "you; lying in bed naked." " O, I see, so... no photo no bet, is that right." ...''yes '' " what was the bet." " 50 thousand. ''wow'' we normally destroy them and sometimes we send them to the women just for a reminder of a good time.'' " So, What do the woman's think that you took naked photos of them." " most love them, and want to do it again." " so Jema, Darren really is sorry" " how did... how did you pick me" " we put all the single names in a glass and just pick one each" " you know what, you both are con's" and you are conning each other. " (smiling at Rick, the door open and their stood Darren, looking as bad as I felt. Darren walking over sat down and order a black coffee of the waitress, Rick was still looking at me.) " what did you mean just then, that we are conning each other." (Darren eyes open wider and looking at me, as if to say, we would never do anything like that to each other, taking a good mouthful of coffee now and swallowing.) " well it's simple, say you for example Rick, you go out with a beautiful girl, get her to strip off lay in bed with you, then you take some photos, send them to Darren and say that you spent all night with her and Darren owes you the amount that you set up, but how does Darren really knows that you fuck her and slept with her all night...(letting all this sink in) he doesn't does he. (smiling now... Darren and Rick looked at each other, not saying a word.) " so, the big $64 question is, where's the proof; you got none, it's word against word, the only true way is a video on all and I can't see you's two doing any thing like that now can I. " (finish off the rest of my coffee) " well I'm off, I'm going back to bed, need more sleep and try and get rid of this bloody headache, I mite see you both at work tomorrow. " ( I got up ready to leave, when Darren put his hand on my arm.) "Jema, please don't leave just yet, I still want to talk." " well I'm off anyway, said Rick, I see you around the set, Jema and by the way, your doing a great job with the girls, they all love you." (Watching Rick leave, I turn to Darren.) "so, what do you want to talk about." " us!." "us!.what do you mean, us.! I don't think their is a us!, Darren" "Jema, what I said last night, I meant it; starting over, go out on a few dates, just be together, have some fun, get to know each other...please...I did really enjoyed last night, just sitting on the beach smoking a joint; it was a truly a wonderful night." (looking at him, trying to work now if he's telling me the Truth.) " ok, for now, Darren...but if you fuck me over like you did last night, you're see a bitch from hell." (chuckling, he lean over the table and kiss me.) " what are you doing today, can you spend the day with me please." "well,I was going back to bed, catch up on more sleep, hopefully it will take away the headache I got." " well, come back to my place, I could cook you breakfast, and you could curl up in my bed and I could keep you company." (smiling, shaking my head.) '' ouch! I shouldn't do that it hurts'' ( just then, my phone buzz knew who it was open it up.) "Hi, Sam, how was your night" " hay, what you doing" " not much, haven coffee with Darren " " what!, Darren the boss" " yes, that Darren" " go, girl, I knew, he like you." (cutting her off from anything else, she was going to say.) " Sam, what's up" " O, nothing, just to let you know I'm taking a couple of days off, their nothing on the roster, so I'm going away for a few days with Mark" " is Mark the one you were with last night" " yep, how did you know " " I saw the two of you last night, you couldn't keep your hands off each other " ( smiling now at Darren) " can you let Rick and Darren know and I see you Wednesday" " ok be safe" hanging up, told Darren what Sam is up too. " then, you don't have to go home, that's it then my place" " why, Darren why do you want me." "Because, you're beautiful and I never met a woman like you, you just do something to me, I get so fucking horny when I'm around you; I can't stop thinking about you, and I'm still taking you Friday night, sorry but I have not cancel that off, even though I said I would... any way you said you wanted some fun'' ''not me'' ''you did'' (laughing) “ I need you Jema... for a lover, and a companion.” (feeling so nervous; and looking at Darren.) " you do know, I am out of practice, I mean really out of practice. (laughing now) Darren; it's been over three years, I haven't had sex with anyone in over 3 years.'' (Darren eyes shot up, looking into mine with a slight smile to his mouth, and a gleam in his eyes smiling at me.) "are you serious." "yes!...well it's not something that I brag about, let alone talk about it, I just haven't had the time to date. been too busy working, and really no one has looked at me, sexually or a desire for a middle age women with short hair, very short, haven't really got much sex appeal about me. I'm more a plain Jane; so yes... I'm very serious. well if I'm staying at your place, It sleep day, can we call into my place on the way and get a change of cloths and something to sleep in.'' "You don't need anything to sleep in, I give you a shirt, if you want something." "But I still need a change of clothes, you can wash the ones you're wearing can't you." " yes I could...but something different would be nice." ''Well we can get your clothing later." "OK. let's go, I'm so tired I don't have the energy to disagree. standing up, Darren put money on the table, taking my arm, we headed out the door, toward his car. driving into the Carport, we went up the steps and into the bedroom." " can I have a shower and one of your shirts, please." " the shower is through that door, help yourself to anything you like, I bring you a shirt, do you want anything to eat." " thanks, but later if that's ok, all I want at the moment, is a hot shower, bed, sleep." " ok, honey, I get in after, or I could come and wash your back." " ok, come in when your ready." (Darren mouth drop open, first time I seen him, stuck for words, I turn around and walk to the bathroom, turn on the hot water, omg, it is beautiful, I just stood under the water, letting it run over my body, I heard the door open and Darren stepping in, and said.) '' fuck that's hot''... ''I need it; feels so good. Darren, taking a sponge, rubbing soap and slowly rub my back, I couldn't help it, the feel of the sponge made my body all tingling, I moan out loud." “I can tell you like this, turn around so I do your front” (not thinking I turn; Darren had the sponge ready, I just stood still, taking it all in, rubbing the sponge over my boobs around my neck across my shoulders down my sides and across my tummy, rubbing more soap on the sponge; he knell down and washing my feet, legs and the insiders up, up, and then, yeah right their, right on the spot; I couldn't stop my self, I moan out again and rocking with the feel, Darren, now standing taking both sides of my face, kissing me slowly, then on the neck.) ''I think we should finish this in the bed.''( I just said mmmmm, yesssss Darren, quickly washing his body turning off the water, open the cupboard getting out two towels, wrapping one around me and the other around himself, taking me to bed, pulling back the covers.) " do you want a shirt" " no, I'm just going to lay in the soft sheets " (dropping the towel, I climb into bed and snuggling in the pillow, Darren climbed in on the other side and pulling me to him in a spooned, his left arm came over my hip and moving and drab one of my boobs, kissing me.)" I wake you later with a big cock between your legs.'' (I giggled) " ok honey"thinking "Darren" "mmmmm, yep" " if you could, would you go to a D&S club, if you got invited to go, would you know what to do? " ..." yes! Definitely, i would love too go; just to learn and watch and no I wouldn't know what to do. " well, i know a couple of Masters, could try and see if we can get an invitation, I be willing to go as your sub, we don't have to play, we can just watch." (just laying their then Darren sat straight up in bed.) " what's up, are you ok" " did I hear you right, what you just said or was I dreaming about the D&S club." (turning over, trying to open my eyes) " yes you heard me " (waiting on a answer, open one eye and looking up, looking back at me.) " how do you know what a Master is." " I been to a couple of clubs a few years back, got involved with a group of friends back then, I still have a few contacts I think." "Jema Honey, if you could, that would be the best fantasy that's come true and the best present anybody could give to me and you being my sub, you have definitely got to buy something sexy; I don't care if it cost $500" " ok, we talk more later." (i'm so tired.)
P 4
(A few hours later I wake to something digging in my butt, a hand slowly going down to my butt and in- between my legs right on the clit," O god.)" "I want you." (whispering in my ear, I move closer to him " you're so wet, it didn't take you long to get arouse " mmmmm” pushing into me gentry, and moving bringing his fingers over the top rubbing my clit, it didn't take long to explode again and again what have I been missing out on all these years, I wanted more harder, faster, softer, tender.) " honey, fuck this is fucking beautiful.'' (and then Darren came, we just laid their, his arms around me, I must felt beautiful and right.) " Well theirs goes my blue balls now, I hope they stop and start to turn pink and my harden, just mite stay down not to attention when i'm around you." (I couldn't help my self, I giggled and laughing so hard, I had to race to the toilet, coming back to bed and snuggling in his arms, when the bedroom door open and their stood his son.) omg,dad." (quickly, closing the door, Darren putting his boxer on and I made a dash back into the bathroom still laughing, getting all my clothing and pulling them on, going back to the bedroom, Darren already had his boxer on but couldn't fine his jeans or shirt, going to the draw finding a shirt and jeans, dressing quickly we went down stairs into the kitchen, I still had a grin on my face while Darren had a reddish about his with a smile. I walk up and gave him a kiss) I said" well honey, at least your keeping up with your exercises" no one spoke, then Joe; his son, burst out laughing. " yep, that's one way looking at it " I made my apologies, kiss Darren goodbye, said call me or we catch up tonight, I'll leave you to your son, and then I walked outside called a taxi and headed back home. Darren and Joe "What are you doing here is everyone ok" " yep, everyone is fine, i did called, next time I knock won't barge in, considering now, how I'm going to get that image out of my mind, Dad." (laughing now.) " ok; down to business, I had a call from Jake; I don't know if you knew this, but he's getting out of jail; he will be out on parole in a week time, want to know how he can get in contact with you." " he should still have my number; I gave it to him the last time, I haven't changed it, what's his number and I'll call him later. (Joe, given me the number) ''thanks''...'' so, who the honey you had upstairs " " that's Jema, I like her a very much, and she's in my age group, also works for me, we only start going out a few times, she fucking terrific. " Yes, I can and tell by the look on your face."( grinning) "cut it out Joe, I'm not dead yet." " sorry dad, I was just thinking you and Jema doing the vertical exercise"( then laughing again so hard) " ha-ha so funny hay, you wait till you get to my age and see how you are." " ok dad” I get it" " so, are you staying. " " no; I just drop in, when I couldn't get a whole of you, but I see now you were occupied." ( still smiling but trying not to laugh, coughing to clear his throat) " I hate to run dad, I have to catch up with a few people, can we have dinner, bring Jema along, I like to meet her how about Friday. " " can't Friday, Jema and I have a date " " ok where, I can join you their later" '' I don't think you want to go to the place where we are going." " O...why is that " (I didn't know what to say, so I just said it.)" The Room"... " wow; I heard about that place, so what room" (without saying what room) " your not, you are... dad wow, how does Jema feel about it" "well I sort of trick her into it, but when she found how I did it, boy she was not impressed... she said... if I ever do something like that again, she will be the bitch from hell. Any other night is fine" " ok, make if for Saturday and you can tell me all about it." " no fucking way son, and if you asked Jema; I will not be responsible for what Jema will do." " O; boy, this is going to be fun." " Joe, I warn you." (smiling now) " ok, Dad, I got to go, I text you, I make the booking for 3 and I let you know where and the time." (Joe gave his dad a hug and then calling out over his shoulder) ''keep up with those exercises with Jema dad'' (still laughing as he close the door and walking to his car, I could still hear him laughing as he pulled away; rubbing my hands through my hair and across my face, I need a shower and shave feeling great and thinking about Jema, I head back to the bedroom,and into the shower.) Paying for the taxi, going inside putting my bag on the table, making coffee and just sat down, thinking about all that has happen. I could not believe it... I just had sex and in all the three years; I just had sex, well at least its not a dried up prune more like a bunch of grapes each one gets sweeter and sweeter and with Darren. it was the whole bunch all in one; fantastic " (smiling to myself finishing off my coffee, I went into the bedroom got some clean clothes and headed off to the bathroom, washing myself all over including my hair, thinking of Darren, I wonder what his son Joe must have thought, I think he saw the funny side of things, not often that a son walked in on his father having sex, laughing to myself, I quickly got out ; dressed, turn the TV on when the phone rang. " hi honey, I'm missing you, do you want to come back, I can come and pick you up if you like, I love every bit and I want more." (smiling now) " how your son, I thought you's two would be having a few drinks together tonight." " no, he had other business to take care of but he wants to meet you, go out for dinner, he was going to make it Friday night but I said we made other arrangements, so he's going to make it Saturday, he will text me the details later. " " really! " yes." that's great. "sorry, we got interrupted" " no! it's not your fault Darren; and certainly not your son will" " anyway will full you in on details, when I see you again, and when will that be "..” well today is Sunday and Sam will be back Wednesday, do you . " I was hoping we can catch up tonight again'' (Smiling now with a little laughing.) " I need a good night sleep, if I'm with you, their won't be any sleeping; anyway I was thinking is Rick into D&S. " " I don't know; why you do asked?." " well you know how you two always make bets with the other, why don't you make a bet with him, see if he's got the balls to go too." " (mmmmm) I like the idea, I let you know, you sure you won't come back over" " not to night honey, I really do need to get more sleep. I see you tomorrow, may be if you're around on the set, night honey." (hanging up the phone, looking at the clock on the wall, said 4.20pm, deciding I want a pizza for dinner, putting on shoes and jacket, picking up my bag, I headed of to the shops about a block away, a10 minute walk. I need to do more walking, thinking to myself, as I was about to come out of the pizza shop a group of people caught my eye, 3 woman and 3 men, one look like Joe who had his arms around a brunette, as he turned around to say something to the brunette, I swear it was Joe, but I thought Joe's wife was not hear, paying for my pizza, I quickly left the shop pulling my hood up over my head and quickly making my way back to my unit. thinking all the way back, is Joe having a Affair on his wife. My curiosity got the better of me, calling Darren.) " hi honey I said in the phone is Joe's wife coming on Saturday.'' " no, honey, she away having a few days of with a group, it's only Joe, he had business in town and going home on Monday and be back next week. " (yep); Joe having affair by the sounds of it, even Darren doesn't know about it. " are you there, " " yes, sorry eating some pizza. " " anyway, why did you asked" I thought it might be a family thing" " no, it's ok; it's not often I get to see Joe or June together and it's very hard for them both to come away together, I only see Joe when he come to town about every month and even then we don't catch up.” " ok, you will let me know where we are going, if it's casual or semi formal dress, I hope it's to a pub or somewhere, not one of those fancy restaurants where I don't know one fork from another." (laughing now) " knowing Joe, it will be probably a flash restaurant, so might pay you to dress up ok " "but you will let me know one way or the other please; I see you tomorrow on the set.? " " maybe, I got a meeting in the morning don't know how long it's going to take, how about I pick you up at 7 tomorrow night and we go and have dinner." " yes!, I like that; ok hon I see you then." (starting to feel tired, looking at the clock, wow it's 11, time for sleep. The morning came and went, didn't see Darren or Rick, I think they are keeping away, no hiccups on the set all the girls were great and happy with their costumes just another day. Tuesday was the same just a very relaxing day, Wednesday morning I heard the front door open and income Sam.) " your back, good to see you did your trip went good ''... "yea and yes, it was so good to get away, Jema and you have to tell me all the gossip on Darren and Rick'' so I field her in on what has happened including what Darren and me are doing Friday night; and how we are going to have dinner. I also told her what happen when Joe walked in on us and what happened there....she burst out laughing thought it was so funny "Jema; I'm so sorry " (still laughing) " come on, or we going to be late for work " pour Sam didn't even get time to have a shower, still didn't see Darren or Rick anywhere and no phone calls from Darren'; well not to worry. Thursday night shopping Going into the a few shops, looking around for some type of costume, went in a few others stores, didn't like the look or cost too much money, but then again, why should it worry me considering Darren is paying for this and he did say for me to look nice and sexy. Going into a particular shop; I found what I was looking for, their; in the back row, a beautiful pair of black leather pants with matching top, having laces on each going all the way and two zippers on each side of the hips so you dropped the front flap down if you need to pee...the top was very similar to a boob tube, lace up the front, I also found a nice leather jacket with red stitching through out it, all I need now is some very high heel shoes or boots. Going to the shoe shop looking through a few, I found a nice pair of black high hells; around then, are red swells, the whole outfit look stunning. I would never ever buy something like this for myself but wait till he sees me in it. going to the chemist buying some nice make up and also getting my face wax, my eyebrows done, I was all set ready for tomorrow night... the big night; getting back home I text Darren, said I got the outfit ready for Friday night, he type back saying that we can't go, and so sorry, no dinner for tonight. i'm going out of town on business and won't be back till next week. i typed back when, sorry honey tonight, catching the 6.30 out, I try and call later. I type back" bummer"...l was disappointed in a way but hey I keep it for when we go to a club, another text from Darren, sorry honey, I would love to call you, just had a 10 minute coffee break going back in soon, I call sometimes during the week, I type back and said text Joe and postpone dinner we will do it when you come back, be safe be good. Thursday night, what am I going to do, now that's Darren going away, then I remember the club, if I could get a invitation from one of the Master's here, Darren would be so impressed. getting up and going in to the bedroom, going through the Wardrobe, I found my old red phone book, going through it , I found the number I was talking for. Taking a deep breath, I dial the number, it rang a few times before it answers. " morning this is Dean how can I help you" " morning Master Dean, how are you?'' silent, then said " Jema, omg, Jema how are you, where are you, how are you after the accident, sorry, you should have let me know and I really miss you."( laughing now with tears building up in my eyes.) "I really miss you too Master Dean and yes, i'm walking and i have a job now too. Also have a man in my life, well sort of, it's early days yet ...we only on our second date, but he had to fly out on business and that what I'm calling about, I was hoping you could do me a favour." " Jema, I will do anything for know that, and if I can, I will." " well my man is going through a fantasy and is very very interested in D&S but never really tried it or even been to a club, he knows that I been to one but have not got a clue that I was involved... so I was hoping you might be able to get us a pass; just to have a look around and observed no playing, but I will be his sub for the night... and I would like someone there to explain the situation to him and what is all involved and mean, but first, I would like you to do a search on them just make sure that they are who they say they are. I'm pretty sure that Darren my man, is telling me the truth, but his partner Rick, I think he is a Master here; but doesn't let on. if you could; make it in his club, if he's not one, I like a pass for him as well, I full you in on my plains if you can get the passes. the names are Darren Canon part owner of photo shops and modelling, and Rick Cover he's the one I suspect as a Master Dom. he's the other part owner of the business, can you do this for me please Master Dean." " sure Jema, you know that you still are the very best Sub I ever had, ok if I can; you got to promise me, if this Darren is what he says he is; to you and you believe in him to be true, then yes I will do this for you, but if he is not, and he hurts you in any way, you will know what will happen don't you.” '' yes, I know master"... " aright then, I call you back soon, when do you want these passes. "..." if you can, sometime next week but leave the date open and the Master Name and contact number if the master agree. thanks Master Dean, you know if I was not too old and not in so much pain, you know I would come back, I don't think my body could handle that now anyway, love you... take care Master Dean" " you too, my beautiful Pedal." hanging up the phone I had to go and wipe my eyes had so much tears in them, he remembered my name, Petal. Plan A in motion: fine out information and get passes.
(So now sit back and wait, in the mean time I clean dishes, vacuum, washing, and just general cleaning, by the time the after noon came I was stuff, and decide to have a sleep. About a hour later my my phone rang, slowly opening my eyes, I scramble to pick up, I was hoping it was Darren, quickly open it , not even looking at the number, I could tell by the ring tone )" hi hon , how are you. " hi honey, I'm tired and pissed off with meeting, can't wait to come back home; I should be there Wednesday hopefully will you come over. " " yes, cause I will, just let me know when you get home." " I call in and pick you up on the way ok." I can't wait, buy the way, have you mentioned about the DS club to Rick, as I mite gets passes some time this week, just waiting on a call back, you still want to go, don't you." wow, really, yes! I can't wait and yes honey I think Rick is already into it, he didn't actually say he was, but he did hinted he was. "... " wow''... ''but he doesn't want us to know, so what will happen if it Rick club and the one we be going too and he is their"..." well; too bad, I did told him that we mite be going to one but I didn't know when." ..." sorry honey, I got to go, call or text me the news and I can't wait to see that disguise you got, what do I wear." " just black pants and shirt buttons undone in the fount and you be sexy enough to eat."... " (laughing) honey you say the sexy things. sorry, got to go, the meeting just started, I call when I'm home, be safe, and good, your mine." (my heart went fiddle faddle. Getting of the bed, went and made coffee, had a sandwich of chicken and mayo, I didn't realize I was hungry, taking it all into the lounge room, turn on TV and just sit back, a text from Sam, not coming home tonight see tomorrow. I typed back, saying have fun. just when the phone rang, I knew it was Master Dean
Master Dean (open the phone) and said " Master Dean, thank you." " pedal O, how I love your voice, you still have it you know, that sweet come and get me I'm your type, anyway I did the checking for you, Darren is not involved in any way, but very good in his business in the last year he has made over a million, he is very loyal to his business and his staff, as for Rick, yes; he is into D&S, he just become a Master only in the D&S, haven't got a sub of his own as yet, and only goes to one club all the time. now full me in and I will tell you the rest." so I told Master Dean what happen with the bet that these men are doing and how I got caught up in their game, so I through a little pay back won't go a stray.( he's laughing now)'' this reminds me of you, Pedal'' O, really, I have forgotten, you have to remind me'' " anyway, I have a couple of ways to play this. One... as you know this is for Darren, only for his fantasy but at the same time, I want to put Rick in his place if I can anyway, Darren and myself will go have a look around, I will be dressed up as a sub, if Rick is there I know he will be very surprised, I'm going play the sub but I want Rick to watch us with the club Master's to show us around if that's possible, Darren will take all in '' I hope this does not put a winch between their friendship, what I think will happen is that Rick will get jealous of Darren so we should just play it by ear; i will have to tell Darren about what the sub roll is... and that he is my Master on the night, so he knows that his word is final and see what happens their. so what do you think and if you want to, you can let them know I was your sub"a long pause. My pedal; I'm going to be their too, just for the overseer and to see you as well, I also want to see how this Master Rick handle himself around you and Darren, and of cause I would love to play with you just a little bit and see what reaction I'll get from your Darren, if he's truly into you; if I will see jealousy and maybe love. then he truly wants you pedal." "ok master Dean, thank you and I go under the name of Jema now, I'm looking forward to seeing you too, thank you. (hanging up the phone... how long have i known Master Dean, 1 or 2 years thinking, yes that's about right, went to a club with a group of friends one night I think one of the girls is getting married to her Dom boyfriend at the time. and it was beautiful; any way Dean, how that's how I got introduce to him I didn't know who he was until much much later. I think it was a bet how I got involved with Dean , but cannot remember the bet. (text Darren) " hon all set for the club. just got to give them a day and a date, but must talk to you on the rules as you will be my Master on the night and I be your Sub, sorry but it will be in the club where Rick goes. and please don't tell him, it's going to be a very big surprise for when he see us their, also Master Dean will be overseer on the night; I will explain everything to you on Wednesday night. closing up the phone, (thinking.) Now for the final play (I can't wait for Wednesday to come around, it tomorrow night and Darren will be home. Tuesday night I went to bed early but couldn't sleep keep on dreaming, stupid stuff, I think I'm afraid what this might do to me and Darren in our relationship and between Darren and Rick. At 7 my phone buzz, not even looking at it open said hi this is Jema. " morning honey." ( sat straight up) " Darren, honey what's the time.? '' '' it's early” “ I know my sweet, I pick you up at 6 be ready and bring your costume and cloths, and can you make the club for Friday night, Thursday night we are going out to celebrate, I will be bringing Rick with us; honey we just got a two year contract.".. " that's great! ok I see you tonight at 6, I can't wait to see you hon" (hanging up, getting up, wish I could take the day off, but no, I know, I have to go, it will keep my mine active.) The day went fine, no hiccups the girls were great except for one girl, the Weiner, she always whines about anything and everything, it got to the point where I was just about to walk out. I pulled her aside and told her to shut the fuck up and get on with it, she looked at me, if to say don't speak to me like that. I told her that I was in charge here not her, and if she didn't like what was going on she could quite. leave, after that everything went fine the day went good. packing away the rest of the clothes and close up shop, picking up my bag and headed out the door. can't wait to get home and get all my stuff ready for when Darren picks me up, it's nearly 5 he should be here soon, I know he will text me when he's on his way. Getting home at 5:30, the text came through on my way in, honey on way... be their in 10, I text come up still getting my stuff ready, reply back ok.... Just got all in clothing in the bag, when a knock on the door came, open the door and their stood Rick)" Rick what are you doing here." (walking in followed by Darren.) " what's up"( both looking at me now, Rick spoke first) " how do you know Master Dean" (looking at Rick then Darren) " well; I told Darren about it... I knew a couple of Masters, why" " because I got a call from him, asking me to show you and Darren around my club, why does it has to be my club, Jema!. "... " because he theirs for business and we didn't know it was your club anyway; and we didn't know you are into D& it all started with Darren with his fantasy and if he could play it out would he, that's how I told him I knew a few Masters." (Rick looking at Darren now)” why didn't you asked me Darren, I could have told you what you wanted to know"... " I did know, you are into D&S; Rick'' " so, Jema how do you know the Grand Master." Darren eyes open wider " well a few years back I got caught up in D&S... Dean at the time was just a learner, a bet was made, can't remembered the bet, anyway he was willing to teach me for one year within that year, if I turn out to like it, he was going to take me on as his Sub apprentice but one thing led to another and we got deeply involved in the situation. then I had the accident, I couldn't go back after that; so I left and had no more contact with Master Dean until now. I only did it for the sake of Darren for him, for his fantasy otherwise there would have been no contact at all. I got to contact Master Iron to make the appointment and get the passes for Friday night." " Darren would you still like to go Friday night just to have a look around and Master Dean would like to see me too. nothing more; nothing less"( they both went quirt, thinking then Darren said)" you really did this for me" " yes! Is their anything wrong with that, you said you want to live out your fantasy; so this is a good opportunity to do this right, and to learn... but what we do in the bedroom is for us only; what we like and don't like "... " look yous two, with or with out you, I'm still going, I got too... it's an order from Master Dean, himself and Rick you know when you get a summons from a Grandmaster you have got to go." " yes... I know, ok call make the arrangement and I see you both their" (Rick looking at both of us walking out, looking back over his shoulder) “no playing right”... “No playing, but remember, Darren is my Dom on the night what he say goes,ok"... “yes,I hear you” (and close the door behind him. Darren coming closer, bent down and kiss me) “ come, get your clothing, we buy dinner on the way and I want all the information on anything and everything and don't leave nothing out" (nodding my head, pick up my bag and headed down to the car. calling in, we brought chicken, salad, and chips and back to his place, after dinner we sat out the back, he having his jacks and I'm having my rollies, l turn to look at Darren.)
“I'm going to start of with me being the Sub and my roll, asked any questions when I'm finish is that's ok." (Sitting up now, very interested what I got to say) " ok Jema go ahead.” “The roll of the Sub is to submit, she has to obey her Master in all ways. she must keep her head and eyes down at all times and only answer when her Master says it is ok... if she want to speak she must asked for permission; as in saying, may I Speak please Master... any other Masters wish for her company either to talk or to play with her they must ask her Master for permission. now; if he says yes; then she has too obey; but if he ask her; she then can say yes or can reject the offer in a nice Pleasant manner, so do you understand so far.... " yes; I think so... so if Rick asked me if he can kiss or play; and playing is another term for fucking in any situation from one on one, two on one, whipping basically anything that Master is asking for.'' yes and yes.''... '' then you would say yes or no; you would say Master Rick, you may kiss my Sub but playing no... not to night its out time or you could asked me by saying, Jema! look up and answer me; is it ok for Master Rick to kiss you, and would you like to play, then it's up to me to reply;” “yes, or I could say thank you Master Rick maybe another time. only a kiss I would except it as a welcome gesture only.; basically it covers both you and me. it showing you as the Master that you are fine with it and introduce your Sub and my name. you are in control of the situation; what you say goes; and basically I've got to keep my mouth shut, only ask you for permission, you can deny me on some permissions. you also can refuse any other Masters. Now when you get introduce to any Master its only only the first name,being used; you only get call by your first name Darren. you understand all of this now. ( taking a drink of his jacks and thinking said) “yes! but I didn't realize how intense it all can be and how much control you have over your Sub... now; I fully understand why the codes, red, yellow, and green is so very important, we being the Masters has there's life in our hands and it could... can get out of control very easy, especially when you are very aroused for what gets you turned on. you really got to have self controlled haven't you." " very much so hon, so do you still want to go" " fuck yes, even just this one time, so when do I see your costume. " " on Friday night; when I walk down those stairs up their." " ok then; I text Master Dean and let him know for Friday night at 7." ''this Master Dean, should I be worried "... " no! not at all but if he asked you if he can borrowed me, then you must say yes, he will not do anything sexually... not without your permission it will only be talking, ok so you put my hand into his and of to the bar, get a drink, and wait... Rick mite be their as well to help you along, Master Dean will ex court me back to you, we will be in ear and eyes range, ok."
(We sat there for while in Silence.) '' is there anything you want to ask me honey.''... ''no! (shacking his head but still thinking;) “how about we go upstairs and have a practice run I'll be your Master and you can be my sub'' (with a sneaky grin, smiling back. we clean up the  mess and put the rubbish in the bin and headed upstairs. When we entered the bedroom, Darren took over and became the Master that he been dreaming about for so long. I put my head down with my hands at my side.) " Look up at me, Jema and you can answer me back" ( looking up into his eyes) " yes Master Darren " (I could see right from this very moment that Darren was going to enjoy every bit of this foreplay.)
“I want you to strip and get ready for the shower, I be in soon, but first come here and kiss me." (as I move forward) i said" can I touch you Master Darren. " " yes any where" (then my arms came up around his neck and pulling him down to meet my lips and kissing him so tender touching his tongue with mine, opening up, his tongue playing with mine, pulling back)." don't pull back, I want more" (we kiss like that again.) " shower now!" (I quickly went and stripping off on the way, getting in turning the water to warn, as I did the door open and Darren step in taking the sponge and soap rubbing it all over my body I just stood their lapping it all up. Taking the sponge, dropping the soap to the floor, knee down to pick up the soap, when right in front of my face is a very hard on, not worried about the sponge now,  dropping it to the floor ,looking up in two beautiful brown eyes glaring down at me.) ''that it....take it all into your mouth.'' (slowly, rubbing my tongue over the tip I slowly opened my mouth and suck the head slowly in running my tongue over the ridge and around, I could hear him grasping for air, hands grip my head on each side and as he was working in and out of my mouth.) " so fucking beautiful'' (pulling out) ''come on, I can't wait to get into bed." (on that command, I quickly stand washing the soap off, Stepping Out grab a towel racing off to the bed not even bothered drying myself, Darren did the same.) “ lay on your back and open up for me.” (no sooner was I on my back, he laid on top and with a matter of 1, 2, 3, it was in. kissing me all the while he was forcing it in .I moan out his name.) ''Darren!'' (not so much in Desire but in pain,he knew it too.) '' I should has said yellow'' (starting to kiss me but didn't move just ...kissing me all over.) " I'm so sorry baby I hurt you, but I just got so worked up, what you did to me'' (now he slowly going in and out, I match his paste; his he rhythm, to the point where I could not whole back.) ''Darren!!" ( I exploded with such a force that I wrap my legs around his backside I gripped him with all my might, and I can feel him pumping too with as much force. Going stuff then collapsing on me...Getting up on his elbows he looked down at me, bending down and kissing me so tender looking into his eyes I said.) "Master or Darren." (thinking for a little while he said.) " Darren" (and then climbed off me, going to the bathroom, being back a wet cloth wiping me, it felt so good,cool, smoothing and arousing.)" so how did I do as a master." " well, a little more control on Impulse and you'll be better; just got to just hold back a little bit. "( I'm grinning now; Coming back to bed, we curl up in bed and just talk.)
''Jema" ( mmmm, I sort of said and not open my eyes ,I'm just so tired)"Jema, will you move in here with me"( half a sleep and said)'' mmmm.) “ yes; ok ''... ''you don't have to give me a answer now" (just realise what he just said.) "Darren! did you just asked me to move in here, with you.'' " yes, at least think about it, please”... I don't know what it is, but I just want you near me all the time.” (Darren, laying next to me, pulled me in closer, afraid I was going to go away, I snuggled up within his arm until morning...when something hard hit my rear end, flipping me over, pinning my hands about my head slowly given me a morning kissing and a morning glory. Shower and breakfast, dropping me of at my place so I have my car.) " Jema, don't forget we are going out for dinner with Rick, so you want to come over after work"... " yes, I drive over so I have my car; Where are we going" " not sure but go casual "... " yes, I don't have to dress up, ok I'm wearing jeans.” ( Darren drop me off, getting into my car, he followed me to work, pulling into the under ground staff car park, parking next to each other, not saying a word, we got of at the top floor he went into his office, I went to the shooting floor, when Rick call me into his office.) “Jema, we have a couple of clients coming in. would you be able to show them around they are interested in the photo shop and the girls, can you introduce them to the staff please. I would but I gotta go and catch up with Darren, I should be only way about half an hour, then I'll come back and take over" " sure, what are their names "... "Mr Dean Master and Mr Colt." ( I looked up; Rick had a amused look on his face) "Mr Dean Master; you said" " yes." (has Rick set me up; or what.) " sure I can do that." (with a nice smile, I was not going to get pissed off for any one including Rick, turning around to go back out the door, when I turn back around and said to Rick.)"where are they" " in the the conference room." (going to grab my portfolio and heading into the conference room. And yes, there was Dean, he stood; up come over to me and said.) " so you must be Jema, smiling,he knew... so nice to meet you, and this is Mr Colt." (shaking both of their hands and fulling in them in on details; what I do around here and what the Photo shop and modelling is all about...I explained how it gives the models a chance to see how good they can become and if they still want to pursue in modelling careers. then I asked them to follow me and I took them out to introduce them to all of the staff including the model's. Sam was there and she was very interested in Mr Colt as he was of her,  then they apologise for not staying longer as they have other meetings to go to but still very interested in what I had to say. they told me to tell Rick and Darren that they will see them soon maybe over drinks somewhere. Mr Master said that he will call Darren or Rick sometime during the week and make the arrangements, and of course I was invited to.)" Are you busy tonight, Darren, myself and Rick are going out for dinner, we are celebrating a new contract would you like to join us tonight. I'm not sure where we are going. I'm assuming it's to a pub somewhere just to relax and let our hair down." (given him a smile just then Darren and Rick came forward and I introduced them and they will be honoured to have dinner with us tonight. both Darren and Rick's eyes shut up looking at me I said. ) " Darren; you said that Rick, is making the reservations for dinner tonight' Mr Masters and Mr Colt have been invited." " no, not yet, but I get right on to it said Rick would you like me to call you of the detail's." ( taking my hand and giving it a little kiss and winking at me.) " let Jema know please and Jema, so nice to talk to you, you really do have a sexy voice." (and with that he dropped my hand and both him and Mr Colt walked out the door...going five shades of red, when he said that, turning to look at Rick and Darren.) " what! did I do wrong or what's up"... " no, you did just fine." (after lunch, Rick came in, sitting down.) " you did really good today Jema with Mr Masters and Mr Colt anyway. I've got the booking for tonight at the Roller Bar at 7...I made a table for five of us.'' " ok; I call Mr Masters now and let him know what time to meet us their"... "Jema, you do know who Mr Masters is don't you. (smiling at Rick but did not say a word then said.) " yes I know who Mr Master is, but why did he come here?... ok I get right onto that, Rick, I will let Mr Master know what time.” (still have my smile on my face, Rick didn't know what to do or say then said)" ok I'll leave it in your hands thank you Jema." (the rest of the afternoon went fine I only saw Darren once and that was a quick peck on the cheek. at 5; I start to pack up put all my stuff away and clean up the girls mess and then I headed out walking to my car. I heard somebody call out to me, turning around and it was Rick)"Jema, wait up." (as he approached me and looking around to see if nobody was in a shot.) " have you talked to Darren about the rules in the club" '' yes I have; that's what I want to talk to you about tonight; but now that we got company, I can't." " ok, ask now got about 15 minutes before I got to leave anyway." " ok, if you are going to be with us most of tomorrow night; please keep your eye on Darren... I don't know how he's going to handle it, seen all the Sub in theirs costumes and mine (smiling now.) we sort of had a practice run but his control is not the best." " ok is there anything else.'' "yes;... I assume that it hasn't changed over the years as when it comes to rules between the Dom and his Sub." " only one; we all get call Masters by our first name now, there is no Dom ... when I'll get introduced to you I'll be known as Master Rick and you will be just Jema, Master Darren sub do you follow yes definitely. and Darren will get call master as well... only for this Night. " (reaching down and touch my chin looking into my eyes then walking away; wow I thought he was just about to kiss me What was that all about? getting into my car ready to drive back to Darren place. when I got there I went straight into the kitchen fridge and got myself a beer. I heard Darren pulled into the driveway then I heard the door into the Kitchen open looking at me he had a funny look on his face as well. ''what's wrong.'' '' why did you invite them to dinner tonight.'' ''because I thought it was appropriate; Dean said that he was going to call you and make arrangements to go out for dinner, so I thought tonight was appropriate." " you know who he is don't you I said " " yes, I know'' '' but Darren; remember outside of the club he is a businessman. he does not mixed his pleasure when he's working; so when your talking to him tonight, the club is off limits no talking about it at all!. And what is; with Rick. '' why, what's up.'' ''well he called me over in the car park when we finish up tonight want to know if I had any concerns about the club; I just asked him to keep his eyes on you and if you had any problems as and it has changed a little bit, you get call master too but it wasn't that, it was when he left... his finger rub along my jawline and looking into my eyes and then walked out I thought he was going to kiss me. what do you make of that I wonder. " (I could see Darren getting angry he's jealous because Rick  touch me, oh shit, oh my god.) " Darren, honey you ok you don't look well, should I call and cancel dinner. " (pulling me in kissing my head.) " it's all good, you are mine you know that don't you; I think Rick wants you too"... ''no! way... putting out of his grip and nearly trip backwards no!; I told you before I will not have a threesome, it's just you and me, you make up your mind Darren because I'm not going to be a part of another bet.'' (I walked out, going up to the bedroom slamming the bedroom door, getting in for a shower no sooner while I was in there; that Darren came up and came in.) " I'm sorry Jema, but could you think about it please, Rick does like you, you know that don't you.”... '' how do you know that Darren, has Rick told you; did he''... '' when he found out that you have been to a club and also a Sub, i think he would like you to be a Sub for us both.'' " let me think about it ok." (no way,I will even consider it ) " sure honey ok." (Getting dress, make up on and hair done pulling on my jeans, top and my booths, Darren came up and just stood their, looking at me.)" you can have the shower, I'm going back to my place you can pick me up their''...(walking towards him and trying to get pass when he grab me and push me back on the bed, standing over the top of me looking down.) " honey, please... look; I'm sorry their is no bet ok... it's just that Rick"... (Getting off on the other side of the bed, I just stood their)" Darren how much do you want me" (sitting on the bed now.) " all the time honey''... ''is that why you asked me to move in here so it just for the two of us; no one else." " yes" " then I don't share; not with any one; do you understand me and I hope you do the same, I don't care what Rick wants for now, but please we have to go for dinner and see what the night brings ." (Darren pulled me off the bed and up into his arms.)" yes, ok and yes; you are coming back here to night, so your car can stay here, we will talk with Rick on Saturday, but let's see how tonight and Friday goes.( given me a kiss) ''come on we better get going " (we arrived at the Rolls bar 10 minutes prior, going to sit at the bar we order pre dinner drinks waiting for our table. out of the corner of my eye I saw Rick, Dean and Iron all came in together, got their drinks the waitress informed us our table was ready so we decided to go over and sit down, sitting next to me on the left is Darren, then Dean, Iron, Rick on my right. we all just sat there no one spoke so I started.) "so Dean, how did you fine photo shop and the models." " very interesting does a model Supply their own clothes or do the Photo shop supply them." "sometimes we apply them depending on what type of shoot is on for the day, but the girls can wear their own costumes if they prefer, other than that ,we go around to different places beaches, parks, depending on the weather and the day. we might like a nice sunny day in a park or other times it might on the beach or around a swimming pool. “so what is your business. "... " I'm into clothing on the erotic costumes, like all types of leather (smiling now) and accessories that's come with them." (not blinking a eye.) " so, what you saying, if we got some of these costumes and our models to models them, you mite be interested in purchasing the costume" " yes, and if I could make any suggesting on what type costumes I want.” " looking at Darren and Rick, they both like it. " if you could, Dean could you send me some photos of what you are looking for and I see what I can do." (smiling now myself, the waiter brought us our menus; as I was looking over the menu someone said) " Jema, is that you!." 9Turing around, looking at a 6ft 1 inch long hair, fully tattoo.) "Jerry, omg how are you." ( standing up, given Jerry a big hug, around his waist) "everyone, this is Jerry he was my physiotherapists, he help me to walk again after the accident. " " so good to see you." " you too Jema, so sorry I interrupt your dinner and it's so good to see you walking around my girl you look after yourself give me a big kiss on the cheek." (sitting back down, they all looking at me now waiting for me to explain the accident.) “Jema (said Darren) what happen, what was the accident " (taking a drink and look at each one of them I said.) " 2 years ago I was a bit of a rebel (grinning) and I love motorbikes; one night on the way home from a party, a car hit me, somehow I ended up under the car and my legs were squashed. I can't remember how many operations I had; but I know it was a good 12 months before I could walk properly; and if it was not for Jerry; I think I would still be in a wheelchair, I have got scars on both of my legs and have got Pins in my pelvis and bloody hell when it's raining bloody body aches. " (laughing now. No body said anything. Darren lean over and giving me a kiss on my cheek. we talk more then it was time to leave, Dean pulling me in for a hug, said in my ear.) '' is that why you left the club, just the letter. '' ( looking up and nodding my head)" why didn't you let me know; I could have help." '' I know you would, it ok, all in the pass now" (Dean shaking everyone hands, left but said on the way out.) "we catch up again about the costumes" (Rick left too ,but before was talking to Darren. Then we walk out and went back to his place. I was tired, all I wanted to do was go to bed and sleep.)" do you want a night cap." " no hon, I'm so tired I just want to go bed, what was you and Rick talking about just before we left." " nothing much we were discussing tomorrow night, anything in particular, no not really, Rick cannot make up his mind to meet us there or come with us when we leave here, I think he's going to come here, and we go in together." " that's be nice and you both can see my costume."(grinning but Darren was not) " honey, what's wrong.”
(We pulled into the carport, Darren got out and came around and open my door, still looking concern, as we walked in.) " are you sure you are ok.'' '' if I have known you had pins in your pelvis I wouldn't have been so rough with you." (I stop dead looked up into his eyes.)" do you think I'm breakable?, don't you think I can handle things or are you concern that I can't play your and Rick game." (not looking at me and didn't say a word, I turn around and went up to the bedroom, tears running down my face, Darren called after me.)" Jema, I'm sorry it's.... Fuck." (picking up my phone I called Rick.)" hi Jema, Rick what the fuck did you say to Darren. " " why; what's up." " well, I don't know what the fuck you two got going but apparently, I am damaged goods, may be i'm just a pawn in yours playing games and maybe you should talk to him. I'm at his place(I'm crying now .)but I'm packing my gear up. I'm going back to my place. I may see or may not see you tomorrow night, but I'm definitely be there to see Master Dean.'' (closing up the phone, I heard Darren phone going off down stairs, but all I heard was) " fuck, no way, yes, ok, fuck.”
(then I heard him coming up.)" Jema. I just had a call from Rick, he said you just called him, said that I said you are damaged goods and going back to your place, and you still going tomorrow night with out us, honey you misunderstood what I said.” (walking up to me, I'm still crying, i throw my clothing in the bag, he grab my arms.)" stop!, Jema!... I'm just scared, I'm afraid I mite hurt you, I could never do anything like that, I know you are not breakable, you are the most strongest woman I ever met and Rick is so worried too, he is very concern about you, I think he has some feelings for you as well.''... ''he likes me?'' '' yes, please don't go anywhere to night, please stay here with me, I really do need you, go and have a shower and go to bed, I give Rick a call back let him know it was misundertanding on both our part."... " yes, your right, sorry; it's still a touchy subject for me."
The club (Having a hot shower does wonders feeling a whole Lot better; I went to bed still feeling very upset. My mind went back to the accident, I can remember screaming out in pain could not feel my legs, sitting straight up in bed shaking my head rubbing my eyes. I got up decided to go out onto the balcony to have a smoke, I know this always does calm me down. Darren came up about 15 minuets later stripping off and going in for a shower then come out onto the balcony sitting down next to me with his arm around me.) " I'm sorry honey; I didn't mean to up set you, but from now on; please... don't jump to conclusion, that's what I said, is what I mean. we really got to talk; if this happens again...and if I go silent; it means I am thinking... it doesn't mean means... I'm trying to understand it ok.” (pulling me to him kissing the top if my head) " ok" " so are you ready to go back to bed." " yes...but first I got to pee. " (getting up I wounded off to the bathroom peeing, washing my face, cleaning my teeth and spraying some deodorant on me then turning off the light and went back to bed, snuggling up to Darren chest, putting me in tight. we end up by going to sleep in each other's arms. I know I had a restless night, I remember crying and I remember Darren pulling me in tighter and whispering tender words; when I woke in the morning, I did really feel like shit and I didn't really wanted to go to work; but I knew I had to for the girls sake they depend on me. going down for breakfast; Darren made me scrambled eggs and a nice big cup of coffee; didn't feel like eating but had to eat something, we talk a little more then got on the subject about the club.) " I can't wait to see you to night you going to look fantastic; honey I should be home about 5:30 ok." (looking at him) "sure; hon I be home about that time too, but I don't want you to see me until I walk Rick still going to be here and we all going together. " " yes I think so, I let you know. " ( picking up my bag, keys we both headed out the door when we got to work; Darren went to his office and I went to mine, then I went out and checked on all the girls and their clothes making sure they had everything that they need for the day. I got a couple of photos in an email from Dean for what type of clothing he wanted the girls to wear, so I took them to the girls to see what they through, some were a little unsure but Sam , she had the Gleam in her eyes she was over the moon. "Jema, wow, when can you get them and can you invite Cole to see them as well." " well, yes I suppose I could; you like him don't you, Sam you do know what he's into don't you." " yes, I am in a little too." (looking at Sam I could not believe it Sam of all people no wonder she like Cole smiling now.) "ok, you got it; if he's available" (going back to my office grabbing a coffee on the way sitting at my desk going through the rest of the photos... I have to find out from Darren and Rick if I can get some of these costumes and how much outlay can I spend. just then the door opened and Rick walked in.) " morning Jema, how are you I just saw Darren...yes I will be at your place and we go together (with a smile on his face.) I am really looking forward to this tonight seeing you in your costume, Jema I got to let you know in the club their is a” ....(before he could say any more, he turned around and walked out the door.)" Rick; before you go; have a look at these, they are from Dean; is it ok if I shop around and get a few prices on these costumes for the girls. they can be very expensive; so what is my limit." (taking the photos and blowing out a whistle.) “fuck these are”... (before he could say anything else Darren came in taking the photos from Rick did the same. Looking at me.) " are these from Dean" " yes, I want to know if I can buy some but I don't know what our budget is and how much I can spend, i see if I can get a catalogue first and then we all can sit down and go through it and then take it from there what do you think." " yes that's a good idea, and maybe you can model some for me as well." (Rick smile and giving me a look.) “ yes I be in that too” (said Darren.) " not bloody likely, these are only for our models." (they both laughing.) " ok... as long as I get these for you two and you can model them for me." (showing them a tight pair of briefs with a back cut out both look horrified then I burst out laughing too.)" see; remember an eye for an eye." (still laughing.) " ok time to go." (Rick and Darren left, I went out clean up packing away all the girls cloths, make up and any thing else, then laying out theirs clothing ready for tomorrow shoot, the girl got their own area. then I pack up my stuff and heading out to the car park on the way Rick was just about to go, calling out.) ''I be at your place at 6.30." " ok we should be ready by then.'' (getting in my car ...when I got home I went straight got all my stuff and had a shower in the spare room, just getting our Darren came in.) " why are you showering in here." " so you can have yours in our room and I can do my make up and get dress here, so you won't see me until I come down now go have yours you be way ready before me so give me a least 40 minutes." (given me a kiss then he walk out; I tune around looking at myself in the mirror a few more wrinkles a few more grey hair, make up and hair dye can do wonders.) " ok,here we go" I brush my hair back on each sides and put some gel there to whole back in place, then I got some red hair spray just pulling up some of the strings on the top of my head I spray some there to give me a bit of a reddish tips then I run gel through the rest of my hair, not actually make it stand up but just give me a bit of a wet look .now I put my Hazel contacts in just like my own natural colours and these are prescriptions so I don't need to wear my glasses tonight . now my face , applying the foundation a little bit thicker around my eyes down past my nose and around my cheeks I got two eyelashes putting little bit of glue on each and put it on my top eyelashes, getting hair dryer out turn into a warm and just gently heating up my eyes to help dry my Lashes ,then I put white foundation in the cruise of my eyes and coming out towards the end now applying a reddish eye shades, then the eye mascara and finally my brow pencil underneath my eyelashes to give me a very dark look....yes that will do and with my costume and now my shoes, I didn't put on my jacket I just carry that, one last look in the mirror, I'm looking good,walking out I heard Darren talking to Rick,but when they saw me all I got was wow and Rick said" I knew it, it is you." ( Darren, turning to look at Rick)" what!." " Rick said I show it to you at the club.'' " Rick said you are so beautiful, Jema " " Darren, said I must agree with Rick you do look beautiful and fantastic." The Sub (as I walk up to Darren I got into Sub mode looking down, I said)'' may I speak please master Darren." (Darren looking at Rick as if to say, what do I do now.)" you may look up and speak until I tell you not to." (said Darren.) " thank you Master Darren and nice to see you Master Rick.'' '' Master Darren, may I kiss your Sub" " yes Master Rick, but only a kiss on the cheek.'' (with a chuckle we all smiled, we got back into ordinary mode until we get to the club.) The club We arrived at the club about 6:45. Rick got out on the left side Darren got out on the right and then taking my hand I got out standing in front of Darren. bow my head, not saying a word. Darren whispered in my ear “you ok Jema." “yes, I'm fine'' (whispering back then I said.) “remember I am not allowed to talk, unless you give me permission or you are asking question " "ok my beautiful you are so stunning tonight and so very very sexy.” (looking up into his eyes I smile a cheeky little grin,yep that was my whole idea. Darren took my hand and Rick led the way in, as we entered Rick took off my jacket and hang it up when Dean stepped out looking at me with a type of lust... Darren notice it and so did Rick looking at Darren slightly he had a big grin on his face.) " Master Dean said Rick, I like to introduce you to master Darren and his Sub Jema. " " thank you Master Rick and I finely meet Master Darren and your beautiful sub, may I kiss your sub please." " I would be very delighted for you to do that; thank you master Dean." bending down Dean kiss me on the cheeks. '' you have a very beautiful sub Master Darren we all are going to be very jealous tonight, come in and I introduce you to the rest of the masters here, any questions please don't be afraid to ask. this is what it all about get to know us see what you think and you never know you might like to join with your beautiful sub. may I have the honer escorting your Sub in please." the honour is all mine he said to Master Dean.” (Master Dean led me over to a chair, Please Jema, sit.” ( looking over my shoulders) “ I can see that Darren, does like you, maybe love but I don't think he is fully aware of of his feelings and how he feels at the moment. Jema please explain to me why you didn't let me know about the accident"... " may I speak Master Dean. " " yes. " " I was afraid; I did not want sympathy and I really did not want you to see me broken. knowing that I can never be what you wanted me to be ...your sub again to you master Dean. after the accident I thought that you would turn away from me and I didn't want to see the hurt in your eyes and I was hurting too... much as it was. I would rather you remember me the way I was." " like that'' ( pointing to the the photo on the wall... I turned around and my whole body went cold. turning back around to face master Dean I can feel the tears building up in my eyes.) “ I am so sorry master Dean but if you would have seen me then, that would have been more hurt to me then what the accident did and I wanted more, a husband, a home but your life, your wife and your home is, and always be the club.'' (we sat in silent for a while, I look back to see Darren and Rick order the drinks. Rick said) "Darren, remember when I said I tell you sometime when we got to the club." " yes. "Rick pointed towards the door and said" look up." (as Darren did; saw the most beautiful woman with Master Dean, the woman is sitting on the floor at Master Dean feet, she had a collar around her neck with a leash, but it's the woman that catches Darren's eyes,Turing to look at Jema them Rick, Darren just started with a mixed wonder, saying to Rick) ''is that Jema!" "yes, that was a couple of years back, before she had the accident, I heard that Master Dean was so shock to loosing her, apparently she left him a letter but he could not find out where she went. All the time she was in hospital, she never went back or got in touch with Dean until now.” “she only did it for you. I think she loves you Darren." (Darren was shocked; went white taken a big gulp of his Jack's, he didn't know what to do or to say.) " you are one lucky bastard you know that... you have got yourself the most beautiful woman in all of the clubs; that all of the Masters want her but she you want you, Darren and I know she wants you; I can see it in her when she looks at you and that's why I am so envious of you. I know; she does not want to play any more but if she does I know she will only play with you not in the clubs but with you only in your room in your house so my dear friend make the most of it." (master Dean took me back to Darren and place my hands in he's then gave me a kiss.) "thank you Jema; and thank you Master Darren and Master Rick. " (then Master Dean excused himself and said to enjoy the evening. we stayed for about two hours then we decided to go back home Rick came in for a nightcap then left.) (I went up to my room and change, came back down and we just sit down and talk about the club, Master Dean, Rick anything and everything else. Darren still want me to move in but I said give it time we only just met laughing now. after the nightcap we went upstairs and went to bed we didn't make love, we just laid in each other's arms; just holding each other, it was beautiful end to a beautiful night. in the morning Darren called Joe to make plans for dinner. I don't know if I should tell Darren about Joe's affair. giving it some thought ...this is something that a son must tell his father. I got no right to say anything; we still play master and sub every now and again Darren was just happy to do that; he still had his fantasy with me in our room not in a club in front of everyone just the two of us one on one and I never seen a man so contented so happy as for me, well it's still early days but yes, I think I have fallen for Darren but I'm not going to jinx it; just one day at a time and see where it goes or ends. We had dinner with Joe, at the end of the night Joe said " dad; me and Joan are getting a divorce, and I have been seeing someone else in the mean time." "(thinking Darren said. ) “well son, what ever you do; make it right this time looking at me sometimes... you make bad mistakes other times you make good ones; but learn from the bad one's and I hope you fine a beautiful one like I did even know it's taking me 2 times to learn, good luck son.” (Joe didn't say anything just shaking his head in agreement) '' I will dad that's for sure and Jema thank you for being their for dad, your the best that has ever happen to both of us." (Joe excused himself and went to the Men's Room Darren pull me into his arms and gave me a big kiss and all he said was.) "thank you honey" we had Rick over for Dinner; and yes he did want me to be his Sub; but realise I was too in to Darren and he said if I ever got sick of Darren he wants to be next in line we all laugh and Darren said; nope sorry Rick; she mine for keeps.'' '' buy the way did you know that Sam like D&S too.''( they both looked at me in disbelief, smiling now; ''well Rick what do you think.''


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