Story -




(Walking out the back towards my car, it's semi quiet and dark at this time of night and the bloody security lights not working again got to let the boss know tomorrow, just finish work I'm tired and looking forward to a nice hot shower,looking around and having my keys in my hand ready to unlockthe car but at that very moment saw something out of the corner of my eye turning my head swiftly, their about 50feet away stood Todd,I like him but the way he looks at me sometimes,give me shivers down my spine,he sort of scares me a bit and it's like he stripping me down to my bones,maybe it's just me.Todd is a big man,rough, about my age,most times he sits on his own in the cornes sometimes I take up a meal to him,he grab my hand looking at me,winks thanks Jo then goes back watching everyone.I remember one time when one of the guys put his arms around my shoulder and the look on Todd face,I swear I could see steam coming out of his nostrils.

I quickly press the lock on my keys to unlock the driver's side door,pulling the handle to open and chuck my bag on the back seat getting in,no sooner did I open my door the passenger side door open too and Todd got in,and I froze looking at him,my hand went to the handle to get out as fast as I could,he grab my arm,)"no!stay please Jo"fuck!,Todd what do you want "just to talk... please Jo"(I was scard a little but more suprise) "ok,what do you want to talk about" "us" "us!what you you mean,us!,their is no us! Todd" “please Jo,”(I didn't move and I didn't want him to make any movement as well)"ok what do you want to talk about...about us!"(he just sat their looking at me) " I just want to sit here and be near you,...I been watching you for ages,Jo you do something to me,I really like you,and I get over peotective...some how I get drawn to you,like a magnet,and when that guy put his arms on you the other night...I was ready to smash his face in... Jo, I can't get you out of my mind,your smile is so beautiful and the happy go lucky way about you"(he reach out and touch my face I stiffened he slowly pulled his hand back)" I never hurt you,Jo,I want us to be....,we could go out one night if you want too”(he had a small pocket knife in his hand I didn't even see him pull it out till now) "then put the knife away,you make me nervous with that in your hand" (looking at the knife,he folded it up and put it back in his pocket...I was praying someone would come out, but being so late everything is shut up and everyone has gone home so I just sat there, waiting,trying to think of a way out of this without getting myself or him angry)"can you give me a ride " " what!,I can't my partner is home waiting for me,I really should call him" Jo,don't lie to me,you split up with that arsehole weeks ago,he wasn't good for you,I seen the way he treated you,when he comes in sometimes, didn't even give you the time of day,fucking arsehole he is,he treat you like a piece of shit" (I didn't know what to say, just keep looking at him, taking in a breath and slowly releasing, shit what the fuck should I do... I know this is a bad idea)where do you want to go" "can you give me a lift home ”(thinking he live in town)”ok” “get out on the bypass"(turning over the engine and backing out,driving carefully, I'm so fucking scared, fuck I'm scared ready to pissed my pants,)"I need to pee" " you can whole on for a few more minutes it's just up the road on the left side a dirt road take it, about a km in"( looking at me,I put one hand between my legs,trying to hold on,turning off into the dirt road a little way in was a old caravan,pulling up out the front,) "no! drive around the back"(so I did and park up, from the beam of the lights, I could see some type of a undercover made out of Green cloth getting out of the car)"give me your keys” “why,I'm not staying,I got you home Todd,now I'm going home” “go do your pee,the toilet is over their,"(pointing to the outhouse,)"thanks,but no thanks,I been to those outhouse before in the dark, I go behind the car" "suit your self,now the keys!" “No” “Jo!”(walking around to me and looking down saw the keys in my hand,holding his hand out “now!” (before I knew what was happing he grab my hand and ripping the keys out Todd what the fuck!,Im' getting a little pissed off with him now) “now go do your pee or I come and watch you”(I went behind the car,so dark out here no moon light) "don't thing about running, no where to go in this dark,and their a few mine shafts around here,I don't want you to fall down now do I"( he walked towards the caravan,turning on the generator for lighting and power coming back around and walking inside,Todd open up a beer and hand it to me as I walked in)"Todd,I want to go home,I want my keys back pleaséeee,I'm tired" "you can sleep here and there hot water for a shower" "I got no clean clothes" " so..wear some of mine" (I slam my hands on the table,) "you can't do this...this is kidnapping" “now give me my fucking keys” (getting up just about to go out side,when he grab my arm and pulled me back and around to face him,his arms going over my shoulder's and pulling me in tight,smelling my hair,)"I'm not letting you go Jo,not yet anyway, please stay with me tonight, I need to be near you it doesn't have to be sexual ...but that would be nice,laughing”( no fucking way this man would brake me,he got to be at least 5.10,120 k and me5.2, 55k) “I just need to hold you,to feel you,to touch you please” (I don't know what to do, how to handle him,so I played nice) "ok but I'm going home in the morning" “we will see” (sitting down, my legs are shattered, trying to get a grip on all of this) "why me, do you know how old I am" "yes and how old do you think I am" he said(looking at him,) I say you are in your early 40"(smiling thank you for the nice complement, but no I'm well passed that by at least 20 years" "so what with me,Todd,you are still good looking, you could get a much younger women, why would you want a much older one like me” “I have watch you for a while now, Jo and I know you have seen me looking at you too and now and again you will give me a smile, you don't know how much your smile mean to me” “I give everyone a smile Todd its being friendly to the customers,would you like me going around with a sad smile all the time and not saying anything to anybody... I also talk... make small talk,too it make good customer service”(getting angry now)Todd, if you want to be friends,great...I can handle that and just maybe it can turn into something good,but until then...(he pulled out his knife and cut a deep dash in the Parm of his hand,before I know what he was doing, grab my hand and did the same, gripping my hand with he's )" now we are bounded together in blood"(jerking my hand away, looking at all the blood I don't screame I was so sock and in a trance my mine didn't realise just what has happened,looking at all the blood dripping from my hand... Todd got up and grab towl,wiping the blood from my and his hand,I didn't know whether to cry,screamed, hit out or what...just too stunned numb, looking at him)"that's the first" he said(the first of what?...I felt no pain,only anger with all of my strength I hit him so hard,I think I busted my hand and sending him back off his chair and landing on the floor, then I ran,didn't know which way,running around the fount and following the same road,that we come on,I heard him calling my name,)"Jo,please come back,I'm sorry" (when I didn't answer I could hear the angry in his tone.)

"Jo,get your fucking arse back here,now!!Jo!!(I keep on running, getting out of breath, slowing down to a walking past, holding my side, my hand is sobbing now, stopping and bending over,trying to get my breath... heard him coming up the road,just making out his form in the darkness)" you can run, Jo but you can't hide from me,I will fine you"(standing up and still on the road,in the distance I saw car lights,I headed off in that direction but still keeping to the road,I know that would be the bypass,hoping someone would come along soon...I don't know how long I walk,feels like hours my knees are bleeding from falling over and I know I had scratch on my face and arms from the underbrush, sitting on the ground, so sore, getting up... got to make it to the bypass, coming out from under the bush,when his hands came around and lifting me up and through me on to the dirt road I landed so hard I think I broke my hand, I cried out in pain,walking over to me and gripping the back of my neck,squeezing, pulling me up)"Jo, why did you do that,run away from me, I don't want to hurt you, I love you,don't you know that" (lifting me up in his arms,and carry me back,taking me to the shower, stripping off my clothes, washing me all over,looking at me with lust, I felt so dirty,physically and mentally defeat, no not defeated, not yet, curling up on the floor letting the hot water run over my body,he turned off the water and wrapping a towel around me,drying me, taking me inside and pulling on one of his tops on me,emotional I am numb I don't know to cry,I want too,I just can't I just can't understand why someone who say that they love someone would want to physical hurt them,looking up into his eyes,looking for something, anything, saw something there, just don't know what,anger concern maybe,concern that he physical hurt me, regret what he done,still in shock,he took my hand and looking at it got up and grabed a bandage and wrapping it around my hand)"it not broken just sprain, you will have a sore hand tomorrow" (looking at my hand all wrapped and dropping it in my lap,getting up Todd got me a table and water given it to me)"take it and drink... it will help with the pain " he said(doing as I'm told I sallow not even asking what it is)"are you hungry,"(shaking my head slowly as if to say no)"ok then get into bed"(fear went all over me what is he going to do now,shaken my head)"no!" "Jo, I said get into bed"(shivering) "now!!(I slowly got up, I craw on to the far side culling up in a ball I heard Todd stripping off and getting in pulling me to him wrapping his arms around me,spooning me,his breath in my ear,his big hand cupping my Breast, playing with my nipple,I just lay their not moving, stiff, I could feel him getting hard, (no,no,no)"I need you, Jo, you got no idea what you do to me” “please can I text and let my boss know, you can type the message that I won't be at work tomorrow or will you let me go"(he just layed there) "I think about it in the morning... now where are we...are yes, now what would you really want me to do to you" "just hold me please Todd, I'm really sore and tired" "how about I give you a nice massage it will make you feel good and put you in a very good mood for me"(laughing)(their is no way I'm getting out of this,he going to take me one way or another thinking) "ok" "then take off this fucking shirt I want to look and feel you,"(he pulled the shirt up and over my head and looking down at me,I cross my arms over me wrapping my self up,I feel ashamed, Todd got up and getting some oil,)”turn on your stomach,” (doing as he said he smear some oil on my back and gentle rubbing over) "your body is beautiful, Jo,so soft" (rubbing,all over my back and down my legs over my butt,Todd is sitting behind me in between my legs, his hands are roaming back over my shoulders,) "turn over" “do I have to"(wacking me hard on the butt)"ouch,that hurts"I said (looking at him,staring back with a wild,look in his eyes,he move off my legs and sitting on the bottom of the bed)I slowly turned over every part of me is so sore)"keep your hands by your side"(I was fucking naked, I didn't want Todd to put his hands on my fount parts,but didn't have a choice, what would he do, if I said no)"my fount is ok Todd,just my knees are a bit sore" "no! you're not, Jo I can see it in your body,you are all tents and I'm planning to get rid of all of that,now put your arms down by your side" "Todd really I'm fine"(the next thing,he lean down got up some rope from under the bed and grabbing my hands tying them and pulling my arms up about my head tying the rope to a hook above the bed,kicking and screamming trying to move)" Todd please no,let my arms down " "no!...(glaring down at me with a horror determent look)you will!learn Jo... when I say do! you will do! now Jo seeing that you disobeyed me you need to be punished..."( taking out that small knife,Todd started to cut on one of my breast just above the nipple just a small cut, but a cut is a cut fuck it hurt,I screamed out in pain,)”please,no please,”(Todd then he went to the other side and did the same,cutting a small T on each side,) “now they are mine,not yours but mine”...(I tried to move but Todd is sitting on my legs,tears are rolling down my face, my hands and arms are high above my head and starting to go numb,between my tears I could see the small T cuts on each side... blood running down)"now are you going to be good and do what I said" (nodding my head as if to say yes)"words,I want words!Jo, say the fucking word now!” (Getting right into my face and yelling)" Yes,I do as you say,Todd,please let my arms down they are starting to get numb"(sitting back on his legs,thinking, looking at the cuts he just made,bitting his nails trying to look at him with tears) "Todd please my arms"(bringing him back from some type of memory, he got up and bring my arms down but still keep them tired,going into the bathroom and getting a wet cloth wiping the blood away from my Breast,having a look at the small cut they are sting,he gently put some cream on them)"sorry I...." (undoing the rope around my hands,lifting me up and holding me in his arms,kissing me all over my face.)

” I'm so sorry Jo,I had to do that,but you disobeyed me,please honey,please!don't,”(laying me back down,I turn half over away from him,not looking at him and just cry,I slowly stop,just laying their,I got to get away from this This Maniac some how before he hurts me really badly)" now turn back over and put your hands down by your side" (I did,still had tear in my eyes, looking at him,he looking back)"now I'm going to finish off this fucking massage" (staring from my toes,he rub and up and down one leg, then the other, when he got to my stomach,his breathing be comes deep rubbing his tongue over his lip,hands moving up each side but not touching my Breasts over my naval down on the inner side of my legs,not touching me adding more oil on his prams rubbing back over my Breasts taking in one nipple then the other murmur sounds coming from his mouth, licking his lips) "so soft" (I just layed there not game to move or say anything my Breast are still sore from the cut,I squirm a little, he knew they are very sore,so he move down to between my legs forcing them more apart I open my eyes a little to see what expression is on his face,lust, desire and someone else like he injoying conflicting pain,digging his fingers inside,I cried out in pain,bending over and bitting me on the nipples, then around my naval, down between my legs leaving teeth marks and on the inside coming up to my clit,bitting me there as well I screamed out with pain,crying trying to close my legs) "please Todd,no more, please"(looking at me as if he was in a trance glasses eyes,sitting back on his knees,his hands going over his face and hair)"fuck! Jo,I'm so sorry I don't know what come over me,I just lost it,quickly getting up Todd move and looking at the teeth marks he made)"fuck!!"(he went out and I curl up in a ball,he came back in with a warm cloth,touching my shoulder I jerk with fright)" turn on your back"(I did and he gentry wrip me all over,I had blood from the cuts,blood from his teeth and blood between my legs where he bit me,scratches up my arms,on my face, knee's and my hand was swollen around the nuckles with buses turning blue black the cut inside was about a inch long across the pram I look at Todd)"why,!why Todd"(not looking at me, he got up and going into the bathroom I could hear the water running, coming back he gave me another pill a different colour from the last one) "take it," (I did, no question asked I looked up into his eyes, pain,sadness and hurting,tears,pinching the bridge of his nose and wriping his eyes)"come on move over so I can get in"(I slowly move and Todd curl up behind me hands resting on my hip kissing the back of my neck) "I need you to help me Jo,"(I don't even know how to help myself, that's the last thing I remember, waking up some time early in the morning, stiff, sore I need to pee,pain ripped through me,trying to get myself up and off the bed,I couldn't feel Todd,found the shirt and slowly pulling it over my head and shoulders, pulling my arms through the holes wimping, feet on the ground I managed to stand and walking to the door still no Todd finding my way to the toilet looking around... my car is still there going to the car trying the door not lock finding my bag on the ground going through it founding my spare keys,quickly getting in locking the doors and backing out driving off ,my phone was in the console and darling trip ooo and heading for the emergency hospital,police came came took photos, families came blood test confirm that I did have some type of sleeping drugs and others,they found Todd about a week later doing the same things to others in different locations and he did have a problem he was convicted of kidnapping and rape,not only me but 4 others as well.
I had 8 bit marks,4 cut,one on my pram needed 6 stitch and a couple inside of my legs the 2 on my Breast are ok ... I didn't go back to work they all know what happen to me and I feel dirty, embarrassed ...comes to show you... you trust someone or like someone but do you really ever know them ...regardless of how long you have know them..can I really trust anyone any more, everytime someone walked up to me now, fear comes up from the pit of my stomach and I feel sick.


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