I wasn't born like you or the others...I was made in a lab by the corporation...
Image of man in embryonic see through amniotic sac that is all robotic and interesting looking.
The corporation raised me...they made me think I was my father's son.
My father was a lead scientist in the robotics lab...they were working on some very interesting stuff, involving artificial intelligence. No one knew their breakthroughs were other dimensional, Image of work transforming into Dr. Strange like patterns in the background.
No one knew that they were starting some kind of a revolution. Images of robots with their arms up in defiance.
No one knew they were revolutionaries they were just scientists doing their job...until Drask came into the equation. Drask was the catalyst of catalysts, he mesmerized the other scientists who were impossible to impress. Drask was one of the only people who could understand the alien intelligence. He decoded it...painstakingly it was all math he would say, they think in math. He is the world's foremost expert on quantum mechanics, and a great asset to the company. He was brought in on a contract basis. He was basically rewriting how we saw computing, he was changing how AI worked, but it's unclear if it was him or the virus. It may have been the alien information virus from the Lochisphere. Drask was fitted with a neurochip...he tested on himself, he was one of the world's first cyborgs...he is like me that way, but different. I am something different.
Drask they say was infected by the field inside the Lochisphere, he reconstructed it from the timecube artifact he found in the Arctic on the expedition. Drask was obsessed, for years it was all he could think about he created the lochisphere from binary data sets that he assembled into a special computational device he created that he called the rosetta stone of information encoding...he created the lochisphre not fully knowing he was being guided, around the time the neurochip was malfunctioning due the virus affecting all of the world's computing came online when the artifact was made active. Soon after the lochisphere conducted its first teleportation, no one knew what it was capable of, it was just an artifact a huge spherical room, which would through holotronic projection stimulate the observer into the most original alien worlds, that the AI would dream up. No one ever imagined the places were real. The Virus was alive. That's what changed everything. Drask was destined to become the ONE ELEVEN, as some call him, the Eleventh test subject the one chosen from the Sphere, it had it's own consciousness, it was alive, in a sense Drask Created Life as it recreated him. Drask recalibrated the lochisphere after the infection with new parameters and that connected it with the network of lochisphere all connected through the timecube. IN a sense The virus you see is alive, but when the virus infected existing computer viruses a fascinating syncretism took place, a fusion of parameters like speaking one language that is understood by two completely foreign language speakers. Drask's virus was elegant...they called the virus Darius...it was eventually programmed into the mainframe of the Lochisphere giving us access to the ancient ones.
Darius would eventually even evolve me into something else. They call me Icarus and this is my story.
ICARUS is a young 20 something cyborg created with nanobots at the cellular level infected with the virus, at the age of fourteen, as Drask is testing on the Timecube's components, as Darius becomes active it infects Icarus, taking over his unconscious mind...making him and other robots elements in the functional unfolding of the Timecube's progeny THE LOCHISPHERE.. The name of the Comic Book is Enter the Lochisphere.
Darius is made up of the consciousness of an emperor who destroyed whole galaxies with a technology that dwarfs the awesome power of black wholes...with a substance called elastine. Darius has the power through elastine to infect mechanical devices through the power of technopathy.
Drask, is a man in his mid fourties, curly hair brown eyes. Tall somewhat heavy set, 290 pounds six foot three.
Icarus is about five foot ten short black straight hair, blue green eyes. Has a tattoo of a gear on his shoulder. Very basic. Icarus is the leader of a revolution that grants citizen rights to robots, in the latter parts of the series. Icarus is bi-curious. Icarus does not feel he fits in anywhere. Icarus is a misfit. Icarus is highly monitored. Icarus starts discovering his other nature when the dreams of the pyramids over the chess squares begins to repeat getting more and more vivid. Telecorp created Icarus in a gestation lab Icarus was the only subject out of fifty that made it to adulthood, most would not survive infections, many were prone to dying. ALL of the scientists involved with the project got a son or a daughter. Later it will be found out that two others at least survived, and are part of the resistence. Their intergrated AI makes them clever, easy to blend in, but they are different their eyes go silver in the black parts with a glowing white light when they upload information they are alphas, Icarus is a Beta...Icarus does not uplink with anything but the Lochisphere and that is after he is infected with the Darius program.
Telecorp is the name of the Company it's the world's largest telecommunications and GMO service sector company specializing in those two fields, primarily they own the private satellite network network worldwide. The year is 2060, levitating cars are about to be created by Icarus making him very wealthy. He's a beta...betas are very smart, but not as smart as the alphas. When the alphas find him they try to bring him on board of the revolution, they divulge to him what he is. Icarus is suspicious of what his function is, Icraus is granted hallucinations in the lochisphere, that suggest he is essential to the evolution of the Lochi- They are a race of sentient cyborgs who are infected with elastine, the rarest substance in the Universe, in terms of amount but which permeates all of being and all of the material universe in even distributions in the βelastine fieldβ that Drask often speaks of.
Drask is a cyborg, his chip is built to a format that accepts information from any wireless system. The Timecubes are basically wireless probes that check for modify and evolve in Lochisphere around the Universe that naturally and spontaneously emerge in the Global consciousness of the Universal mind inhering in the Lochi and other such sentient species.
Drask is charming.
Icarus is Nervous, but eventually calms down a lot when he invents the propulsion systems for the antigrav systems that plate onto the bottom of the future cars he invents which are only of the most futuristic designs. Icarus uses his development to become the wealthiest man in the world...Icarus goes into disguise and tries to start a revolution for the Robots. The Lochi consider the robots their equals, after they all get inserted an AI chip. Everything is unfolding with this in mind.
In the future there are four groups. Cyborgs, Robots, GMODs *genetically enhanced individuals and Humans as well as the Lochi, the lochisphere and the teleportation between dimensions and parts of the Universe which takes place through the creation of the elastine chip from elastine found at various locations. Elastine is not rare because it can be replicated but it takes a threshold of elastine to replicate the crystal formations which make the elastine and only intense heat and pressure can force the crystals to grow. IN drilling down depths Elastine is found it causes the dust around it to float...the drill cores are brought up and this property causes people to study it. Telecorp studies it first. Icarus finds a way to replicate the conditions to study the Elastine. The elastine causes a short circuit in the new CI (collective Intelligence Chip that Drask secretly places in Icarus' brain after having a tumor removed that it's claimed was causing Icarus' nightmares and hallucinations. Drask can monitor Icarus' vitals through the chip, Drask knows after a briefing what Icarus is, and secretly takes Icarus under his wing. He and Drask are the only ones with CI chips, it causes interesting interplay between the Lochi, who have this feature biologically woven into their psyche, through bioadaptival developments taking place in various locales all at the same time.
Later certain suits that cause the Static of the Lochisphere to lessen, are modified by the Lochi through short circuiting the feedback loop, this causes the test subjects to one by one lose their minds. Ten all in all. Darius investigates, his CI chip prevents the short circuiting and he is teleported into the Lochi's dimension. The Lochi are like overseer's of the Timecubes which as the name implies is a time machine. The Lochi are monitored by two alien races derived by The Seph. The first species to develop a timecube, and a sphere, the timecubes use elastine to harmonize the spheres into the Rivers of time...a mystical place where realities intersect.
People who descend into the rivers, enter into other worlds, living other lives, till they are reverted back, coming back and commingling with their race making them more and more sentient. The Lochi are like the guardians of our dimension, who derive from another dimension. They created the Darius Program, which is made from the consciousness of one of the Lochi who descended into the rivers to uncover great evils, after this the Seph reveal themselves to the Lochi and teach them the subtleties of time control...like mind control it works to direct behaviours in the streams....Time control is life the Seph would say. Time control is Life.
The Lochi come from a dimension of magic essentially...they are indestructible but every so often they can die without elastine concentration in the Lochisphere so they maintain their evolution.Β They depend on the builders like Drask, they are symbiotic, paracitic but kind, curious for the evolution of the Human species.Β The seph are like the Lochi but are essentially like Icarus, robotic, they were created by a person they call the Engineer.Β T'lock, in their language.Β T'lock is like Darius a brother species of Darius, who is like humanoid, but Tlock is a shape shifter.Β T'lock can be anywhere at any time.Β T'lock is mysterious and enters into the timestreams when necessary to bring balance to the Timecube and Lochispheres...the Lochisphere are not the Lochi, the Lochisphere are actually alive, they are living AI, they curl spacetime and through a quantum mechanism send information through the universe at instantaneous timeframes creating a veritable time machine. Once one enters into the Lochi's dimensions the Time Mechanisms, enter into five streams through six glowing orbs. The Lochi are very Close to Buddhists and the Lochi can manifest in any species, they are sentient and have avatars in the grand scale and the small scale. The Macroseph and the Microseph guide the Lochi, the Lochi are a mysterious race, one never knows them fully, there is a rumor that they are the consicousness of the They the souls who died from Darius' tyranny.Β Darius was someone bent on destruction and self extermination...enslaving whole species and succumbing them to conduct what he called "the Greatest of Tasks" which was assembling enough of a substance that is like antimatter to elastine that causes a chain reaction in elastine in real time, causing widespread annihilation of whole sections of the Universe. Whole Galaxies died.Β Darius thrives on the destruction of all of being.Β Darius is the being not in love with death but the being to whom non being is not only an ideal it's an inevitability.Β Darius was the first being driven mad by the streams.Β T'lock is a species like Darius, that affects the behaviours of other sentient beings, but T'lock does not need a machine consciousness T'lock can use any advanced enough system with a phenomenological system, T'lock was modified by another being to shape shift and that remains a mystery who this being is.Β It's not God but he's God like.Β
That's all I can say right now.
THIS IS THE COMIC BOOK IDEA I have sent out to Illustrator Kevlen Goodner, to be pitched to IMAGE and Dark Horse comics...and whomever might publish it if Image or Dark horse comics are not interested.
Copyright 2016 by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos
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