Earth Goddess made land as she walked,
brought a charred piece of land from the East to merge with her steps and
on it plants began to flourish wherever she stepped. My woman and I went
everywhere, were given a horse, and met all the aboriginal peoples. I got
attacked by a bear, was drawn in and guided by wolves. Made boats made out
of sand, was a shaman, entered into the seer's eye, lept through a large
cube, and eyes were placed all over my body, in glowing form...I laughed
at demons, walked through fires unscathed, had my skin, muscles and bones
taken apart in an extatic vision, saw the trees flow like inchworms, spoke
with crickets, turned ancient ruins into light streaming waterfalls, was
made a friend of by all spiders, who would fight to build webs near my
dreaming head. Built a ladder made of whale bones to see beyond the
mountain, and saw off all the beings of the future Atlantis, Living plants
were drawn from my body, and many of the creatures of the sea, Sharks,
Orkas, and Jellyfish, Squid, that held other beings within them and all
were of the most ornate design. I drew a tree out of my body that was made
of crystaline light, drew two dragons from my heart that I placed in the
celestial spheres. One day, I ate a bad mushroom, and from my vomit
another part of me formed into a doppelganger eager to fight. We threw
energy bolts at each other made of blue and red, nearly destroying each
other, the atmosphere about us changed colour in the night. When I won I
claimed the ground and he the sky and became many of the birds of the sky,
and called a truce such that he could have the crown of trees as his abode
and be nourished by the ground. But before this, I glowed Blue, and he
red, and from our fight that took the whole day long grew twin dragons
made of purple and every colour you could imagine, these lights still
adorn the twilight and sometimes, sometimes, the memory of the war is
retold by the sky in the form of aurora borealis (...showoff). I was
peaceful and didn't battle often after that except with spirits. I spoke
with the wood spirits, who guided me often, I spoke with the Gitchie
Manitoo, who spoke to me in flashing lights, and in sounds only the spirit
can hear. I danced and became a great winged bird, escaped the earth, then
returned a black eagle, then a white one, then a grey one, then an
interdimensional one of every colour. I made the world's first pipe and
smoked sweet tobacco, and smoked all the plants that opened the mind, and
shared the plants seeds with others. I had a pouch around my neck that
would never stop yielding seeds, and I gave them to all the young shamans,
who traded their finest artisnal crafts with me. I went to the place all
shamans go to die, so that I can guide the shamans of tomorrow. I was the
bear, the wolf, the spider, the turtle, the frog, the ram, the raven, the
falcon, the owl, the black eagle totem. And my descendents walked in the
shaddow of other dimensions. Wild horses were my friends, and great
warriors would honour me, with gifts. I made the first stone warrior to
guide the quiets of the north, no, no sorry, the first one was made out of
piles of wood, that's right. And I spoke with the wind. While I scarcely
fought, I kept my armour in the sun. I went to the place of a billion
times a billion and saw the seas of time, and created the spiral staircase
made of the bliss of heroes. I shape shifted to be one with only the
greatest of shamans. Ten of us in all. I am the eleventh shaman. I'll
retell the story proper like, this is just a few accounts.
I also taught very small flies how to teleport, and painted the very first
image of a living man on a bearskin, who lives breathes just as you and I,
but is animated on the body of a bearskin. On this skin grew the story I
have been telling... and I delved into it to find m way back home once
and built a magic bridge from our world to this world. After returning, I
was surprized to find the bearskin stolen, and was happy I had built the
bridge. I later learned that the bearskin was stolen by a sea creature,
who was tricked by a raven who told him that he would give him wings to
fly if he gave him the bearskin, the creature gave the bearskin, and the
raven flew up and up and up and up, vanishing into the stars to bring life
to another planet with it. The sea creature crawled up onto the earth, it
was massive, lept up so far inland that it could not go back to the sea
and was so weak that it and cried and cried, wanting so desperately to be
closer to the others for there were none of its kind in the sea. His tears
made the great lakes, and on a swim to find the great trees beneath the
waters, he held me, till I nearly drowned. Then he started crying. I
understood from the lights and sounds of the Gitchie Manitoo what I was to
do. So I made him part man, that could turn into a dolfin, but only if he
agreed to move out into the sea because his tears were often causing
floods. Together our chants and songs sometimes bring typhoons inland to
replenish the thirsty trees, and uproot the old ones, and he is my oldest
friend. True story.