(in the form of a facebook post to my nephew... Chris Siokis)
Everything worth having and improving is worth protecting, it is my hope this wisdom guides you and helps you along your stellar path to progress and trailblazing pioneership as a new ancient every bit as great as our ancestors. Always remember that a dishonest offense can be met with an honest defense, and that involves erring on the side of caution, and cautioning in the aftermath of great disentanglement with deception in check.
Live, but with reservation, Love with measured passion, Laugh with the esteem of knowing all things are temporary, and that the spiritual is the enduring. Live for wisdom, for it never expires or is exhausted by our folly. Know you are loved and realize your worth in measures of self restriction, for self censorship is equal to discernment, with the ethos of nothing ventured nothing gained, so too nothing censored nothing gained is just as salient.
Remember that at least SOME appearances are like illusions and it takes time to review and understand truth and that is what University truly represents. As you venture into this rite of passage remember that it's who you are not what you do that resonates with what you are worth. Remember always that you are just as equal as everyone else, even if you acquire great wealth, and become the equivalent of a multi millionaire or even a Billionaire (that's what I hope for you, after patenting chemicals and investing properly)- be humble while being proud of yourself, and protect that pride by being honest with yourself and others who you trust.
Trust those who give you reason that they are kind to the poor, who pursue virtue, and whose excellence is sensitive to others in a constant pursuit of integrity. Beware of gossiping people, remember though that we all gossip to test people's character, and find certainty about people's ability to take on projects, so never fear it when others speak of you, they are illustrating what you can tolerate and represent in your mind and experience as an opportunity for maturity and strength.
Never āfall outā of love, never āfallā in love, approach it with grace, and if it leaves you, allow your emotions to reconnect through other people, with this security your strength will multiply in other regions of your life.
Avoid doing drugs, As the Buddha said it beclouds the mind. Know that the law is a tool for correcting the agency of perpetration, and seek not to commit crimes. Avoid the company of those who do drugs, for you may become influenced by them, and there are many other people to hang out with.
Show honour to your parents. Listen to their expectations, and know what you want out of life. Revise your life's goals with authenticity that is a product of their Wisdoms, which is what your life also is.
Remember that expectations are our windows into distinguishing what we need out of life as much as they are indicators of what we want, not knowing the difference between what we want is a kind of hell, knowing the difference between what we need and want however is nor heaven nor hell, but a kind of purgatory, it is nobly acting on our scrutinized and interrogated expectations, that with prudence reflect what we should do, and the will to act on that agency that counts as the path to heavenly achievements.
Take care of the poor, and disenfranchised, Love your neighbours, and the person next to them, and the persons next to them as far as the world is wide. Be world famous for something. Recognize your possibilities are endless, recognize yourself in your work, and never let others exploit you. IF you get a great idea, market it on your own, so make sure you take business electives to prepare yourself.
Never let anyone including yourself tell yourself that you are not capable of something great. You are God's creation, that's qualification enough. Move forward and seek to bless others as much as you seek to be blessed.
Standing between now and eternity, he, then I as me not yet, and myself as my soon to be me, met, and in regret did sometimes ask about the me that was (as yet never was) as me before that was or was not allowed, and for us, our we then, not yet, never quite that we, that we were not, did to us of this reflection sense of us, where we thus were to our were not as ever yet never was to our finding found freedom far from our were we as we were not? or not yet never? here... forevermore now in the layers of manifold aether, of where we were never not ever, ever so clever, to that nothing once never before found, yet few know, as we did then before not show, that we were close to both being destined possibly ever to no, not ever know that what of what we were as yet then never, did say, a new mystery of nothingness to a new day.
OH today, today bring back let's say a tomorrow they, that did sway the day that I was never may we say, Sprung between the light of night twilight and morn the memory of what we were not as yet ever so spoken of yet in our future past new ancients, we of our lost they that we were once perchance upon reflection to dream for an of. And of we then thus they who were a way so happy, empty, fraught, and did from this finding stop all time as I did speak with Brahman, saying of we not they, but eye, say given sight, made of might, one's right, in all weakness and spite, give of us the we that we once were to be as I would be, could be should be, of, that grand echo of the we were never of, but were, as yearning set to learning called on of the course of time, feeding on the morsels of eternity.
And from its morsel learning divine given an evocative flavour so fine, in the meter and time of our learning and our yearning in the hour of our earning, in a world turning, the wonderspin, of a world once half never nearly part if that known, and to this burning light within, Promethean soft spoken coiled spring, set summer, to dream of winter's fall, in the following where we in the turning from this learning did we not find, a harmony divine, a dreaming time, a little rhyme, a cadence for eternity, and from it there we they did dream, and from unspoken I's did stream, the narratology of unlived yearning, churning, of the burning of the light, turning of eternal night, earning our forever day, where we, then us, that I that did become myself, became the King of the New, King of new ancients, and the whispers between the moments of time, where we too did meet good friend... Blessings. Your King.Ā PAY....Your Taxes.
Opening credits to utilize this song:
Radiohead - Lotus Flower
Radiohead - Lotus Flower
There is a distinction between love and fascination that is loving. Warmth and compassion that is detached yet mindful, unafraid, forgiving. There is a well courage to the point of courage, rather than courage to the point of foolishness. Situations dictate expectations, and the frivolity of demands where scenarios recondition us to a fleeting concern with identifying with our apathies no sense of HOW to revolve our lives from emptiness, where the temporary nature of responsiblities are met too long without rewards that are final and procedural and in their own right, qualitatively a part of one's own insights with actual necessity regarding the demands of those approaches and attitudes that constitute our rights and obligations to self and other.
We are in the context of these adaptations, appropriated by the best in us and the better in humankindness, in search for qualifying humankind, making it more humane, and sometimes by the folly of that which is by many means necessary, yet never in order in quite the way we imagine. SO, expectation plays a role, in HOW we find what we never had and always wanted, some say this pursuit is love itself, I call it longing, but it's aims seem to me near always good, when qualified by the self evidence of courtesy that is proliferant in the absence of the comfortable shallows of our depths, no matter how conventional may seem one's own yearnings and need for the instantinaety of reward.
In the abstraction of our application there is something that is like an imprint, left upon the functionary attributes of our collective impulse, a general achievement of a characteristic order, call it culture, or custom, or means. Untrained by the Nobility of love it attains to its opposite, which is and has never been spite or hate, but simply emptiness for which hate is but a symptom. Hence to understand love well, in the splendour of all of its achievement we may as well approach it from an understanding of emptiness, to see what a lack of love brings into the world, so as to know INTIMATELY the solutions for a world so interested in HEALTHFUL approaches to its own pretences and seemingly arbitrary lack. But it all hinges in some enormous regard in how we attribute honour to each other, in how we show kindness and restraint, without this, there is only the delight in vanity, and the emptiness that reminds us that between what is conditioned and what is affirmational, there is the actuality of a gentleness as well that must be our guide. Not in all scenarios indeed, but to be in the prospect of Love as an enlivening principle of life, there is a Gentleness that we must recall and regard, and never in a vicarious way, but with great sacrifice to a demand oriented society.
Rather than supply and demand, we become a Develop and flourish oriented society, when we support and discipline whatever misunderstandings stand the test of time. It's with this in mind, the awesome predictive temporality of disgrace in all of its wonder, and it's hold on us that keeps us from truly escaping the shame of things, the necessity for it, the revisitation of it the reminder that we are not an inevitable pathology of fears imported into our habituation of our abilities, fears are like a tincture in that sense, permeative, and not isolant but isolating, and the taint of this knows no greater a foe in others other than in the certain absolute power of an uspoken tyrrany that is our lack of interest in decommodifying this in each other. We become invested in the absurdity of pride, or community too tightly bound to artificial achievement, and never invent, we become innovative only to what extent we are permitted for want of the convenience of satisfaction, and the comfort of the group, over the ethos of examination, or unchecked trust.
Without emptines love is meaningless, and so all too often we osscillate at the fringes of our emotions so filled with the curiosity of abandonments and its benefits. And for all the emotional cartography of our embittered want, our needs remain unmet with wisdom, itself now a mere mockery of its once meaningful standard. We live in eras which asked us to believe that God was dead, that Might makes right, that tactic is the agency of wisdom and little more in life is to be pursued without some affirmation from the betrayals of others. We learned in eras so empty of war, yet freshly healing from them that forgiveness is a cliche, best served ironic. "Meanderathalic", our ages, past now the era of our discontent, we are moving ever more clearly to a new era, a new way of seeing the world in Nutural prospects, filled with the qualities now of our planning, and need to benefit directly the enjoyment and delights of measures of our well directed emotions, bringing our feelings into the fore and forum of our means of processing, but now beyond the automation and autocracy of mere facts of love's repose and the lesson's of our empathy writ large.
We live in the Age of Nurturalism, the era of that need to play a role in the unfolding of the past as much as we wish to play a role in the sense of the future, a need to construct as it were a sense of momentum and direction for us in the capacity of now, so empty otherwise of its agential form of security, of it's anchor through any form of chaos, and for this we require a whole new class of persons formed BEYOND simply stratifications of class and conflict as if the ennoblement of being were itself automations of scales so invariable andinevitable it boggles the mind. We need instead a FORGE, for culture in this class, a new brand of creatives, Nurturalists, and Essentialists in their own right and regard, and born with innovation in mind, application in heart, and sivility in gesture, in the work that we pursue to build upon our dreams.
To these creatives now growing in our midsts, to your dreams of a better future, I join with you in honour of a more foundational world, founded upon the values of virtue, freedom WITH responsiblity, the benfit of earned happiness and its pursuits, and the ennoblement of vitality that can of its own nature never be misunderstood as the absence or abaondment of self care, versus the caterment of wasteful teduim in the service of distraction and the uninspired banality of unnoticed and uninvested in progress. We are here to CELEBRATE life, not be a mere record of it, so with that in mind, let's bring us our world of tomorrow lovingly here and with great passion, today, in honour of the great achievements of every yesterday, in every yesteryear, where the dream of the future was no less vacuously searching for the great golden adventure of a better tomorrow. May God bless you and bring you love, vitality, peace, and value, in years filled with creativity and learning.
Poem and image Ā© 2015 and 2016 respectively by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder
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Like visiting Plato and Aristotle. Philosophical thinking and streaming is sooo hard to do, but you did it. Bravo. You are very talented. Near the end I was reminded of how often we sit around and talk about how things USED to be and ruminate on the changes in theĀ negative... wasting so much energy that tomorrow may be wasted. Life in the moment IS what matters. I really loved this Peter (can I call you that? lol). Blessings
Thanks Rebecca, Lately I only respond to His Excellence and worship, the great and most exalted, right honourable SIR Peter Kaleb...but Peter will do I suppose.Ā HAHAHA!!Ā Glad you liked the piece, it was fun stuff to write!
I have four degrees Rebecca, including the one I am finishing next summer which is a double specialist in Visual studies and Philosophy.Ā I have a teacher's degree, an artist's degree, and a cultural studies degree with a focus on the arts.
I like school a lot.
lol. I miss School... I got so much pleasure from it as an adult.Ā
True, true.