Fatal attraction

It was a dark gloomy night filled with the sounds of traffic going by and an owls hooting.
Pete had finished work and was walking home he turned onto a street he walked every night but it didnt look right walking on he began to
realise he didnt know where he was. The night was getting cold the sort of cold that gets into
your bones so you never feel warm again.
Looking into the mist that had suddenly come
down Pete saw a lamp light in the distance.
Continuing to walk down the street that he didnt recognise a building loomed in front of him. It
was an antiques shop the shop was called "the wandering age". Pete looked in the window at a picture of a man with three dogs stood at his
feet the dogs where massive bigger than any dog he had ever seen. Pete liked the picture so he decided to enter the shop.
Pushing open the door a bell rang the shop was dark but not so dark that you could not see the items on shelves and on the floor.
There didn't seem to be anyone around so Pete took the picture from the window and looked it over, noticing the price was only ten pounds he decided to buy it. Pete banged on the bell on the counter and waited but still nobody came
so he put the ten pound on the counter and left the shop. As he closed the door the bell tickled and a shiver ran down his back. Once outside he walked on and when he came to the end of the street he turned the corner and was back on
familiar ground looking back he could see nothing but the dark.
When Pete got home the first thing he did was hang the picture up on the landing standing back he admired the way the dogs had been
painted almost life like. Looking at his watch he realised he was home not much later than normal which was odd as he had called into
that shop. Shaking off the uneasy feeling he was getting he decided to have an early night as he suddenly felt exhausted.
He was woken to a woman’s terrified screams and the howling of dogs. Getting out of bed Pete walked to the window and looked
outside he saw three large dogs walking away they looked oddly familiar, the street was quiet
the could see nothing untoward so went back to bed and was soon asleep.
Waking up the next morning Pete dressed then headed toward the stirs, looking at the picture it somehow looked different but he couldn’t put his finger on what it was.
Pete left the house heading to work further up the road he was surprised to see a white tent and police putting up yellow tape he was
looking at a crime scene he realised. Stopping to ask what had occurred he was told a woman had been killed virtually ripped apart by more than one animal.
Shocked Pete turned around and in a daze walked back home. Running up the stirs Pete looked closely at the picture and then he spotted it ..... blood on all three dogs fangs and muzzles. Pete ran from the house slamming the door behind him not even stopping to lock the door he ran looking for the antiques shop but couldn't find the street he had walked last night after an hour he gave up and with some trepidation walked back home.
Upon entering the deathly quiet house that smelt of dogs he slowly walked up the stirs to the picture. Taking it of the wall holding it he
looked it over nothing had changed from earlier. Turning the picture over he noticed a piece of faded paper in the corner frowning he knew that had not been there when he bought it. Opening the paper with some trepidation he read it then not believing what he had read he
read it out loud, "The person who buys this picture must to stay safe themselves let the picture hang do not remove and hide it away".
Pete read on " the hell hounds must kill thirty and the owner of the picture must hear the screams of those thirty and it must happen within one week, until that happens the picture cannot be returned".
Pete felt sick and had to stop reading to compose himself. When he felt better he began to read again.
"Do not be one of the thirty Pete lock your door to stay safe on a night".