The host

It was a hot sunny day and Jill Masters had just returned from an expedition to the Amazon. The group of 12 archaeologists had been looking for any sign of lost civilisations they where in a part of the Amazon that had not been mapped and was still virgin territory.
Two days ago on a flight back to America Jill noticed a small red lump on her leg it was warm to the touch Jill wasnt to worried taking a plaster from her bag she had covered it and thought no more of the lump.
However when she woke up this morning the lump was the size of a tennis ball, she also had a fever and the whole of her leg was hot to the touch and throbbing looking at it she thought the fever was causing her to see things as she thought that she had seen movement under the skin.
Jill called a cab to take her to the hospital the driver had to help her into the cab as she was having a problem walking. Once the cab arrived at the hospital the driver ran it to alert the receptionist and to grab a wheel chair, he helped Jill into the chair and wheeled her into the hospital where a nurse took the wheelchair thanking him, the driver wished Jill a speedy recovery left without asking for the fare money.
The nurse wheeled Jill into a room and paged a doctor to come at once. Whilst awaiting the doctors arrival Jill fought to stay alert when all she wanted to do was sleep, her leg was now twice the size and looked like it would split open at any moment. There was a knock at the door and the doctor walked in, he took one look at Jill and then saw her leg, moving toward Jill to examine her he saw movement under the skin this startled him and he jumped back. Then Jill screamed as her leg split open and amongst the blood and puss a spider moved Jill passed out. The doctor ran for the door as hundreds of spiders poured from Jills leg he slammed the door behind him, as Jill was bleeding to death a large spider appeared from her leg it was the queen. Hundreds of tiny spiders headed for the air vents and the gap under the door searching for a new host for the queen to lay eggs and in a hospital there where plenty of opportunities.