Forced Out of The Comfort Zone
Dear Friends,
First I want to encourage every one to pray for all the people who are being effect by all these natural catastrophes that are hitting North America.
I personally have a lot of my family that live on the south west cost of Florida.
Friends You have heard the saying to day is the day of salvation! Well this is true for evey person who is alive today. We have no certianty that we will be alive on this earth in the next minute or hour.
Just as we all can see the evidence of the threats to human life taking place from the hurricanes that are hitting Florida right now, that are being broadcast ed on all television stations.
The question people ask when nature rages against the human race,is where is a loving ,merciful,all powerful God during all this?
The answer is He is present with us at all times.
God will help every one who calls upon his name in faith.
This does not mean He will give us every thing we ask for,but He will provide what He know we need.
What causes these catastrophes ?
The Earth which we live on was created prefect with out defect . The human race was given possession of this paradise, and given stewardship to have dominion over all of God earthly creation.
God had given the human race only one restriction,which was not to eat the fruit from the Tree Of the knowledge of Good And Evil.
God told them that when you do, you will surely die.
So after the the human race disobeyed God command, The earth was cursed on behalf of mankind’s disobedience.
Read The Chapter three of the book of Geneses.
So every thing from illness,disease,death,destructive weather,
decay,corrosion,animal attacking humans,insect destroying farmer’s crops, plant that are poisonous to eat or touch, and so on.
These conditions that effected nature and human kind are result of the curse .
Some times,not all the time,God has sent natural disasters, to cleanse the human race of over whelming sin.
Such as In The Chapter six of the book of Geneses. The world wide flood and Noah’s ark.
Other times God has used plagues of nature to punish man kind for disobeying a request from God.
Like the Egyptian Pharaoh, refused to obey God’s request to free the Jewish slaves.
Such as in The first twelve Chapters of the book of Exodus.
So is God punish The United states for it’d grouse sins and rejection of Him as supreme king ,that our nation has rejected to summit our nation to His authority ?
Refusing to give Him thanks and praise for His love ,mercy,grace,and blessing that have come from his hand of provision.
Examine you self, and examine what is taking place our society to come to your own conclusion why these catastrophes are happening.
Maybe God is trying to remove people from their comfort zone through loss, to show them that they have great problem
then material loss,they are spiritual lost.
God might be trying to get people attention to open their blind eyes to the fact that all of man kind is destined to die then stand be for God to be judged for their deeds.
He wants them to see that with out faith in His son Jesus as the payment for their sins , They will be caste into the lake of fire with all the other nu believers,the devil and fallen angels.
So just a people are encourage to evacuate their homes and move to an area that will provide safety from the destruction of the Hurricane . So people must make a choice concerning to heed, or not heed God warning concerning their spiritual state.
l encourage all Christians to be praying concerning all we have talked about in this article .
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo
August 10 2017