Prophecies glow

Around the year 2020 a paranormal research team crosses paths with a 27 year old medium with some interesting and unusual abilities .After this meeting that seems had no other purpose outside chance the team and young spirit walker decide to combine efforts .To Set forth on a mission to decode and if need be expose predictions that's sources have remained unknown to most .Clues methodically placed for centuries,together with direct communications through this one who walks both sides lead this investigation
The only hints as to who made these prediction suggest men and women of great accomplishments hidden to the eyes of the public .With one goal in mind to progress the future and secure for those worthy, a place among the stars .These claims of future events will serve as guide for a select few named guardians to protect and prepare man for a predicted battle .This group of seekers and there new friend with visions accept this task for they are those chosen.
Pursuant of codes and clues to decipher the messages left for them .As the team launches there efforts the first code cracks with ease .Something sticks out like a bolt piercing the veil of nights sky . Suicide success and attempts have made a significant rise .Answers compiled and applied eventually lead to the how and why .What this clues revealed is most suicides aren't that of free will at all . In fact many dark forces work around the clock using power of suggestion to convince and end .
A wars wage sitting back in wait while for this battle to be fought soldiers are essential . With a life submitted by a mans own hand the souls exchanged forfeit .An army of the fallen bound to this earthly realm.
Now common abilities and purpose among most mediums is to help lost spirits find and go into the light .What's unique about this young half and half is his ability to help the bound ones find peace again on the other side .So many persuaded in this act that shackles them from ascension .Lives given up through a push while possessed or persistent demonic oppression .This boy unlocks and opens doors leading stairs up with no end in sight .A second chance for a soul to find wings and take flight. Once again Shine bright and find fight on lights side.
Self induced death had become more common as populations crashing course continues to out grow .Understandable with more people there's more problems, less space, and time to work things out .Meanwhile evil is festering and feeding on mans stress, anger, greed, and all other emotions humanity produces and supplies.
Even with dark forces factored the rate has risen more in the last 30 years than previous accountable years combined .The whole team is awed by the lack of attention paid to this subject .How could this have went so long unnoticed ?How could so many sit back and watch with no attempt at intervention or at least mention ? An increase of this level requires unwaivering persistence launching investigations from any and all directions.
The world is in the dark to what's coming .Many souls already roam this army of the damned seen only through the eyes of the gifted .Though they see this place only in part there's one that sees it as seen complete .Within these predictions the team finds a hidden prophecy .
A prophecy that reads,
one will come with abilities that defy abilities belief to serve mans future seeding life of light in mans reprieve wars roll will call , not to mix among the bulk , behind nor afar, its from the front he awaits wage where he makes his charge, true identity reveals with prophecies meaning exposed beneath prophesies seal, seek and hide where lights none, barely visible he'll be, for all spirits lost spirit see ,bright be the light that beacon a spirit guide for thee , born with no knowledge of his role in this battle of destiny delivered through message and vow of prophecy ,practiced and prepared only among peers and spirits he's hears and See's a boy becomes the man of need for all the world to follow and bleed, with lights leave his name called begins end to darks seed.
But what could this all mean? As the team begins attempt to some sort of perspective or direction the new comer raises attention, I have a confession to make .The boy the prophecy speaks to save us all may of been here all along .This unique man they'd only ever known as Sam reveals his birth name as it was when he began.
My parents always said my name came from above like a dream .His shirt tugs in attempt to remove as he points and requests the light switch be placed in the off position .The lights went out and almost instantly words once prophecy just written, now prophesized now seen .I really think the one described is no other but me. Not because I want but because of what you've all just seen .I was always told I was meant to be and when the times is right my true name is Glow and that's what world will call me.
Though future predicts many will fall prophecy says me and my team will give hope to those in need .We stand for the good and innocent now and forever let this battle begin .Let us bring destruction to the wicked accompanied by evils end.
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Hey MATT POE!!.....this is VERY cool bro!!.......VERY compelling in its over-all story telling........ as an outline for your book l believe you've started Something VERY salable here......I can even see GLOW and his team in films....... the whole idea of the arrival a gifted prophet of course has influenced literature many times over ~ most profoundly in the BIBLE itself.......but this modernized version is certainly something that could use updating........SUPER-CREATIVE brother......... let me know if there's something I can do to support your efforts my friend....... and thanx for the invite....... it was a dazzling read...... loved it........ttyl.......T xo. ?✳✴