Truth and grim war cause and affect

take the queen out of this set up pic and thats the true pyramid scheme and there bold in our face persona with a shell as the shallow hollow profile or better put gutlessÂ
Efforts to control creation here on earthÂ
Im sure most know the rothchild family pukes that have a bottomless pit in there head of there supposed powers or higher claims but they are the illumanti so nazi truth and biggest liars ever
more than satanism but tons of abduction and balls or secret societies and parties of ritualism and sacrifices Â
and forcing people to these things in there castles andÂ
bohemian forrestÂ
there responsible for all of the missing children families and other suicidal tendencies and cern the technologies that work the industry of all branchesÂ
they murder constantly and started banking and creating reasons for charities to take most so when anyone gives they take or anyone that gets rich enough so illite are forced to feed there greed where they could pay all debt and provide no need for charities so anything ive exposed is directly enforced to the so claimed higher powers they truly believe they are but the dirtiest little secrets they keep is they are Psychics but actual necromancersÂ
but truly weak without others participationÂ
they are the neo nazi agenda and the biggest fraud ever to exist thats why thru are Cannibals And much moreÂ
theres nothing royal about them they think there better than all but use all because they cant do things themselves so they are the mark of the beast genetics bar and splice into genetics the blue book project that devised the watergate scandals of inner earth entries and the majestic 12 being the astro project men of khem alignments of Zodiacs where we are all truly 10 of the 12 because we are developing for 9 then the tenth when we are born or when the fat lady sings so our soft spot starts to close to that birth celebrated one sign like virgoÂ
i have sent so much telling them i was gonna put this out and expose there plans to there greedy methods for the last 4 plus years narrowing down the head of the satanic worship and Mind control projects and they talk a big game but do nothing where they literally kill and get away with the blind eye because of status quoted and numerology which is a joke because its again just numbers so there still one weak grouping of a incest keep it in the family retarded freaksÂ
i got plenty of proof or i wouldn't make this statement and Broadcast it as i have for years in other placesÂ
proving some of us are string enough to illuminate what they hide and show everyone else they are just as string when it comes to our true grace and divine rights they devide to conquerÂ
they are monsters look them up u can see it way to obvious even in the looks of their pure evil
they started all conspiracy to keep theory in play with no definite solutions to things like plagues and been around since the begging and never ending dark ages into the cold war meaning always in affect just intermittent timings so they fund and poster all war here there and beyond the hollow cost or Holocaust as they've deamed it labeled thru evolution and Astro projecting as Albert Einstein Tesla and many other great minds of the past expressed they used but we're also labeled as schizophrenics
they are the not see biblical until present party of shame and all guilt and Manchurian candidates of politics and dictators so the wizard behind the curtain of all they push to be the faces of there coward ways so the blame never shines the spotlight on them as the one true hidden factionÂ
I am taking action because others cant not that they wont they couldn't until now because i have exposed so much and I am still here and I am still myself regardless any type of actions they've taken in the past so anyone that has any knowledge of them know that I called them out for years and they have no success or powers to any claims beyond being the filth of existence
Death be u sin rot the children rothchild gravities Grave feed chemical clot cloud then atmosperic layered in to a scatter by sun by moon and the return of all star sphered cosmic eggs of perfect casting after the fall of your schemes so failed schematics Now true red white thru all color until blue all stars milkyway Gallactic perpetual tree
evil no more calls no more hostÂ