Theory of Christ’s holy land

So as I’ve recently shared I am a person with extra senses and I wanna share something with u that could really change your life if u take it serious so at the very least read it and decide for yourself at the end what your perception is and what it means to u .Â
It seems long but it will only take five minutes to read but I bet it will make u think for allot longer than thatÂ
Ok so this is spiritual and subjective so scientific.Â
When we are born we are with a soft spot and what this soft spot is in actual biblical sense or scientifically is our halo it’s where our inner minds pupil is and it’s where that psychic or mental development of senses pores in while we are in the womb and after until it closes that’s why babies are able to see and sense more that’s the first eye so when they are in the womb they can actually see through open halo senses everything outside of the womb because they can see inside there body because the way the programming of development goes is we start a heart that chases after the mothers connected rhythm faster because baby is smaller so growing is babies heart rate catching up to moms and that’s when baby is ready to come out because it’s heart rhythm is at the right core temperature so the development inside stage is determined by that and humans are obviously 9 months for babies heart to catch up to mommas rhythms or rate of beat .Â
Now we are born with that open soft spot and it is literally our psyche halo hole and here’s where the problem goes wrong and we grow scaling down with only 5% genetics large enough for the mind to see and process them so they are called junk dna when it’s actually the point that our soft spot closed and started pulling with the dimensions of growth until mature skull and brain stretch are set putting that halo into a crown position like a tilted cross so not truly developed the way we should have and that’s why people have extra senses because they are born closer to that pupil or eye that created the rest of the body so inner minds eye not third eye first eye just still locked in the dark ages so we go to the third eye position of the crown whee the skull has stretched and closed but there’s still a small soft so we can open limited to our potential but it’s title so it’s a lock of your not careful and don’t make it past and to the halo centered minds eye around that pineal area between neuron eggs and then u true north your halo of perception when I are open to that level of sensitivity so all that are or wanna open to a third eye move your conscious awareness to positioning into center and focus on opening it as the first eye not third and up is always true north as that halo is put in place and your centered one mind one body one soul and u will start finding spiritual enlightenment like this just by participating and trying to complete yourself of all voids .Â
See your brain is a sponge and when it solves from the wrong dimensions like points and breaks so turns like a pyramid instead natural O like centered u have less awareness so you cannot make a pure connection long because negative comes with the good exposure . So it would seem we grew to cover that spot and protects it when in fact it’s a simpler smart cane and able long ago two brothers a magnetic kinetic field cane so sugar or the good brother and able the giant brother the magnetic field battled and cane struck able with a rock in the temple taking victory and that’s the as above shall be below theory but actual astronomy that lines with Bible events to give us these open accurate perspective on picture picture than our scale but a meteor was pulled into the frictions of cane and able and struck the temple earth and knocked it off its access causing true north to lose itself to the equator so our compass are wrong that why u gotta follow your inner compass that halo that will properly align u with meditation and focus and instead of chakras limited your halo is open and your staff of light so life is renewed. So it’s basically finding the direct route to your soul and all those extra senses u are naturally born to expand in but not from the third eye that is part of that earth getting knocked off ams dragged that earths halo of true north setting so the triangle opened connecting third eye but lock blind it not remembering your softest spot ever is your truth and halo that leads straight to your mind and heart aligning your perception better all the time until it becomes immaculate perception which Christ was born with and I can explain how scientifically and why but this was the message Christ was trying to mission to re center that halo that’s blind inside hidden behind skull now so when we do open it’s a misdirected connection like a funny mirror .Â
That’s how Christ healed he was born with a centered soft spot or halo because immaculate so immaculate perception and the map to the holy land is the story of you’ve taken the time to read the third eye is 6 senses centered is 7 so your are center lands and know all true word from lie so all good from bad and naturally follow the good . Christ came the way he did because Atlantis is the city of creation meaning man and woman’s parts sinking in from one city into the opposite flipped inside out so create man and woman seed and whom of fertilizer until spawn .Â
So the mission of Christ was to lead u to the holy land I told u a I am very connected to the after life and that’s perception. perception creates senses and leads to supernatural abilities and connections and I just honored the mission of Christ with the straightest way of reading the entire gospel meaning path to the holy land . . What’s the key to life ? BABIES so the halo is the holy land of inner vision . If your extra sensitive or empathic this will mean more to u anyone else will probably think I’m crazy but the Bible and history are perception and truths and Christ was the true lord and savior cause lord is above rings so halos meaning Christ coup lead u back to the halo land because as lord he knows the directions .Â
I’m very accurate and very perceptive we’ve all had past lives that should be more than common sense and regardless of any lives past in this life I know I found that true holy land and it’s done so much for me beyond life daily like seriously I taught myself algebra and calculus in weeks without knowing I was doing it . Jesus Christ died to rise with an answer to our sin or the path that our mind and physical body can get back to this holy land halo and out of the third dimensional lock of the blind third eye. Here’s a key for those that are third eye aware the straightest part to center your pupil and correct your true north just flip your Third eye around and look until u see the light in the center the anchor east west and south to that true north on a planet off its access so pulled away from a true north healthy atmosphere . That’s why Christ was the North Star because the perspective so revelations of Christ are immaculate and lead to this holy land and North Star I’ve just exposed to u from ancient knowledge of man before the men of today’s .Â
That’s a gift take it or leave it but if u wanna be or know more about life and on supernatural levels take this to heart the church of Christ is nature and that’s why the stars are the Bible Christ preaches from .Â
Food for thought christ is vision amongst us so 20/20 is our current vision so it would be a pretty decent prediction that the second coming of Christ is where his vision and testimony of the stars ends at current perfect 2020 so the second coming of the full grown man Christ to lead to true north and halo to heavenly state of mind during life will be by year 2020 maybe a little earlier to start out but I bet by 2020 the world knows the truth and the miracle of the North Star and what’s inside when he opens up his perception and revelations to making the world a bette place . Â
Thanks for taking my perspective I full consideration if u read this far .Â
Do with it what u will but it brings me peace so I thought I would bread bread with u and share a little of what my blood bank is Frequenting my mind like a frequency and pushing me to share .