Goat Man!

One day my mom walked home late one night after her day at her high school was over. On the way home she passed the local hospital and the street was completely empty. Her parents were at home waiting for her to arrive.
Suddenly a black goat came out of nowhere and began to follow her. When she looked at him she noticed that that he had eyes like those of a human.. It didn't appear that anyone owned him because he didn't have any markings, tags or anything else that would indicate ownership and who it may have belonged to. He followed my mom all the way to her house! My grandparents were getting worried because it was so late. She walked to the entrance of the house and rang the doorbell. She told them that her friend had walked home with her. My grandparents thought that she had brought a boy home to meet them.
My grandpa went outside and the goat looked like it wanted to follow my mom into the house. My mom went inside and then my grandpa came out with a stick and began to chase him away, closed the door to the porch, and the goat tried to knock the door down with its horns! My mom never seen the goat every again after that day.
This may just be a story of a goat that was looking for some attention, but there's also lots of mysterious and unknown things that exist is Russia, much of which haven't been discovered yet, due to the fact that Russia is a VERY big country, with a small population for it's size (146 million people) so it is possible that it wasn't a "normal" goat.
-Location: Russia
Cliff's Mysteries: http://amzn.com/1507797818
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