heart strings

Once apon a time there existed a kingdom in the modern world that was filled with curses
The zone was known for a company that sold dreams for planetary service in helping others and apon a royal counsel set an elven knight who was a crone communing with 9 maidens
it was said she took her faithful horse everywhere across her journeys looking to reinstill a temple of lost spirits who felt large repression under which had been a religious unbitted war that had not stopped for thousands of years.
Once night amongst the cities chaos she met a boy who dreamed of the stars
And who beckoned her to come closer. She told him of a place within a star where she believed they could grant any wish or dream so he paid her a visit in her sleep not knowing she had been guarded for the last half a milieu by a grouchy dragon into tales much about debauchery who she was set to marry after being kidnapped from his bother and kin both of which had had exceled families and had whispered in secret about playing the world’s most dangerous game. She longed for world travel and had a bittersweet taste for culture and literature but had had to tiptoe quietly among mass groups of people her grandmother a tight penny pincher her grandfather a gambler who spoke of war and women her father a smart business man who had travelled the world and a neighboring uncle that of which had been her occasional company saying that he entertained the idea of the classical era. Amongst a rare group she'd yet to see a poker player become an angel and had an affiliation of a vampire who bleed her against the will of her mother and grandmother. He said he would protect her but only if she kept a horrible secret her former lover had told her that she would one day have to avenge his death with a longing of sincerity grace and true forgiveness despite what her family had viewed as short comings. The princess who was declared a queen by a soothingly man who wanted her to walk across a trial to buy him tobacco as she carried with her her companions and the hand of her partner the instilled a blessing as a flock of birds flew past them while she waved her hands. Then he said as he lit his tobacco king and queen
back then it had been so simple as somehow she was blessed with the clarity to know the thoughts of others but had strong obligations to defend those thoughts and desires,....All was well until the King fell ill she didn't understand the presence of malicious sprits that ran through a home where she took temporary aid and shelter
I am going to sleep with all the women in the courtyard of this country said the king
Is it for thy ritual that you heal them onst they take the warmth of your bed asked the queen yes he said looking over to a Conner sloppily covering his hand over his mouth
The queen said okay if that is your wish but see it that you have learned something
Countless women will not bring you happiness and my sister says you hath laid with her against her will and has put an evil curse of spider’s apon you. only you because I care not for your kingdom as a whole but all of its people as individuals many thieves are afoot and I cannot control who steals the secrets you have kept locked away in a white tower a black library filled with soot that tastes of ash a cave of violet stones and the red dessert to the northeast of our kingdom. All you tell me is lies he went on to say bellowing with his chalice still in his hand filled with freshly grapened wine. thyne only see the world through thy own eyes in your problem maybe you think these are lies because your yourself would do so. She picked up her gown and ordered her carriage to be escorted away from his kingdom and finally made a deal with a duke excavated to later become a prince. I'll help you tend to your lad and quarters try and be accepting of harsh words and brutal honesty relate to your family and our company with as much grace as possible
But you must consider the meaning of love and if you can love me then one day we will be something more I simply desire to enjoy another's company my needs are simplistic
And finding the joy in life is not hard but for me to help rebuild what my people have lost
Or that which remains of any followers we must find those pure of heart and judge not by the sword for the shedding of blood over such silliness is wrong. Her concurred to a certain degree and they began to formulate a plan as she wove a clock from spider silk that was said to be rare to keep her safe beechen the stars during her journeys as she took the young noble man to journey through the dessert.
She told of the tales of how the days of old and how there would be books filled with cobwebs of ancient sorcery and other mystical arts. The dragon had showed her a special library and allowed it to claim it of her own but as a maiden at the time they could never be despite the love being deep and true she left to find her king.
her families’ dowry and colonial trade had become more dry in the recent years but her plan was to embellish and evoke a new way of seeing for others to work but as she had been locked in a hemp tower over a hill that faced sunset at dawn and just remember present memories of the womenfolk and the woods amidst the night air and the library she said she would always return there as one day a rose thorn poisoned her and nearly killed her the dragon escorted her there to have her life spared in return her sources gave her much gold to pay for such deeds but now she worried of a plot to lock him in a tower and powdered if he felt the same emptiness and loneness of life. The library was such a beautiful place but having visitors there was rare and 2 dragons guarded the door shedding the blood of anyone who wished to use its books in vain. As they ventured through the dessert they met different groups of people asking apon which and whom needed help. It was rare but occasionally she found a trusted friend who was not a spy.
They say the heart strings of the king bellowed when she left
But she said there was nothing I could do he left me to be betrothed to a girl who ran over his left knee with a carriage and I attempted to heal him he refused to let me touch him.
When the sun and the moon were equal in the sky he said I cases to talk to him through spirit truly that's when I knew she said that me and the king were over
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