Hell to Heaven - Divergence

Rumbling. From the darkened earth. Trembling. From the shadowy terrain. Rippling. As the path diverged. Thundering. As a passage emerged…
A passage that lead into the obscurity of dusk.
The angel gazed into the unknown depths, uncertainty in her mind. She looked upon the forgotten realm, uneasiness in her eyes. Fear encroached upon her undying light, unwilling to surrender its hold. Pain attacked her unvanquished love, reluctant to negate its power…
And conflict emerged in her faltering heart, tearing at her spirit thine.
The angel saw a heartwrenching choice - of safety or darkness’ blight. She knew the protection of faith divine - the twilight path aright. She yearned for her sister’s presence - lost in the depths of night. Still she believed in destiny’s call - their future shining bright…
So she ventured towards the darkened path, eclipsed by the veil of midnight.
Lighting the way with her eternal faith, she assented to the curtains of shadow. Enlightening the path with her infinite grace, she consented to the encroach of dusk. Treading into the mouth of the abyss, she accepted the entrench of darkness. Striding into the gates of hell, she followed the incursion of twilight…
And upon her first step into the Midnight Passage, her light began to decline…
This was not meant to be.
“Father, why should I not save my sister…”
Her hurtful plaintive cry.
“It is not her time to be saved…”
The compassionate reply.
“I don’t want to bear my pain no longer…”
Her wounded tear-scarred words.
“As I bear the same pain as you…”
The patient peaceful pledge.
“You promised me that I will save her, but how you would not let me know…”
“For you are not ready to know…”
“Then how will I be able to heal her…”
“Rest now, and soon you shall know…”
The angel stopped at the divergence steep, and felt her longing true. The daughter remained at the cloven path, and heard her heartbreak due. She desired her sister’s return, more than the words of grace. She hoped for her beloved to turn, more than truth’s embrace…
And she yearned for an answer refined, more than the works of faith.
She knew the treachery of the shadows, the wickedness of darkness’s reign. She saw the evil of the abyss, the depravity of hell inane. Yet she knew not the future behold, the predestine presence of hope. She saw not the divine decree, the sovereign word of might…
And she doubted her calling, her place in eternity’s light.
A choice. Of pain or belief. A decision. Of fear or trust. A second. Of patience or compulsion. A moment. Of rest or temptation…
And she looked at her inner light, asking for a definite insight…
The response was the same.
She was not ready.
Then she reflected upon the heavenly temple, when the light declared she would rise. She remembered her sister’s beauty, holding her hand in paradise. She saw her beloved’s splendour, before her descending demise. She felt their divine victory, their destiny to realise…
And she knew she was willing, to fall for her sister to arise.
That was enough to make her ready.
So she hid her wings…
She dimmed her light…
And she advanced into the territory of night.
Artwork by Mirella Santana