Hell to Heaven - Lost

Standing at the Battlefield of Eternities, wielding her sword of flame - an angel gazed into the ashes, tears flowing down her cheeks. Stationed at the aftermath of war untold, grasping her shield of faith - a warrioress stared into the shadows, her eyes closed in sorrow. Her heart, still aching for the salvation of souls, bled from the wrath of the lower realm - a realm of bloodshed and hatred, a realm that received no relief. Her spirit, still fighting for the redemption of the Fallen, torn by the vengeance of the enemy - an enemy of darkness and rebellion, an enemy that knew no mercy…
An enemy that defied the light.
The angel wept, remembering when all of Creation was light. The innocent one sobbed, reminded of the beauty of the celestial sky. The entire universe, complete and whole, ascending in symphony divine. The undivided heavens, united as One, evolving in splendour sublime…
And as she looked at the forces of the enemy, the soul of heaven cried.
Scattered by the battalions of the angels, defeated by the power of heaven - legions dispersed in unrest forsaken, hungering for the souls of the slain. Reviled by the forces of justice, crushed by the authority of the angels - shades shifted in unquiet death, thirsting for the triumph of the abyss. Still they laid in their infernal scheme, refusing to bow to their binding fate - the fate of banishment to the lower realm, to the reign of separation and duality. Still they denied the power of salvation, resisting their inevitable sentence - the sentence of punishment in hell, of affliction in the fires of descension…
She knew the suffering of that reality.
She had seen the chains that enslave, the cords that bind the spirit. She had felt the corruption that deprives, the iniquity that corrodes the soul. Still she recognised the necessity for retribution, for the Fallen to understand their sin. Surely she perceived the need for judgement, for the descended to learn from their evil…
She did not want her friend to suffer.
She remembered when they were comrades in heaven, united by the beauty of their hearts. She recalled when they were angels of light, glorified in the majesty of the righteous. She reminisced their hopes and dreams, of ascension and love and family. She relived their passions and joys, of creativity and song and service…
And then, the darkness took her.
Tempted by the promise of power and lust, she left the safety of heaven. Persuaded by the lie of falsehood and desire, she renounced the sanctuary of the skies. Coerced by the Fallen, she joined the rebellion, twisting the destiny of the light. Compelled by the shadows, she chose the descended, forgetting the beauty of the Divine…
And she lost herself.
Possessed by the passions of the Fallen, she dived deeper and deeper into the darkness. Controlled by the desires of the forgotten, she descended further and further into the shadows. Deigned by the temptations of blindness, she sold her light for impurity. Clouded by the mists of infidelity, she traded her divinity for spite…
And then, she joined the legions of darkness in the War of Eternities.
The angel cried, thinking about her friend, whom must be condemned for her transgressions. She sobbed, still believing in mercy, for the forgiveness of rebellion. She prayed to heaven that her friend be saved, that she may have another chance. She begged the light that her beloved be moved, to hear the words of reconciliation…
And she collapsed, seeing her standing amongst the souls of the Fallen.
Recovering from her shock, she flew to her Fallen friend, her wings spread in angelic might. Believing in grace, she soared to her beloved, her hand outstretched in mercy divine. With uncertain hope, she descended next to her sister, her eyes brimming with tears of compassion. With decisive faith, she knelt before her companion, her heart beating with the promise of reunion…
And she screamed.
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