Hell to Heaven - Gone

She let go.
Falling, falling, into the expanses of darkness that surrounded the girth. Drowning, drowning, in the waters of shadow that filled the earth. Descending, descending, into the ashes of war that engulfed her whole. Dying, dying, to the violent forces that desired her spirit…
And she surrendered to the enemy, the enemy that had hungered for her soul.
The angel stood in silent terror, as her sister withdrew towards the legions of hell. She wept in helpless mercy, as her beloved retreated into the armies of the abyss. She grieved with heartache forsaken, as the dark one ventured into the presence of the forgotten. She sobbed with grace forlorn, as the lost one entered the realm of temptation…
And she fell onto her knees, as her kindred friend disembarked for the lies of the Fallen.
And there was silence.
The sky darkened in melancholy, drained by the aftermath of war. The heavens closed in lamentation, weary from the ruthlessness of conflict. The Divine turned away from the face of the earth, unable to tame her sorrow. Infinity averted the battlefield’s girth, incapable of bearing its woe…
But the loss of eternities did not matter.
Sophia was gone.
Ever gone.
But she had hope.
Weeping, pleading, the angel spoke to the sovereign light, asking for a way to save her sister. Broken, bleeding, she knelt before the heavens high, begging for the redemption of the Fallen. For in her heart, she could still feel, the bond between her lost friend and her soul. Within her hands, she could still hold, the love between her companion and her spirit…
And that meant, there was time.
There was time to save those who can be saved, to redeem the souls of the forgotten. There was time to descend as they have descended, to emphasise with their darkness. To sing for her beloved’s eternal soul, lost in the ashes of shadow. To fight for her sister’s destiny dire, condemned to the fate of the Fallen…
For as long as the power of faith would be alive…
She would live every day, dying for their return to heaven.
And dreaming of their future reunion, she prayed those words divine…
“Father, have mercy on her, for she knows not what she is doing…”
And she cried.
The angel opened her tearful eyes, waking from a nightmarish bliss. She touched her ever bleeding heart, still yearning to reminisce. She gazed at the twilight path, leading deeper into the abyss. She held onto the promise thine, that there was more to faith than this…
For she had sacrificed everything, to delve into this realm…
And all she had left was hope.
The hope that she may save the forgotten, and restore her sister divine. The longing to rescue the forgotten, and save her beloved from blight. The desire to connect with dying souls, and heal their broken hearts. The calling to emphasise with Fallen angels, and awaken them to their light…
But she did not want hope…
She wanted an answer.
“Father, will I save Sophia…”Â
She daringly asked the sovereign light.
“You sent me to save the Fallen, so equip me for this battle. My sister is my greatest love, with her I am safe. With her missing from my heart, I can never be free…
And why have you chosen me…”
The Father bowed down before his daughter, and told her those words true…
“Sophia will be saved through you, but how you are not ready to know. She indeed is your greatest love, and I love her as you do. I shall equip you for this battle, in ways you do not yet see…
And I have chosen you for your mercy, for your willingness to believe…”
The angel smiled.
“Then lead me to her. Please…”
And the light did.
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