"I am FISH" - Intro and Journey recap.

Hi all, Look this is just a shout out to the Cosmos and all the friends we have made over the last few years. Bit of a recap, A refresh. Takes 30 seconds to read. I`m figuring some stuff out. Can`t promise poetry for a bit. But the next... will be a big one for me.
I think I have learnt,
You got to have a reason for living.
Recently, I have lost mine.
My goals feel so far away, My social life is in tatters and My studies have lessened so I`m not even busy.
I feel as if I don`t have a purpose.
Thing is, the mind likes to fixate itself on the things we don’t have.
Rather than the things we do.
I know, we shouldn’t feel selfish. But we do. Like our needs matter less than the next person.
We shouldn’t feel bad for being human.
For having our ups and downs,
For looking inwards closely.
To be honest I know I`m still running.
I`m still learning.
Hell I`m still growing up.
But I wanted to thank Cosmos for always being here.
Letting me know I`m not alone.
We are just different.
So let’s be different together!
And I can tell you now,
There`s a big poem on its way.
One that I have wanted to write for ages.
But I never knew where to start.
Peace to you Cosmos!
I love you all so much…
Your friend Max.
Your Fish of the Sea.
Man oh man that was a release... Sorry about the photo... and if click-baited you... (Pun intended) I`m in good spirits. Soon be ready for the new poem. "I am FISH" Peace to you Cosmos. Thank you so much for always showing your support.
Looking forward to it Fish. We're all messed up in our own little way (maybe I speak for myself too much)
I certainly can't promise poetry myself.. it's just something that happens. Don't try to force it - you know my thoughts on that.
Try to chill out a bit and not put too much pressure on yourself. I have my own problems but I'm always here to talk if you need anything.
- SydÂ
Hi Syd... Yeah man... To be honest, maybe I do just need a rest. From Cosmos and in general. I feel mentally burnt out right now. Poetry is supposed to be a way of venting, but I think I have ended up trying to find the sources of my problems. And that just drives you round the bend...Â
Thanks so much Syd. You guys are great on Cosmos. Though I`m hoping to catch up with my friends and family over the weekend. Have a good one mate. Please, call me Max~
Max what a release that must of felt like. Opening up and just saying it like it is. Full respect. I am relieved to of read you do have plans to post. I say this cos I am a natural worrier and at first was concerned this was a last message. So am excited to read whatever you choose to share.Â
Just step back and take a breath. It’s okay to not be okay. We are taught so often that we shouldn’t feel down and we should be achieving things. But we are emotionally driven as a species. And emotions run on highs and lows. Both need validating. So if right now you feel you need to stop/slow down, assess your life or just accept that right now you aren’t ready. Then don’t push yourself to fit in. Life isn’t and should never be about moulding yourself into other people’s expectations. Just find your true self, live as it and be happyÂ
we are all routing for you here on Cosmo. You can always pm me if you ever want to offload or chat.Â
hugs my cyber friend from the sea đź’—
Your friendÂ
Gwen xÂ
Hi Gwen, thanks so much for your kind comment. Honestly, I think I`m just feeling a tad drained... Maybe I do need to take a break from the Cosmos. But I just wanted to say, thank you so much for your support. Though my writes are mostly self-reflective, you have always been there for me and shared your generous comments. Peace to you my friend. I`m hoping to catch up with friends and family over the weekend. Hopefully that`ll put me back in high spirits! Have a good one Gwen. Though when I do come back, I tell you I`ll allocate a bunch of time to comment~ Kind regards, your friend Max
Hi Max, I am pleased to hear you will be having time with family and friends. I do hope it helps and you can make some positive memories. They are the most precious things in life. Never any rush here. We will all be happy to know you are wellÂ
you friend Gwen xÂ
Ahhh they were Gwen. Sorry for joy responding for ages... I have found my voice. I have a lot of a catching up to do now. Smiles and peace to you Gwen. Talk soon.
Thank you Rob! Through thick and thin eh? Your support means a lot
Through the strongest waves and the calmest waters ;)Â
Thank you Jim... For saying I have a gift... Your support has meant the world to me
Max it amazes me that the simple act of writing can help us to gain comfort, heal, vent, express, laugh and be creative. I have been addicted to Cosmo since I found it and to the beautiful.like minded souls who grace it's pages. You are one such soul, finding your way, losing your way...writing it out just like the rest of us. Enjoy the journey Max, the outcome generally we have no control over. I am honoured to know such a lovely soul and interesting writer...hugs đź’•
Marion, bless you, I have no idea how I missed your comment before logging off and taking my break.. Your comment means so much to be and is absolutely true, poetry is really the purest art form, a way of expression, but as writers we have a deep personal connection to it. Maybe I dont know enough about other forms of art, but it poetry has always felt so personal to me. Thank you for your well wishes my friend, lets enjoy this journey together am I right? ;) Peace to you. Hugs swimming your way.
Hi, Max, an honest piece and a position I have often written myself (my self) out of (e.g. see the poems of the beginning of the year). Writing is such healing and it seems to me that you have found that path alreay long ago, though you were perhaps not aware of that. Keep pumping up the words, there are more of them hidden than useless oil... Hmm, there were some relevant lines somewhere about shoals of fish and coming to my senses, but I can find them quickly (written perhaps five or six years ago...). Poetry is a lighthouse, guiding you to safe havens if you just listen. Hugs are the pilots to get you past sandbanks or cliffs...
Hi John! Thanks so much for your kind comment, to be honest before my break I think I forgot that... Writing is supposed to be healing. I found that writing was doing more harm than good for me. Your support means so much to me. Like so many of the poets on the Cosmos, you are an inspiration and motivation for me. You have made me into the writer I am today. Peace to you John, I hope you are well my friend.
Sometimes Max is not easy in life, it'll throw a curve at everyone and we have to take it, on the chin, endure it. And get over any obstacle and we do, we persevere maybe slowly but arrive eventually.
And what greater catharsis is to be found in writing, the perfect tonic and escape relief, to lose oneself, to immerse oneself in imagination without any fixed borders.
So hang in there Max and the old adage of one day at time or even one therapeutical poem at a time can hopefully work wonders, hopefully.
I wish you well my friend and its good to let off steam rather than suppress it, all part of being human and a poet.
Hi Shaun! Thank you so much for your kind words. When I wrote this poem, I was at the tail end of a dark time... These days I feel a million times better. But it wouldn't have been the case without the outstanding and brilliant support from all the poets on the Cosmos. And I agree, there will always inevitably be challenges in life. Thank you, Shaun, your generosity and uplifting spirit motivate me, to write and grow. Your words mean so much~ Sincerely, your friend Max~